veggies green and meAT

My Thoughts on Vegetarianism and Veganism

If one decides to be a vegan or vegetarian for ethical, moral, or planetary/environmental reasons, 100% legitimate. But, if one becomes vegetarian or vegan because they think it is ‘healthier’, I think this is wrong.

What does ‘healthy’ even mean?

First question:

When we talk about ‘health‘, what are we really talking about?

Nobody knows.

My thought on health:

  1. Don’t be fat (being over-fat is “unhealthy”). It ain’t a weight thing; it is a fat thing. The ideal body fat percentage for men is around 10%, for women 20%.
  2. Physiological energy: If you only sleep 2 hours a night, this is bad. Even if you got a 6 pack, if you sleep only 2 hours a night, you will not be able to physiologically function at the highest level. This means, one must sleep much to be healthy.
  3. Healthy as long life? How long is long enough? 80 years? 90 years? 100 years? 110 years? 120 years? 130 years? 140 years? Thus when most people talk about ‘health’, I think they mean to say “my personal life longevity — hopefully to live BEYOND age 90 in hyper-physiological energetic health”.

The morality of meat eating and the physiology of it must be different

  • meat veggies
  • veggies green and meAT
  • meat

The big thing a lot of vegetarians or vegans say:

Eating meat (or the flesh of animals) is a mortal, moral, and ethical sin.

What is the rationale? That animals have “souls”, or that animals feel pain, or that animals should be treated like humans (or at least close to humans).

But — once again, we must separate this. One is 100% entitled to have their own moral and ethical beliefs, but it should not become a universal law for all people. I am convinced; many vegetarians and vegans believe that ALL humans on the planet SHOULD be vegetarian and vegan. If some of these vegetarians or vegans had dictator power on planet earth, I think they would mandate it as a law to prohibit any meat consumption.

But for me as a meat eater, a green eater, and almond muncher, I would not want to force anyone to do something (eat meat) or NOT do something when it comes to their diet.

For example, I do not want to prevent vegetarians from eating quinoa salad bowls. But I also don’t want vegetarians and vegans to PROHIBIT or BAN me from eating meat. Better yet; even worse when they try to guilt me.

Humans aren’t “meant” to eat anything

Humans aren’t meant to be anything. Instead, it seems:

Humans as a biological species STRIVES to obtain the maximum amount of nourishment in food, for maximal physiological growth and flourishing.

For example, it is 99.99999% certain that eating a fatty T-bone steak contains greater building blocks for muscle growth and physiological strengthening than eating (white) rice.


If you had the option of eating only T-bone steaks for the rest of your life, or only eating white rice … which would you choose from a physiological, muscle-growth, and biological perspective?

Certainly the T-Bone eating.

Bad for the planet?

Another argument for vegetarianism and veganism:

Eating meat is ‘bad’ for the planet.

I think what they mean to say is:

If you (and everyone else) keeps eating meat, earth death is inevitable.

But how long? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? 50 years? 100 years? 200 years? 300 years? 500 years? 1,000 years?

What if earth death (from meat consumption) wasn’t a sure fact. Then what?

Are dog lives equivalent to human lives?

A tangent:

Are dog lives (or animal lives) EQUIVALENT in value to human lives?

I think anyone who believes that animal lives are EQUAL to human lives is insane.

Certainly one can make the argument that animal lives are almost as important as human lives … but equivalent? Insanity.

Are humans allowed to be cruel?

Another moral ethical thing:

Eating and killing animals for food is cruel, unjust, and evil.

Then perhaps the philosophical question is:

Is there an infallible moral universe on planet earth?


Is an eagle “evil” or “cruel” for eating delicious lambs (for fun, or for food?)

Is one allowed to become a predator?

Once again let us take it back to biology.

Should an eagle feel “guilty” for eating lambs, or other weaker animals?

Of course not.

Then we must consider:

Are we humans also predators? Should humans be treated like animals?

Human as the apex predator

We are not as strong as bears, but we can bear arms (haha). But in all seriousness, humans are the apex predator on planet earth. Our ability to create weapons and tools have allowed us to conquer and dominate all other forms of biological life and animal life here.

Even when it comes to animals (dogs, cats, horses), they are used as tools or slaves, or instruments for human needs.

For example Alexander the Great and his horse; his horse is seen as an aid toward his military conquests. And when we think of house-trained dogs; they are essentially our emotional slaves.

The physiology of meat and flesh

Why is it that the ancient Greeks preferred to eat fatty cuts of meat (and also offer them to the gods)? The heroes of the Iliad always preferred the fatty oxen, calves, etc. You wouldn’t catch Achilles munching on bean sprouts if he had the option between beans and fatty thigh bone meat.

Is America a weak and soft society?

It seems modern American society is becoming far too weak and soft.

For example, if you go to any Asian country; animal rights is total nonsense. They see animals as pets, beasts of burden, and delicious food.

In many East Asian societies (let us say in Korea), the primary diet is fish, veggies, and rice. Why? For so long Korea was a relatively poor country; that is all that the typical peasant could afford. But if the peasant had the option; certainly he would prefer to eat fatty pork every single day (samgyupsal; or pork belly).

Veggies by choice, or by necessity?

Let us consider our ancestors. If they had an option, would you prefer to eat fatty steak or rice?

Certainly the fatty steak.

Did the Koreans eat kimchi because it was ‘healthy’, or because it kept people from starving to death?

Fermentation with Kimchi was discovered as an effective way to refrigerate cabbage from getting spoiled. It wasn’t invented as a ‘health’ food. All the cultural lore of it being healthy was propagated AFTER the fact.

Health science in the West is still sooooo basic

Perhaps notions of “hot” and “cold” foods have some truth to it. Not for the scientific claims, but for physiological reasons.

Is cooking kale in bacon fat OK?

Or, is it okay to drink “bone broth” for health reasons?


The goal: maximal physiological thriving. Let us put the morals and ethics aside.

Physiology 101

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