Month: July 2018

  • Boston Street Photography 2018 #ricohmafia

    Boston Street Photography 2018 #ricohmafia

    RICOH GR II in JPEG positive film preset, with Lightroom iPad additional contrast processing:

  • Please Steal my Photos! #opensource

    Please Steal my Photos! #opensource

    Why do I keep all my photos open source, and free for you to download and “steal”?

  • The Silver Rule of Ethics: Don’t Do Unto Others as You Wouldn’t Want Others to Do Unto You

    The Silver Rule of Ethics: Don’t Do Unto Others as You Wouldn’t Want Others to Do Unto You

    Ethics is a tricky business. There are no ultimate ethics which apply to everyone, nor should there. A good rule of ethics is the silver rule: don’t do unto others as you don’t want others to do unto you. #zenoferic

  • Create Your Own Business and Job For Yourself

    Create Your Own Business and Job For Yourself

    Dear friend, I’m quite convinced: one of the keys to “true” happiness in joy in life is to be self-employed; to NOT have a boss– to work for yourself, according to your own schedule; to essentially create your own business and job for yourself. #entrepreneurship

  • Photo Essay

    Photo Essay

    An essay means (in French), an “attempt”. A photo essay is attempting to tell a story or show a certain perspective of something through photographs!

  • Right Now is Your Final Call!

    Right Now is Your Final Call!

    You got your personal power To give you the strength to Hustle hard, hour after hour

  • Osaka x Uji Street Photography 2018

    Osaka x Uji Street Photography 2018

    RICOH GR II jpeg in high contrast positive film JPEG setting, and some work the LUMIX Lx100:

  • ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER #2: Life Update from Saigon, New SUITS Print Book, and New Orleans Workshop!
  • My Top 10 Simple Joys in Life

    My Top 10 Simple Joys in Life

    Insofar much as I know, true “happiness” in life is eliciting more joy, meaning, and purpose in our lives. I don’t have the answer for others, but I know (some) of the answers for myself:

  • Anti Optimization in Life

    Anti Optimization in Life

    In today’s crazy technological world, we are always trying to “optimize” our lives. But what does “optimize” really even mean, and is it actually something desirable, to have the most optimized life?

  • Soul Street Photography

    Soul Street Photography

    Dear friend, I think what we’re trying to do in street photography is capturing the souls of others, as well as reflecting our own soul in the photos we make.

  • Via Negativa Photography

    Via Negativa Photography

    Some practical #photolosophy thoughts— don’t seek to add in your photography, seek to SUBTRACT from your photography, in order to make better photos, be less distracted, and to distill more purpose and meaning into your photography and life!

  • Cultivate Your Own Culture

    Cultivate Your Own Culture

    Dear friend, The cool thing about life: our future is not pre-determined. We have the power to change our own future, by creating our own culture, or even importing parts of culture from other places on earth (or cultures from past history), for you to become the most epic you possible!

  • New HAPTIC Notebooks Available!

    New HAPTIC Notebooks Available!

    New HAPTIC Notebooks available. Contact Cindy at and tell us which cover you like!

  • What Are You Designed to Do?

    What Are You Designed to Do?

    A philosophical inquiry: what were you designed to do in your life? Or in more precise words, what do you wish to designate yourself to do in life? #zenoferic

  • Friendly-Aggressive Technique in Street Photography and Life

    Friendly-Aggressive Technique in Street Photography and Life

    I’m often criticized for being to aggressive in real life; but for myself, I see myself as “friendly-aggressive”.

  • PHOTO JOURNAL: Mobile Edition Now Live!

    PHOTO JOURNAL: Mobile Edition Now Live!

    Dear friends, I am super excited to share that PHOTO JOURNAL: Mobile Edition is now live!



    New batch of photos from Saigon, shot on Lumix G9 RAW (processed with VSCO a6 preset), and some LX100 photos:

  • 10 Street Photography Travel Tips

    10 Street Photography Travel Tips

    If you’re shooting street photography while on the road, here are some practical tips I’ll give you (advice I wish I could have given myself:

  • How to Gain More Willpower

    How to Gain More Willpower

    Will power: the power of our will to enact change which we desire to see in reality / the power to create things we desire to create! #entrepeneurship

  • 10 Photography Project Tips

    10 Photography Project Tips

    To promote my first print photo book, SUITS, I wanted to share some personal lessons and tips on working on your own photography project.



    Dear friend, I was philosophizing about life, entrepreneurship, and risk-taking with my sister ANNETTE KIM, and I asked her– what keeps potential artists from continuing what they do? Annette told me — perhaps because people lose encouragement? Or they become discouraged? But what does it really mean to be discouraged? What does it mean to…

  • Preorder SUITS Print Book (First Edition Limited to 30 Signed Copies)!
  • Visual Sociology

    Visual Sociology

    I shoot photos because for me, it is applied visual sociology; I can use the camera as my research tool to analyze, critique, and hopefully change society.



