Cindy walking blur

Why Do We Like Hiking?

If you want the best and happiest life, perhaps hiking must be a part of your lifestyle regimen:

Theory on why we like hiking:

With a difficult enough hike, you must focus on hiking and it is the only thing you can do. 

And when you hike on a difficult enough trek, you cannot think about anything else besides your next step. 

Also, the mind opening effect of open spaces.

We were designed to hike

Perhaps also another thing is this: it seems that the reason why humans are bipeds is that it allows us to traverse difficult and rough terrain. Being able to exercise your hiking abilities is to exercise your depth perception, your calf muscles, your back, your hips, and all the other muscles which require coordination while standing upright. So perhaps for optimal health and well-being, perhaps we must hike at least every once in a while. Or else our bodies would atrophy.

And also something I read in Nassim Taleb’s “Antifragile” book is how after a spinal injury, instead of listening to his doctor to do an invasive spinal surgery, he opted for hiking and weight lifting instead and healed himself. So perhaps if you’re suffering from back pain, knee or hip pain, or even foot pain … ironically enough hiking might heal your ailments.

And also assuming that happiness, wellness and optimal health is our goal, hiking MUST be a part of our physical exercise regiment.

Health is the Ultimate Wealth

side face selfie ERIC KIM muscle flex 00026-resized
Biological Health and Happiness

Health is the Ultimate Wealth

side face selfie ERIC KIM muscle flex 00026-resized
Biological Health and Happiness

Become the best version of you

  1. Metabolism
  2. Diet, Health, and Fitness for Photographers
  3. My Experience Eating Only One Meal a Day
  4. How to Get Cut.
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