Why is It So Hard for Us To Follow Our Gut and Instinct?

True innovation happens *NOT* from asking others for their opinion or ‘focus groups’, but trusting your own artistic gut.

Society doesn’t want us to follow the irrational

Let us consider– society hates the irrational, society hates the unpredictable. Society hates the true and deep individual.

A true and deep individual cannot be categorized. He/she is a carte blanche, ‘first principles’ individual. This is why society hates a Kanye West, and praises an Elon Musk… for their extreme difference.


Red selfie crimson ERIC KIM icon
  1. Sociology of Comparison
  2. Mimetic Desires
  3. Interest in Humans or Objects?
  4. Social Stochastic Resonance
  5. How to Live Bravely in Today’s Brave New World and Society
  6. Arousal
  7. Is Humanity on the Decline?
  8. Social Innovations
  9. Society *Shouldn’t* Be Fair
  10. Why Society Doesn’t Want Free Thinkers and Free Livers
  11. Our New Soft Society

Sociological Theory

Photography and Sociology


Red selfie crimson ERIC KIM icon
  1. Sociology of Comparison
  2. Mimetic Desires
  3. Interest in Humans or Objects?
  4. Social Stochastic Resonance
  5. How to Live Bravely in Today’s Brave New World and Society
  6. Arousal
  7. Is Humanity on the Decline?
  8. Social Innovations
  9. Society *Shouldn’t* Be Fair
  10. Why Society Doesn’t Want Free Thinkers and Free Livers
  11. Our New Soft Society

Sociological Theory

Photography and Sociology