July 2022



Why is pity a vice? Because it infects. Depressing emotions are infectious.

Let Your Physique Develop Naturally

Only do exercises and lifts which you personally enjoy doing. Don’t do any sort of exercises only for the sake of developing a “certain muscle group“.

For example, don’t just do shoulder presses in order to build impressive shoulder muscles. Also, don’t do boring abdominal workouts just for building up your abs.


For example, initial success of Migos was through unique approaching sound. Now, it is no longer novel. Unless Migos does something radically new, they will not remain relevant.

However, a better example is Kanye West. A man who is constantly inventing and reinventing himself. Kind of like a David Bowie.

Also, the downside of Apple is that they are just rehashing the same formulas, over and over again.

Same thing with Lamborghini; they’re just relying on the past innovations of Marcelo Gandinhi, who first innovated with the Lamborghini Countach and the scissor doors. Let us also remind ourselves that Lamborghini is owned by Volkswagen; an old company that is more interested on profit maximization and efficiency, rather than radical innovation. Do not get suckered by Aldie, or even mentally; both which are owned by Volkswagen as well. Same thing goes with Ducati, and also Bugatti.


Surprisingly, going to the gym, and not listening to music is a great way to come out with interesting thoughts.

Also, while you’re working out, you’ll come up with lots of interesting ideas. My theory is that the hormonal rush you get from lifting weights is intimately tied with creative ideas.


The ancient Greek ideal.

For example, women could care less about your car, or even how rich you are, your clothes or muscles.

Even with muscles, and weightlifting, it seems that for us men, the only people who is really impressed by it is other men.

For example, how much you could deadlift or squat; only other men care about this.

Even with your car; perhaps it is best for you to get a car to impress other guys, flex on other guys, and disregarding what do you think other women will think of your car.

Thus, what is the car that is most likely to impress other men? Perhaps a McLaren, or a Lamborghini with the scissor doors.


For example, my great personal pride in being the first person I’ve ever seen deadlift 475 pounds without a belt, or straps. Also, doing the deadlift without any music, and also doing it fasted, not even anything for breakfast or lunch.

Also squatting 385 pounds with no belt or silly knee straps.

Barbell Portability

Perhaps the best is to just have an uber-powerful desktop at home, and just travel with an iPad or iPad Pro?


All black everything.

No branding. As few layers of clothes as possible. Merino wool.


Jealousy is bad, envy is good. The strong man looks at the great strength of others, with great admiration. This motivates him.

However, the weak man sees the greater strength of others, and feels petty jealousy. He thinks that the stronger man is somehow “cheating“. Whereas in reality, the weak man sees his self esteem lower in witnessing the sight of someone else stronger.

Jealousy is thinking that somehow the gains of others takes away from your own gains, zero sum. Envy is when you look at someone else, and you aspire to become as strong as them. Once again, jealousy is bad, envy is good.

Becoming a Photographer

Eric Kim flex
VLOG: Becoming a Photographer

becoming a photographer open source video download

What does it mean to be a photographer? Being a photographer means the camera is your way to engage with, interact with, and interpret the world around you.

Why the notion of becoming?

I’m starting to think and believe that progress, and “getting better“ at something is too soft of a concept. Why? It is mostly a post industrial one, in which we are trying to use numbers, and other quantitative measures to rank one another. The ethos behind that is a new religion; the defecation of numbers, or data. For example, the underlying ethos behind Google and a lot of tech companies is if data doesn’t prove it, it is not substantial.

However, to live in life in which you are just relying on data is a cowardly one. Why? I think the reason why people rely on numbers so much is that they lack faith in themselves. Rather than pursuing their own inner artistic ingenuity, like Steve Jobs, people just allay their responsibility and outsource the risk to “control groups“, or “focus groups“. There is no focus group on earth that would have initially approved Steve Jobs‘s vision of the iPhone without having a physical keyboard. Remember just a decade ago when Blackberry phones with the physical keyboard was all the rage? And when the iPhone first came up with a touch keyboard, how much criticism and critique it got? Or when Steve Jobs first made the iPad, how much hate mail he got for not having USB ports?

Detaching yourself from numbers

In today’s world, I believe that one of the best ways to become more courageous, is a “via negativa” (Taleb) one.

