Photos: Learn From the Masters of Photography

Summer, The Lower East Side, 1937.
huGO-BildID: 38540330
106_176a, 4/16/07, 1:52 PM, 16G, 5992×7536 (0+192), 100%, Avedon_022807, 1/80 s, R36.9, G37.2, B48.9
CNRichard Avedon, —Samule Beckett, Schriftsteller, Paris, Frankreich, 13. April 1979Ï, Silbergelantineabzug 1993, 123,2 x 192,4 Foto: Sammlung Udo und Anette Brandhorst/©2014 The Richard Avedon Foundation

GRENADA. Gouyave. Bar. 1979.
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MEXICO. Oaxaca state. Tehuantepec. 1985. Children playing in a courtyard.
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CHINA. Hankow. 1938.
A teenage Chinese soldier.
In July 1937 Japan ordered an attack on China. The Japanese rapidly conquered all northern China, up to the Yangze river. CHIANG KAI-SHEK, President of China, and head of the Nationalist Party, moved the capital to Chongqing, while Japan established a puppet government in Nanjing. In July 1945 China, helped by the 14th US Air Force, staged a national counter-offensive against the Japanese, who surrendered in September 1945.

USA. New York. 1988. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Tiny in her Halloween costume, Seattle, Washington, 1983

Todd Hido, #3737, from Intimate Distance (Aperture, 2016)

1960 BRAZIL. Sao Paulo. 1960.
BRAZIL. Sao Paulo. 1960.
Image send to Cristiana Giordano (Transaction : 632411071308125000)
© Rene Burri / Magnum Photos

1993-5016_44S_65_14A 002


CUBA. Sancti Spiritus. 1993. Baseball fans.
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USA. Rochester, New York. 2012.
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Working Title/Artist: The TerminalDepartment: PhotographsCulture/Period/Location: HB/TOA Date Code: Working Date: 1892
photography by mma, Digital File DP109636.tif
retouched by film and media (jnc) 5_17_11
Working Title/Artist: Torn Movie Poster
Department: Photographs
HB/TOA Date Code:
Working Date: 1931
photography by mma, digital file DT1134.tif
scanned by ES
touched by film and media (jnc) 2_6_07

camelcoats 001

G.B. WALES. Barry Island. General. A father with his children relax on the beach at Barry Island, South Wales. The picture is during the ‘miners’ week’ the holiday period of the miners of South Wales. It is probable that most of the people on the beach are miners on their holiday. Due to the closing of the pits this cultural happening no longer takes place. 1973
G.B. ENGLAND. LONDON. The BEATLES in the Abbey Road Studios, where many of their most famous records were made, examining the script of the film ‘A Hard Days Night’. 1964.
G.B. WALES. Tenby. The promenade at the elegant seaside town of Tenby, South Wales. 1974

Amanda and her cousin Amy, Valdese, North Carolina, USA, 1990

1936 — Florence Owens Thompson, 32, a poverty-stricken migrant mother with three young children, gazes off into the distance. This photograph, commissioned by the FSA, came to symbolize the Great Depression for many Americans. — Image by © CORBIS

ITALY. Rome. Piazza della Rotonda. 1980.

FRANCE. Ile-de-France region. Val-de-Marne department. Town of Rungis. 1994.
Wholesale meat market.
USA. New York City. 1969. Woman looking at herself in store window.


The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in north-eastern Alaska is the largest wildlife refuge in the United States, covering no fewer than six ecozones and stretching some 200 miles (300 kilometers) from north to south. Along its northern coast, barrier islands, coastal lagoons, salt marshes and river deltas of the Arctic coastal tundra provide a marvelous habitat for migratory water birds. Coastal land and sea ice are sought by caribou seeking relief from insects during the summer and by Arctic bears for hunt-ing seals and breeding during winter.
This photograph was taken in the eastern part of the Brooks Range, which rises to over 9,800 feet (3,000 meters); the rugged stretch of mountains is sliced by deep river valleys and numerous glaciers. The immense variety of microclimates results from the collision of cold air from the Arctic and hot air coming from the Yukon River
region of central Alaska. Alaska. USA. June and July 2009
SPAIN. Andalucia. Seville. 1933.
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2300KFDPRW=0.00 GW=0.00 BW=0.00 RB=9.99 GB=9.99 BB=9.99Topaz2

Saul Leiter: Taxi, ca. 1957.

Bruce Gilden: ohne Titel, aus dem Zyklus „GO“, 2001 © Bruce Gilden. Aus der Ausstellung AUGEN AUF! – 100 JAHRE LEICA-FOTOGRAFIE, 24. Oktober 2014 bis 11. Januar 2015 in den Deichtorhallen Hamburg / Haus der Photographie.

MEXICO. Mexico-City. San Cristobal. Stable, horse pool and house (1967-68) planned by Luis BARRAGAN and Andres CASILLAS. 1976.[lF][lF]Contact email:
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Photos From the Masters of Photography