selfie smile ERIC KIM

On Leaving a Legacy

The best way to leave a substantive and enduring legacy:

Don’t devote any of your life doing anything you hate for.

Also … only doing that which you truly love and care for.

And when you do what you do, share it openly and freely with others! In praise of OPEN SOURCE.

On Leaving a Legacy


On Leaving a Legacy

Entrepreneurship by KIM

Become the change which you desire to see manifested in the world!

Become you.

  1. Pseudo Individualism
  1. Natural Internal Promoting vs External Promptings
  2. Survival vs Thrivival
  3. Become Rich
  5. Why it is Better to Beg for Forgiveness than Ask for Permission
  6. Thinking About the Past Prevents You From Thinking About the Future
  7. How to Predict the Future
  8. Tools of Mass Distraction
  9. So What?


Never stop innovating: “Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship“.

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Put a Dent in the Universe.

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