For example, acts of subtraction makes one more courageous. Or acts of deletion make one more courageous.

For example, physically deleting, and permanently deleting files on your computer takes great courage. Or permanently deleting email, instead of archiving it and hoarding it forever. How funny is it that we millennials disdain how our parents hoard all of this physical junk in their garage is, yet we hoard all of our data on the cloud.

Therefore, a great act of courage you could do is just delete your Instagram.

Nowadays, I think having an Instagram is almost akin to saying you go to McDonald’s. Everyone has one, thus you should have one. But then again 80% of America is obese, should you? Most people drink Coca-Cola; should you? Most people prefer to drink a Starbucks Frappuccino; should you?

When is it wise to take the harder road?

Another strange bias we have in America is that the more difficult the path, the harder is, the more virtuous it is. However, I believe this to be quite foolish. Maybe then it would be more virtuous for us to use a horse and carriage instead of an automobile car.

As for us photographers, perhaps the most basic thing we could learn actually how to do is how to build and maintain our own website and blog. Our own self hosted domain. Yes, there is some level of technical difficulty which is required of us, yet it is still a quadrillion times easier than learning how to code.

For example, I only know the basics of FTP, website domain hosting stuff, HTML, etc. I know the purest basics to just get done what I need to get done. But beyond that, I have no idea. I have no idea how to hand code my own website; I prefer to just use templates. And no, learning how to self build your own website by hand is not virtuous. I recently had a conversation with an aspiring artist hipster who said he wanted to learn how to build his own website from hand, but in reality, my sense was he was making zero progress on it. That for him, it was kind of more of an aspirational one, rather than a true reality he desired to pursue.

And this is the thing; striving to take the harder path for the sake of the harder path prevents one from actually doing it. This is why artistically and creatively, I believe it very wise to use templates, and the simplest method and technique possible. This is even why in photography, I think knowing the purest basics of photography is all we need. For example, exposure compensation, shooting in JPEG, program mode, that is all we need.

Simple is more productive

“Productivity isn’t the point of life” (often said by unproductive people)

I make a distinction behind true productivity, and superficial productivity.

Superficial productivity is just mindlessly checking your email 1000 times a day. Or checking things off your to do list. True productivity is having the courage to only focus on your most essential tasks, first thing in the morning.

As photographers, our desired end goal is to make new photos. Not to sit on our laurels. In fact, I believe the demise of Henri Cartier Bresson was that he became too successful. That within his own lifetime, he became too much of a legend, in which it suffocated him. He then believed that he couldn’t any longer match his old skills, or his old photographs, and does he retreated and retired into drawing and painting. His former self frightened him, and he lost the energy to go on.

This is not the way. The proper way is to actually see your past self as a weaker and inferior version of yourself, and believing the present and the future of yourself as superior.

Reminiscing on the past is not good

What is romanticism? Believing that the most superior version of things were in the past. Having no or zero faith in the present or the future.

Who are the great innovators and entrepreneurs? Those who disdain the past, and rather glorify the present moment and the future. Therefore, more virtuous to be a futurist than to be a retrospective one.

For example, Kanye West. Also, Elon Musk.

Take the simple path

The simplest path is often the wisest path, and requires the most courage. Also it is the most productive one.

For example, my current simple set up for photography is Ricoh GR 3X, extra small JPEG, high contrast black-and-white, program mode, auto focus. iPad Pro and USB-C to SD card adapter, and just importing photos into Apple photos on my iPad, favorite my favorite photos, and just uploading them to my blog. This is my current eternal creative return.

In just continuing this progress, and recognizing that all progress is flux. To me, progress is not advancement, or getting better at something. It is simply just doing it. To keep doing it.

Motivation in photography

Currently speaking, I am the most motivated photographer I know. Why is this? First of all, I don’t have an Instagram, and I do not upload my photos to social media. I have disabled all comments, stats, likes, and metrics of “external success“. I have already achieved all markers of traditional successes in photography, and it no longer interests me. Also, in my mind I am a billionaire (Billionaire Mindset YouTube Video) // Billionaire Mindset Podcast.

Then, what is the Brave New World of Photography, photography success, and photography motivation?

