Why Crypto is Under-Hyped

bitcoin ERIC KIM orange money camera icon

It seems right now the world is ablaze. Elon Musk tweeting in favor of DOGECOIN, the (even more) astronomical raise of Bitcoin (starting at nil, then to $300, to $1000, to $25,000, then crashing, then raising up to ~$50,000 territory).

I then thought:

Perhaps crypto-currencies and crypto-technologies are far under-rated and under-hyped.

Let us think: in the year 2035 (14 years from now), the last Bitcoin/Digibyte(DGB) will be mined. Simple thought experiment:

In 14 years, do you think crypto (whether crypto currency, crypto technology, etc) will be used MORE or less?

And also think of a basic sociological and technological shift:

14 years from now, will we use our phones and technology and the internet *MORE* or less?

If studying China has taught us anything (they are all already on top of the WeChat/WePay game), all currency, human interactions and transactions are digital. Seeing now that we are (finally) starting to care more for privacy (end-to-end encryption on messenger services, Android users flocking to Apple for more privacy, as well as the raise of Brave Browser/DuckDuckGo and other privacy products), it seems that crypto will be 10000x more important in the future than we can ever imagine.

Thinking 14-15 years ahead

It is hard to think so far ahead, but I think back. I am 33 years old now, and it was only 12 years ago when I was 21 years old (graduating college). To be frank, when I look at my college self and my present self, I don’t really feel different. For the most part (besides some more wrinkles on the side of my eyes) I look the same, feel the same, have mostly the same values, and actually even now … I am stronger and buffer than I was in the past.

Once again … 14-15 years will pass like nothing. Why not speculate in crypto?


Brave new world for photographers and crypto:

  1. The Joy of Speculation
  3. Why I Bought Bitcoin
  4. Crypto Photography
  5. Crypto Thoughts
  6. On Making Money from Nothing