A thought:
Why is it that Zen Monks seem to love drinking tea (green tea, caffeinated beverages)?
Also– why is it that I love coffee so much? My thought — a connection between adrenaline and zen (an advancement of Mihalay C’s notion of ‘flow’ — the ‘optimal mode of existence and performance’ based on doing things which are slightly dangerous and doable-difficult, in order to become fully-one with the activity at hand). This is why I have the most zen when powerlifting, shooting street photography, or having ‘risky’ social interactions with strangers.
Less is better:
- The Zen of Having the Best
- The Best Mind is a Clear Mind
- Photography as a Zen Pursuit
- Balance isn’t the Goal
- Just Throw it Away
- Mind Space
- The Kaizen Approach to Life
- The Philosophy of Wabi Sabi Aesthetics
- In Praise of Renting and Leasing
- The Will to Simplicity
- To Improve Your Life, Subtract the Superfluous from Your Life
- Same But Different
- The Zen of Street Photography
- Zen Photography
- Walking Meditation in Street Photography
- How to Be a Zen Street Photographer
- The Less You Have, the More You Have
- Prune Excess
- Prune in Order to Grow
- Zen in the Art of Street Photography
- The 7 Aesthetics of Zen Art For Photographers
- 15 (More) Lessons Taoism Has Taught Me About Street Photography
- How to Find Tranquility in Your Photography
- How to Find Zen in Street Photography
- Why Less is More in Street Photography (and Life)
- Why You Should Shoot with One Camera and One Lens
- 5 Essentialist Tips in Street Photography
- 10 Principles of Good Street Photography
- Deep Focus
- Follow Your Intuition
- Notice
- Listen
- Downgrade
- Less, But Better
- Seek Emptiness
- Wonderment & Awe
- Timeless