Photography blogging.


  1. First of all, you own your own digital domain. I believe that blogging your photos is 1000 times more robust than printing them hardbound. Also, 1000 times cheaper and faster. To simply pay your own website domain hosting is by far the greatest investment you can make as a photography entrepreneur.
  2. Second, flux. Websites are all about change. And there are always constantly new technical improvements to websites and blogs. For example, I have used the wordpress.org backend for my website and blog for over the last decade, and it keeps getting better over time. Consider this to Facebook, which gets worse over time.
  3. Third, I trust Google to store my photos forever. For example, one thing I like about amp.dev (Google AMP, accelerated mobile pages) is knowing that frankly speaking, Google will do a better job of cataloguing all of my images for future prosperity. Google AMP plugin for WordPress is good. I simply put the Google AMP plugin mode to “Reader” mode, so when people Google my website on mobile, they get the Accelerated Google AMP version of it. Google Images is good. And therefore the upside of uploading photos to your own WordPress media library, and blogging them to public is that Google will store your photos probably indefinitely somewhere on their cloud and servers. To give your own personal photos freedom is good.
  4. Fourth, you can infinitely edit, re-edit, shuffle, and re-shuffle your photos. To simply re-edit, re-organize, or republish your photos is also a creative act.
  5. Fifth, zero friction. I know in the past, one of my greatest impediments to my photography progress was thinking too much in Adams. Printed things take forever, digital things take nanoseconds.
  6. Ironically enough, the Internet is still the future. Web 5. In fact, I believe the interest in crypto, is actually an Internet one. Why? If you think about cryptocurrency, and Bitcoin, the whole concept is that your money is on the Internet, and can be proved anywhere on the Internet. Blockchain is essentially a unified digital Internet ledger. So when we talk about “Blockchain“, it is just a new way of talking about the Internet and the “world wide web”. Crypto is simply a more honest internet.

What now?

Action and reaction. This is our ethos. I believe more in action than I believe in progress. Why? Notions of progress are still backed in data, and need to be qualified by some sort of external measure. Action is a physical one. Even observing Seneca grow, he is more interested in action and reaction, than anything else.

So some simple actions you can do in your photography today, now:

  1. Always photograph all of your food, your morning coffee, and always keep your Ricoh GR camera in your front right pocket. ERIC KIM WRIST STRAP.
  2. Whenever possible, always opt to travel. If you have the option of traveling, and not traveling, opt to travel.
  3. Anything that gets you out of the house is good. For example, maybe it is a virtuous thing for you to get out of the house, go out and eat, go to the local restaurant bar or coffee shop, and “waste money“. Why? Perhaps moving forward, we should simply see money as a privilege to leave your house. Why? When you leave your house it requires money. But, money as your turbo charger to explore and interact with embodied reality is good.
  4. Get iPad. Anyone and everyone can afford an iPad now. Even if you’re on a budget, just buy the cheapest one. I still believe that an iPad is the best digital tool, and the best piece of technology you could purchase for your photography. Far more than any camera, lens, or other technology equipment.
  5. Just JPEG IT. JPEG is the future.
  6. Blog it. Blog your photos of today, today. To your own website blog.
  7. For feedback, upload your photos to arsbeta.com
  8. WHY? Question yourself and your photo ethos by asking yourself the Why? question at least five times.
  9. Buy Books, Not Gear: When in doubt, just buy a new photo book, instead of that new piece of equipment. Books by KIM // HAPTIC INDUSTRIES.
  10. Write your own thoughts and share them with others. Start your own email newsletter (sendy.co) and disperse your thoughts with others. Also check out my Photography Entrepreneurship Udemy Online Video Course.

Shoot your future

Our new motto.

We have no idea what the future holds for us. But shoot through your life, and shoot through your photos. Photography flux forever.