    Color photos with RICOH GR II in JPEG, processed with ERIC KIM KYOTO preset.

  • Social Media Treadmill

    Social Media Treadmill

    Dear friend, I think a lot of us fall victim to a “social media treadmill”; we seek to get more and more followers for the sake of it; without really knowing or asking, “Why?”

  • Part 5 (Final): Matrix Cinematography and Philosophy

    Part 5 (Final): Matrix Cinematography and Philosophy

    This is our last installation for the cinematography and philosophy of the Matrix film:



    And now the Trumpets terribly from far, / With rattling Clangor, rouse the Sleepy War. / The Soldiers Shouts succeed the Brazen Sounds, / And Heaven, from Pole to Pole, the Noise rebounds. – Virgil

  • Take the Red Pill!

    Take the Red Pill!

    Take the red pill Disregard the 1s and 0s of the dollar bills Follow what’s real and true to you

  • Introduction to Practical Philosophy

    Introduction to Practical Philosophy

    I don’t concern myself with metaphysics or any other “pie in the sky” type of philosophy. I’m only interested in practical philosophy — wisdom that can help us live a better life today, with more meaning, purpose, and direction. If you’re curious like me, this is an introduction for you. #zenoferic

  • RICOH GR II Monochrome

    RICOH GR II Monochrome

    Shot on RICOH GR II, RAW, and ERIC KIM MONOCHROME 1600 preset:

  • What’s Your Prime Mover in Life?

    What’s Your Prime Mover in Life?

    What’s your prime mover in life? Or in Latin, your “primum movens” in life?

  • Thrivival


    Dear friend, A fun concept I came up with: don’t think of mere survival; think of “thrivival” (a life of thriving). #zenoferic

  • Avoid Boredom at All Costs!

    Avoid Boredom at All Costs!

    Dear friend, A practical life philosophy: to live a more fun, joyful, and exciting life, avoid boredom at all costs! #zenoferic

  • STREET CLUB Summer School 2018 Assignment #1: Cafe Photo Composition Feedback

    STREET CLUB Summer School 2018 Assignment #1: Cafe Photo Composition Feedback

    Congrats to everyone who participated in STREET CLUB #1: Cafe. Week 2 Assignment now live: PARK Assignment. Read more to see some photo feedback I gave on composition:

  • Weegee Dynamic Flash Street Photography Compositions

    Weegee Dynamic Flash Street Photography Compositions

    Weegee: the master of flash, multiple subjects with flash, as well as social-documentary/reportage in street photography. Some of my favorite photos of his, painted compositions with iPad screen capture tool. Note: this post contains nudity and might be NSFW.

  • Iliad Illustration Compositions

    Iliad Illustration Compositions

    From the Iliad. I was reading an ebook PDF of the Illiad, and came across these epic compositions in the book. Worth studying — note the balanced yet dynamic compositions, the position of the subjects, the curves, etc:

  • How to Create Wealth

    How to Create Wealth

    Dear friend, A philosophical and economical question I’m having with myself, in regards to entrepreneurship, business building, and benefitting yourself/society; how do we create wealth? What is “wealth”?

  • Shamelessly Steal from Anything or Anyone Who Inspires You!

    Shamelessly Steal from Anything or Anyone Who Inspires You!

    A thought when studying Nietzsche: with evolution and animals, they’re ruthless. They “steal” the useful adaptations from other animals, and incorporate these behaviors or attributes to themselves. Which made me wonder– as artists, shouldn’t we do the same?

  • Why I Love the Photography of Weegee

    Why I Love the Photography of Weegee

    I’ve recently started to re-study the work of Weegee, and I’m so inspired by his work.

  • PENTAX 645Z Digital Medium Format x VSCO

    PENTAX 645Z Digital Medium Format x VSCO

    Photos shot on Digital Medium Format by Pentax 645z and processed in VSCO Mobile preset on iPad Pro 10.5 inch:

  • Timeless Philosophy Lessons Isocrates Has Taught Me

    Timeless Philosophy Lessons Isocrates Has Taught Me

    Isocrates: another master of wisdom who can benefit us with his wise thoughts. For more inspiration, pick up ZEN OF ERIC

  • VSCO


    Shot on phone, and processed with the VSCO mobile app:

  • Surrealism Street Photography

    Surrealism Street Photography

    Much of street photography is surrealism, owing to the surrealist tendencies in our godfather, Henri Cartier-Bresson:

  • Start Your Own Photography Project

    Start Your Own Photography Project

    Dear friend, If you want to discover more purpose and meaning in your photography, I encourage you to start your own long-term photography project!

  • ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER #1: ZEN of ERIC, My First Photography Book, New PORTFOLIO BAG

    ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER #1: ZEN of ERIC, My First Photography Book, New PORTFOLIO BAG

    Dear friends, A life update from Dalat, Vietnam! I wanted to share all the exciting stuff we’ve been making at HAPTIC.

