I think photography is one of the ultimate forms of self therapy. Why?

For myself, I love photography as the opportunity to explore, empty my mind, and find more joy and excitement in life.

Here are some assignments you can use in photo therapy:
1. Walking meditation

Leave your phone at home. Go out for a walk, with your camera on your neck or wrist.
Walk 25% slower than you normally do. Treat this assignment as “taking your camera for a walk”.
Slow down. Walk slowly. Feel the pavement underneath your feet. Enjoy each step, slowly.
2. Creative expression

Use photography as a tool for creative self-expression.
Use the camera as your paint brush, and seek to abstract reality.

This assignment will help you feel less anxiety and stress, because you are focused on making pictures, and making art.
And yes, photography is art.
3. Simple shapes and forms

I find it soothing to photograph aesthetically pleasing forms, like diagonals, triangles, and rectangles.

Clear your mind by looking for interesting textures, shapes, and forms.

4. Honor thy selfie

If you’re uncomfortable with your personal body image, make artful selfies of yourself.

The more comfortable you are photographing yourself, the more you will understand your own self-image.
Also as an assignment, have your partner photograph you:

5. Make art everyday

The best therapy is art. Make art everyday. Learn how to draw, photograph, sketch, write poetry, and just don’t take it too seriously.

Make photos every day. Don’t censor yourself. Treat your photography with fun, enthusiasm, and shoot like a child.
Photography as a tool of self empowerment

Never forget, photography should be used as a tool of empowerment for yourself. Don’t worry about comparing your photography with others. Make photos that bring you more joy, excitement, and enthusiasm for life.
Personally, deleting my Instagram has reduced anxiety, and envy/jealousy in my life.
Ultimately ask yourself the question,
Is photography removing, or adding stress from my life?

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