Become yourself in photography >


  2. ERIC KIM NECK STRAP: For the reckless
  3. ERIC KIM WRIST STRAP: Conquer the streets


What to read

  1. The Iliad — PDF
  2. Publilius SyrusARCHIVE.ORG // PDF

What I’m into now

  1. Back into the gym. Squats (YouTube 385 pounds). Deadlift — chasing the 5 plates.
  2. Ready to go to Cambodia, phnom penh for the summer. Also South Korea. DISCOVER YOUR SEOUL ERIC KIM WORKSHOP
  3. Thinking a lot about the philosophy of clothes — how to wear the minimum amount of clothes possible. No socks. Vibram 5 finger shoes (no straps). No shirt. Trying to figure out the ideal and perfect shorts (black short shorts). Testing shorts with zippers in the front, but ultimately realized I don’t like zippers on the front pockets, because it adds too much friction when taking things out of my pocket (RICOH GR IIIX or GOPRO)
  4. Having fun vlogging random stuff on my GoPro Hero 10! Not using a case or any attachment accessories with it, and just keeping it in my front left pocket always. 1000x more fun than shooting videos on iPhone. Highly recommend everyone to get GoPro.

Share the wealth

If this gave you any interesting new turbo thoughts, feel free to forward to a friend!



No blame

Why is it that we’re always trying to blame others? My theory:

When we blame others, we get a little dose of pleasure of making ourselves feel more superior.

I say this is base and unbecoming of ourselves.

For others, just remain silent. You are entitled to think what you think, but verbally — remain silent.

No need to blame or even worse — “explain” the behavior of others. Better to just observe and learn the cause and effect of the “degenerate” actions of others and its effect, rather than the moralizing which goes behind it.


selfie ERIC KIM talking vlog

Your Own Personal Code of Ethics

  1. Ignorance Takes Courage
  3. Don’t give people what they want or what you *think* they want, give them what you think they *should* have.
  4. Anti Small
  5. Disdain or Admiration?
  6. Beware Those With Good Intentions
  10. The Motive of Criticism
  11. Ethics are Social
  12. Anti Role Models
  13. What is Greed?
  14. On Having the Courage to Make Your Own Decisions
  15. How *NOT* to Get Duped or Suckered
  16. Why Help Others?
  17. The Duty of the Strong
  18. Why I’m So Intolerant Towards Intolerance
  19. The Ethics of Criticizing Others
  20. Consult Your Own Conscience
  21. The Ethics of Shit Talking
  22. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  23. I’m Easily Distracted
  24. On Forming Your Own Opinion
  25. ERIC KIM Philosophy of Tolerance
  26. Tolerance
  27. Aesthetics are Ethics
  28. Morality and Ethics


Selfie Eric Kim eye

Perhaps the road to greatness, and becoming the best version of yourself is to become more courageous — not being afraid to displease others. A life in which you are just trying to please others is a slave one.



Something I have realized; there are some things which are created with soul, and some things which are not. What is the difference?

Things which are created with soul are done with extreme pride, love, and intention from the creator. Ethos behind creating some thing is that the creator wants to create something insanely great, to benefit others and the world.

There are other things which are created, which are either only created for a profit (let us say the “new” Lamborghini Countach), or things which are created to satisfy a contract (most of the new popular music, or rap or hip-hop music).

Reckless innovation

The last Apple product I have purchased in used which I feel like is infused with great passion and soul is the iPad Pro. Why? It is a very niche product, that not a lot of people will buy, but for the diehard creators, it is a godsend.

One of a kind

Taking it back to design, I feel like concept designs, and one off things are often done with soul.

The most extreme

Like Nietzsche said, the “grand style” doesn’t desire to please. It disdains to please.

For example, I really love the design of the Lamborghini Sian — I feel like the designers of the car were just like big kids, who wanted to make the most extreme design, to please their inner souls, and the limits of design and engineering.

Is it just a rebranded product?

For example, the Lamborghini Urus is just like an Audi Q8 with a body kit and stronger engine.

Or also how to Lamborghini Huracan V10 engine is eerily similar to the Audi R8.

Why did you make it?

One of the things I love about the branding of Lululemon is that on their product label, they say why they made it. This is great, because it shows the intention of the creators.

Self motivated creations

The Right Road

You know you’re doing something right when people start to criticize, critique, or question you, or are confused by you and your behavior.


back flex

Ever since I was a kid, muscles were hugely fascinating to me. Why?

First of all, any human being can increase their muscle (skeletal) mass.


How I Stir Fry 100% Grass-Fed Ground Beef at Home

Ground beef (ideally grass fed ground beef). Just stop by the local market, whether organic or not, and I like buying it fresh — easier to cook.

