Panasonic G9 selfie. Tokyo, 2018

Why I Think Micro 4/3rds is the Future of Photography and Video

Panasonic G9 selfie. Tokyo, 2018
Panasonic G9 selfie. Tokyo, 2018

I recently bought a Panasonic/Lumix G9 Pro — why? Let me outline my reasons and thoughts:

Reasons why Micro 4/3rds is awesome:

  1. Superb image quality (all digital cameras have good image quality now).
  2. Super-fast and accurate autofocus (I think micro 4/3rds is the best for autofocusing reliability/speed out of all sensors).\
  3. Super-close macro/close-up focusing abilities: The smaller the sensor size, the closer you can focus. This is good to have more opportunities to shoot. I can close-up for portraits, photographing textures, flowers, whatever.
  4. iA Mode: This new ‘intelligent auto’ mode on the Panasonic/Lumix cameras is pretty epic. It is very accurate, fast, and makes shooting easier. I can just ‘set it and forget it‘ with my camera, which allows what is essential to me: shooting, living life, and composition.
  5. More depth of field: Micro 4/3rds has more depth of field, which is good for street photography and video. You are more likely to get everything in-focus.
  6. Great for video: Panasonic pretty much has the digital video market cornered– with their great GH5-series cameras. Considering the future of photography is video (more and more YouTube content/video creators are entering the market) — I see Panasonic as a good platform to invest in.

Video has great potential

Further thoughts:

In terms of the future of photography: I see a lot more photographers bridging over into video. Why? YouTube seems to be getting more and more popular, and there is no slowing down for growth. YouTube has already eclipsed TV watching. Not only that, but children being born today are addicted to YouTube– which means that they will probably watch YouTube until they die. Which is a great opportunity for YouTube video creators — which means you!

How shooting more videos has helped re-motivate my photography

I also know for myself, I’ve felt a new renaissance in my photography/creative life with focusing on doing more video work on YouTube. I don’t think video will ever replace photography. Instead, I see video and photography continuing to become great complements.

For example, I’ve been having a great renewed source of inspiration in my photography by making video slideshows for YouTube. Also, I’ve been experimenting with this new idea I have: “Video Street Photography” — moving street scenes (more interesting/engaging than still moments):

The basic concept is this:

If you see an interesting street scene or moment, record a 30-second clip of the scene, rather than just taking still photos of it. You can record the video footage like “Snaps” (short snapchat clips), and you can try to innovate by integrating video-photo-audio.

Why you should start your own YouTube channel today

Other trends I find interesting:

  1. Internet speeds are getting faster and faster, which means more accessibility for video-YouTube creators to upload more footage to YouTube (using new formats like 4k).
  2. YouTube is a better platform than Instagram, because YouTube is the world’s second biggest search engine (after Google). Not only that, but everyone watches/uses YouTube– not everyone uses Instagram. Even if you observe the behavior of children– they start watching YouTube from 1-year old onward — whereas they might only start using Instagram/Snapchat when they’re in their “tweens”.
  3. Anyone can start a YouTube channel– and now that iPhones are becoming better and better for video — I think video will become more and more popular.
  4. The space for photographers is a bit crowded: More money seems to be in the video sphere. For example, wedding videographers charge a lot more money than still photographers. Or — clients expect to have BOTH still photos and video footage of their weddings/events. Therefore the photographer who can do both still photos and video will have a long-term benefit/advantage compared to the competition. For more ideas on photography entrepreneurship, check out my new Udemy: “Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship” Online Course.
  5. Video can capture more of the human experience: Videos integrate both the moving image as well as audio — whereas photography (while great) — can sometimes feel a bit lacking. For example, I can re-live my life experiences more vividly with video than photography (and even more vividly with 360/virtual reality video footage).

Learn more: How to start your own YouTube Channel >

Best cameras for Micro 4/3rds

  1. I like the Olympus PEN-F (for a cool-looking retro camera) that is focused mostly on still photos. Great for street photography.
  2. Panasonic G9 Pro for still photo + video.
  3. For dedicated video, the new Panasonic GH5S.
  4. Best ‘bang for the buck’ new Micro 4/3rds camera for still photos: Olympus OM-D E-M10 MARK III.
  5. Best ‘bang for the buck’ (oldeR) Micro 4/3rds camera for still photo + video: Lumix LX100.

Shooting still photos while recording video

A very cool thing with the Lumix cameras (as well as other new cameras) is that you can shoot still photos WHILE shooting video!

For example if you watch this video of me showing composition, I am recording with the video function on the Lumix LX100, and shooting still JPEG photos while I’m still recording! This is super exciting to me, because you can also do this with most phones (iPhone and Samsung both allows you to take still photos while you shoot videos).

Here are some street photography POV videos I shot with the Lumix LX100 in video recording mode (taking still JPEG images while recording):

GoPro and photography

I’ve been having a ton of fun with making new GoPro street photography POV VIDEOS, which is another point which shows there is great potential for the future of still photo-video.

Happiness is making new photos/video/art!

Remember friend ultimately it doesn’t really matter which camera you shoot with. Just use a camera that is convenient for your own lifestyle, that you can carry with you everywhere you go, and can allow you to shoot more photos/videos and make more art!

More gear/camera equipment recommendations:

  1. The most convenient camera for everyday life photography is probably the iPhone, or a RICOH GR II (for the RICOH I recommend ERIC KIM NECK STRAP).
  2. The more you can carry your camera around your wrist or neck, the more photo opportunities you will see. Pick up HENRI NECK STRAP or HENRI WRIST STRAP to never miss another decisive moment.
  3. Don’t worry about making the world’s best photos. Rather, just shoot whatever puts a smile on your face. Shoot, explore, and live more adventurously! Shoot like a child, with no restrictions or boundaries. Only see opportunities and new horizons– no limits!

Some more motivational articles for you:


New Products on AMAZON SHOP

  1. Henri Wrist Strap (Midnight Blue) + PHANTOM BLACK
  2. ERIC KIM WRIST STRAP (for RICOH GR II) #ricohmafia






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