Dear friends,

In this time of insane stress and difficulty comes a rose. Cindy just produced (and edited/cut/mixed the sounds) a new film (all by herself in Final Cut Pro), titled NONFUTURE: Meditations on Time.

Essentially it is a rose which has sprung from the pain of COVID-19, and how it has personally affected Cindy and her passage of time, thinking both historically and personally. Considering we are right now at an interesting infection point in history (we are currently living THROUGH history), we wanted to make this film to empower you, uplift you, and give you new joy in the midst of the fear, pain, and chaos of COVID-19.

Initially sent to ERIC KIM NEWS



You can see the film with the options below:

  1. YouTube: NONFUTURE Film by CINDY NGUYEN >
  2. FREE MP4 Video Download: NONFUTURE FILM (feel free to download, share it across your devices, airdrop it to friends and family, etc).

Use this opportunity to create your own COVID-19 Art Project

My joy of NONFUTURE: I was the camera man and had TONS of fun shooting all the footage!

And this is my deep philosophical thought:

In times of pain, struggle and war is when we actually bring the best out in ourselves.

Think of COVID-19 like a metaphorical war. We are in war with this unknown virus/germ enemy. And it is our duty as humans to be strong, empower one another.

Art creation ideas

non future closeup cindy

As private citizens what can we do? Make art!

Some ideas:

  1. Start your own COVID-19 Photo Project. You can do this personally by photographing yourself at home (selfies) if you are stuck in quarantine. But if you can still leave your house, make photos at the grocery store or in the streets. Now is your chance to document history.
  2. Create a short film. Just use your iPhone! Edit it in iMovie or any simple software, and share it with friends and family.
  3. Make a soundtrack or beat (using GarageBand or any software) expressing your emotions of what is going on.
  4. Write a blog post about your experiences. I wrote a personal essay about my thoughts on COVID 19 as a way to attempt to make sense of this all. And this is what an essay is– an “assay” or attempt at discovering how you really think and feel about something.
  5. Dance and record yourself! Cindy uses her body as an instrument when dancing in NONFUTURE. Think of your own body like a paintbrush. Paint your emotions with your body. No need to do it ironically. Do it authentically and for fun. Upload it to YouTube or share with friends and family.

How to make art



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