Photography as the Ultimate Artistic Form of Self-Expression

Why is photography great?

Why idea:

We can transform our “normal” reality into something super-natural — something greater.

Photography shouldn’t look like “real life”

Tokyo, 2018

An epiphany when I realized that I like extreme post-processing:

The point of photography isn’t to make reality look like reality. The point is to TRANSFORM reality to reflect YOUR own artistic vision!

Tokyo, 2018

For the most part, ‘reality’ is boring. We accustom ourselves to the everyday world around us easily, and we tire of our environments, our material possessions, and ourselves!

But how do we prevent ourselves from getting bored of ourselves? Not by purchasing new things– but by TRANSFORMING our everyday reality into something greater– something more beautiful, artistic, colorful, and varied.

Tokyo, 2018

Traveling isn’t enough

Kyoto, 2018

I notice that a lot of my best photos are shot while I’m traveling. Why?

My theory:

When you’re traveling, you just tend to walk around more, and shoot more photos! It isn’t necessarily that foreign environments are “better” than your home environment. It is that when you’re abroad, you walk more, see more, and shoot more!

Furthermore when you’re traveling, you tend to be in a more adventurous mindset. You don’t just keep going to the same places, you go to NEW places, explore NEW neighborhoods, or you just spend more time outside of your home.

Kyoto, 2018 #cindyproject
Kyoto, 2018 #cindyproject

Look closer.

Kyoto, 2018

This is what I like about photographing textures and up-close macro photos:

You can shoot interesting photos almost anywhere and everywhere.

Furthermore, if you photograph textures and colors– you’re just like an abstract painter. Thus you are less dependent on traveling and seeing new ‘exotic’ things. You can find beauty almost anywhere and everywhere.

Little Saigon, 2018
Little Saigon, 2018

Creative flourishing

To me, ‘happiness’ is creative flourishing. Which means:

  1. Constantly creating new art
  2. Constantly evolving as an artist
  3. Constantly innovating in your approach, your techniques, and your aesthetics

It means making the best out of any situation. You can be a productive photographer-artist in the suburbs, while traveling, or around your workplace.

Shoot videos as well

And don’t just trap yourself in the photographic ghetto. You can also shoot videos as a form of creative self-expression (I see video as just an extension of photography. Video as ‘moving photos’. Just shoot video on your digital camera (like the above video shot on Fujifilm XF10).

Tokyo, 2018. Still photo from MIS-STEP music video (Lumix G9)

In-fact, I think the future of photography is video. Of course we will never stop shooting still photos, but the idea is we will shoot BOTH still photos AND videos (moving photos). For example on the Lumix G9 (and lots of Micro 43rd cameras), you can shoot still photos WHILE recording videos!

Kyoto, 2018. Still photo shot while recording video on Lumix LX100

Never stop shooting and innovating!

Tokyo, 2018 #cindyproject

The future of photography is bright. We have so many phenomenal new technologies being invented. Let us channel all of this dopeness, and thrive to the NEXT LEVEL as photographers and visual artists!





Discover more personal meaning in your photographic life with my course: PHOTOLOSOPHY >

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