  • How to Start Your Own Photography Business

    How to Start Your Own Photography Business

    Practical thoughts, tips, and ideas on starting your own photography business:

  • Rat Race

    Rat Race

    Get off the rat race, like the Red Queens, you keep on running and stay in the same place.



    Behind the scenes. SUITS print edition coming soon. Email to reserve your copy.

  • You’re successful once people start hating on you

    You’re successful once people start hating on you

    A recent understanding — you can better measure your success by the amount of “haters” you have, instead of measuring your success by how many “fans” you have. #zenoferic

  • Why Traveling is Good

    Why Traveling is Good

    I love to travel and live nomadically. I also think most people would benefit from traveling more. Why?

  • Is the Goal of Life to be Satisfied?

    Is the Goal of Life to be Satisfied?

    Is satisfaction good? Is dissatisfaction bad? #zenoferic

  • How to Take the Power in Your Own Hands

    How to Take the Power in Your Own Hands

    Dear friend, 
I believe what we all intuitively desire is more power in our lives — the power to live our lives the way we desire, the power to control the hours of our day, the power to say “yes” and “no” to the requests of others, and to have the faith and self-confidence for…

  • Preview: SUITS Print Edition

    Preview: SUITS Print Edition

    A preview of my upcoming print edition of my book, SUITS. First print run will be limited to only 30 hardcover copies. Email to reserve your copy.

  • Are We More than Our Memories?

    Are We More than Our Memories?

    Dear friend, A philosophical question I’ve been pondering to myself: Are we more than our memories?

  • New Book: ZEN OF ERIC: Empower Yourself with Philosophy and Photography

    New Book: ZEN OF ERIC: Empower Yourself with Philosophy and Photography

    ZEN OF ERIC: Your personal manual to empowering yourself in photography, philosophy, and life.

  • Now is the Time to Shoot!

    Now is the Time to Shoot!

    What time is the best time to shoot? Now! Also in other news, my new book: ZEN OF ERIC is now live!

  • Computational Photography: In Praise of the Google Pixel Phone and HDR+

    Computational Photography: In Praise of the Google Pixel Phone and HDR+

    Dear friend, if you’re gonna buy a new phone for photography, I recommend buying a Google Pixel, or any Android phone that allows you to use HDR+ from the Google apk (works on OnePlus, apparently the new Samsung Galaxy devices as well) #computationalphotography

  • Seize Today!

    Seize Today!

    Seize today Not tomorrow Live today to the fullest with no regrets to prevent sorrow tomorrow

  • Photography Innovation

    Photography Innovation

    There’s nothing which brings me more joy and delight in life than innovating new things, new processes, and new ways of sharing!

  • Travel to Learn More

    Travel to Learn More

    In Vietnamese there is a saying: “Go/do for the sake of understanding it.” (di cho biet):

  • 1600


    Kodak Trix 400 black and white film pushed to 1600, with yellow filter. Buy FILM NOTES to learn more.

  • A Love Letter to the VSCO A6 Preset and Team

    A Love Letter to the VSCO A6 Preset and Team

    VSCO A6, a love letter to Zach and the team at VSCO. Keep building your epic tools, which is empowering all of us creators and visual artists!

  • Nation of Sedation

    Nation of Sedation

    A realization: what is holding us back from achieving our fullest potential in life? I don’t necessarily think it’s because we lack willpower or because we’re “lazy” and bad/evil people. I think the problem is that we’re a nation being sedated with drugs, alcohol, entertainment, video games, and media.

  • Why I Love Color Film Photography

    Why I Love Color Film Photography

    Why do I love color photography? Simply put, I think the colors of color film just aesthetically look nicer than digital color photos!

  • Why Josh White is My Favorite Contemporary Photographer

    Why Josh White is My Favorite Contemporary Photographer

    My friend Josh White is my favorite contemporary photographer. Why? He shoots with his soul, his photos are authentic, and reveal who he is, and how he sees the world.

  • There is No Failure, only Feedback

    There is No Failure, only Feedback

    Dear friend, Recognize that if you have some epic photography entrepreneurship idea; don’t be afraid to take a risk and just do it. Why? At worst your “failure” is just feedback to try again in a different way!

  • Don’t Share Dull Photos

    Don’t Share Dull Photos

    Dear friend, A suggestion when you’re working on photography projects, or selecting/editing your best work. Don’t share dull/boring photos:

  • Photolosophy 101: Don’t Photograph Others the Way You Wouldn’t Want to Be Photographed

    Photolosophy 101: Don’t Photograph Others the Way You Wouldn’t Want to Be Photographed

    The silver rule of ethics in photography: Don’t photograph others the way you wouldn’t want to be photographed. Much thanks to Nassim Taleb (Skin in the game book) for the idea and inspiration.

  • Photolosophy 101: Life and Death in Photography

    Photolosophy 101: Life and Death in Photography

    I see photography as a meditation on life and death: gratitude on being alive, but also a reminder — that I (and my loved ones) will all eventually die.