Just setup the HAPTIC SHOP to accept crypto (Bitcoin, DOGECOIN, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc), and it is exciting to start again from zero, to start from scratch!
In praise of this carte blanche approach:
The joy of starting afresh, new.

This is where crypto is so fascinating to me:
It is an insanely exciting and interesting new carte blanche innovation, and will change everything.
The joy of speculation
If we accept the fact that LIFE IS ALL UPSIDE NO DOWNSIDE —
There is nothing you will lose from the joy of speculation.
And cliche to say, but now, I am more interested in investing into baby Seneca. Like JAY Z said — investing in ‘generational wealth’.
I hope to just give all my crypto to Seneca when he is 18 years old; to help turbocharge him and his own future entrepreneurial ideals.
Simple crypto bet:
Will crypto be up or down 18 years from now? Certainly up!

Brave new world for photographers and crypto:
- Why I’m So Bullish on Bitcoin
- Bitcoin as the Simplest Cryptocurrency
- Why I bought (more) bitcoin
- Once You Become a Crypto Billionaire, Then What?
- Why Crypto is Under-Hyped
- The Joy of Speculation
- Why I Bought Bitcoin
- Crypto Photography
- Crypto Thoughts
- On Making Money from Nothing