Happiness as a Means to Creative Productivity

In my last essay on happiness, my takeaway was this:

Happiness ain’t the ultimate goal. Happiness is simply as a MEANS to creative productivity and power.

The end-game is art creation.

To me — the ultimate aim:

To always be in the creative zen-flow of art-creation.

To flow and stream my mind, soul, and art-works.

My joy is innovation!

What brings me the greatest joy? Artistic innovation. To discover new techniques and approaches to be creative.

Augmenting my modes of creative self-expression

Ambition freestyle poem

To me, it is all about artistic self-expression. For me, I will do ALL forms of artistic expression. Audio, visual, dance, etc.


No glass ceiling for me.

I refuse to be put in a creative box. All forms of artistic self-expression are legitimate to me.

Never stop.

To never stop; this seems the simple goal.

ERIC KIM Home Apartment TOUR

I am interested in always having fun! To have fun with cameras, laptops, computers, iPad’s, etc.

Enough is never enough for me.

Composition Leonardo da Vinci Jesus iPad procreate

Never stop flowing. Keep studying and analyzing all forms of knowledge and art!

  • selfie ERIC KIM photography covid providence lumix 00023
  • selfie ERIC KIM photography covid providence lumix 00023

My vision.

red black ERIC KIM selfie

My artistic vision:

Every individual (if they desire) can maximize their individual self-expression and freedom of modes of self-expression.

Keep iterating

I don’t think the end-game is to find an ultimate answer. No — it is to enjoy the fun!

Conclusion: Never stop self-expressing yourself!

How to Become More Creative

sketches calligraphy cindy

Re-discover your inner-child like PICASSO:

Learn more: Photography >

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