It seems the easiest is to just use a big non-stick pot, and just stir fry it all (2 pounds or more).

The spices I like:

  • Cayenne
  • Turmeric
  • Indian Curry Powder
  • Paprika
  • Black pepper
  • Salt
  • Garlic Powder
  • Onion Powder

Then just pour it all in a big bowl, and enjoy with kimchi, or mustard!


ERIC KIM SQUAT PR (385 Pounds) / GOPRO POV WORKOUT POWERLIFTING (No Belt, No Knee Wraps) / Chalk


Why I like to squat:

The reason I don’t believe in knee wraps, or belts:

It seems most people just do this out of fear. Fear of ‘hurting yourself’ (belt). Or fear of hurting your knees (knee wraps).

How chalk is useful

I like putting chalk on the hand grip area, and on the shoulder area (less likelihood of slippage). I also do the ‘back squat’ form, having the bar not directly on my neck, but a little further back. Also I use the ‘suicide grip’ (don’t use thumbs to grasp the bar).

Observation and Behavior

We act differently, and do things differently when we know we are being observed, or when we think we are being observed, also when we are recording ourselves, or being recorded, or we think we’re being recorded.

How to Restore Your Strength

One of the greatest sacrifices you make as a parent, especially a new parent, in the early days is your own physiological strength and health. In the early days of your kids life, I akin it to trench warfare. However, now that Seneca is about a year and a half old, my strength and health has mostly come back. How?

First of all, sleep training. Sleep training is the number one game changer for parents, now Seneca sleeps like a champ from 7 PM to 7 AM every single night. The way we were able to sleep train him was essentially just let him cry it out. Also physical activity — I take Seneca to the park at least twice a day.

Also ironically enough, going to the gym again and restarting my gym membership was key. After one rep max attempts at the gym and deadlift and squats, and then going to all you can eat Korean barbecue, I slept like I was shot with horse tranquilizer. Or elephant tranquilizer. And getting great sleep is the number one essential thing for you to focus on to restore your strength.


The ethos about powerlifting is more about personal self discovery and strength testing. For example, that which motivates me is a simple curiosity of my personal strength, and how strong I could become.

Also, how far my courage can stretch and grow upwards!



A thought: it seems that the ultimate luxury we have is the luxury of ease of mind.

The misconception is that people think that Spartans were spartan for the sake of being Spartan. However, this is not the case. Spartans organize their society to ensure the maximal amount of personal freedom in their lives. Thus, a life focused on military exercises, because ultimately when push comes to shove, it is the strength of a nations military which ensures their freedom.

How did the Spartans achieve this? They had the helots to do their hateful labor, and focused their life on military exercises, and other manly things.

Then the question becomes: how do we actually focus our life to create a new modern day Sparta?

I think the first step is to become self-employed, becoming an entrepreneur. Then getting into powerlifting.

Also, disregard for soft concepts like “saving the planet”. Focus and self determination on one’s own self development.

As a practical thought, don’t focus on “minimalism”. Rather, simple Spartan austerity as a form of *strengthening*, not *weakening*. Many people who follow minimalism are weak— both physically and soulfully.

Spartan tools

  1. iPhone SE
  2. iPad Pro
  3. Vibram 5 finger shoes
  4. All black everything attire
  5. No car
  6. No home ownership
  7. Costco business membership for meat


A more minimalist approach to things.


The liberating mentality I get, when I give it my all, at a one rep max, with no fear. If I’m just not strong enough, I feel great. I know this just means that I will eat more meat, take a few days off, and just try again.

The simple: just never fall out of practice.

For with powerlifting, a powerlifter is only happy when they attempt a new one rep max. When they attempt a new personal record. Meeting goals is actually not what we want.

The possibility or potentiality for a greater personal record in the future is what we desire.

Perhaps this is also what entrepreneurs desire; not necessarily to make a bunch of money, or to meet any certain business goals, but the promise of always having some sort of future advancement or gains.

Entertaining vs Boring Colors

Boring colors — the neutral ones. Black, white, grey, silver, etc.

Entertaining colors: hyper orange, neon green, blood red, sun yellow.

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