Month: May 2018

  • How to Master Working on Your Own Photography Project

    How to Master Working on Your Own Photography Project

    If you want more personal meaning in your photography, I recommend starting your own personal photography project.

  • PHANTOM BLACK: Henri Shoulder Strap

    PHANTOM BLACK: Henri Shoulder Strap

    PHANTOM BLACK: Henri Shoulder Strap on Amazon 🔥🔥🔥. Limited-Edition PHANTOM BLACK Henri Shoulder Strap. Always have your camera strapped on your neck or shoulder, and make some new epic visual boulders. Make hot photos, make it smolder. Make photos everyday, regardless of the day, or whether it’s black and grey. Keep prowling the streets with…

  • How to Take Photos of Strangers

    How to Take Photos of Strangers

    I’m in this interesting genre of photography called “street photography”. It’s a funny, fulfilling, and epic genre of photography in which we have this passion and curiosity of photographing strangers. But before I talk about specifics on how to photograph strangers, let’s tackle a bigger question: Why photograph strangers? So for myself, I photograph strangers…

  • Delete the Gram

    Delete the Gram

    Hey brother, I understand your relationship to the gram Every morning we wake up and turn to the left and pick up our phone How many new likes did I get? How many new followers did I get? What’s your plan for getting more followers? What’s the new hashtag I should hop on? Oh shit,…



    If you want to make more meaningful photos of your life, photograph your partner, your best friend; perhaps your wife.

  • Why Be Famous?

    Why Be Famous?

    What does it feel like to be “famous”, what are the benefits of fame? Is it desirable to be famous, or actually harmful/negative? Let me share some of my perspectives being an “internet famous” photographer. Okay so upfront, it’s “net positive” for me to be internet famous. Why? It has opened up a lot of…

  • BIL BROWN: RED Cinema Camera Introduction for Beginners

    Visited my buddy BIL BROWN at his studio in Downtown LA yesterday, and had fun with his new RED (DRAGON 5K) CINEMA CAMERA:

  • F8 and Be There!

    F8 and Be There!

    I think it was Weegee who first said, “F8 and be there!” in terms of his advice for aspiring photographers (thanks to my friend Kevin for the idea).


    Based on a rendition of Kanye West’s “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” RUNAWAY song (Cinematic VMA Rework) poem:

  • Part 4: Epic Cinematography of 2001 Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick

    Part 4: Epic Cinematography of 2001 Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick

    Continuation of 2001: Space Odyssey Composition.

  • 10 Ways to Boost Your Creativity: Free PDF Visualization by ANNETTE KIM

    10 Ways to Boost Your Creativity: Free PDF Visualization by ANNETTE KIM

    Dear friends, Fresh off the HAPTIC PRESS: 10 Ways to Boost Your Creativity: PDF Visualization by ANNETTE KIM!

  • First Principles in Photography

    First Principles in Photography

    Dear friend, I want to take it back to basics to your photography: to respark your passion and enthusiasm for photography. Let’s take it back to “first principles” by asking ourselves, “What is photography, and why shoot photos?”

  • 5 Simple Street Photography Composition Tips

    5 Simple Street Photography Composition Tips

    5 practical street photography compositions you can integrate into your photography today!

  • Part 2: Cinematography and Composition Lessons from All the Money in the World (2017) film by Ridley Scott

    Part 2: Cinematography and Composition Lessons from All the Money in the World (2017) film by Ridley Scott

    Continuation of Part 1: Cinematography and Composition Lessons from All the Money in the World (2017) film by Ridley Scott.

  • The Creative Spirit of Ecstasy

    The Creative Spirit of Ecstasy

    Dear friend, I think all of us seek to be “happy” in life. But to me, the concept of “happiness” is too vague and imprecise. What I think we are really chasing is the “creative spirit of ecstasy” (inspired by the Rolls Royce emblem).



    You’re on a new level You’ve sharpened your bezels Putting your self-doubt in the dirt You deserve a gold medal! Yesterday you took an L, but today you’re ready to fight back You’re back in beast mode, black eyes, ready to go fast You’re on a totally new spiritual plane Ain’t nobody else in your…

  • Philosophy: Seek to Know Yourself Better!

    Philosophy: Seek to Know Yourself Better!

    Humans by default aren’t lazy! A lot of psychologists and pseudo-intellectuals spout that humans are naturally lazy and unmotivated, and this is the cause of our obesity, our lethargy, and laziness. I disagree. I think by nature, humans are adventurous, explorers, and curious individuals who are rather made passive by video games, media, news, social…

  • Philosophy of Aesthetics: What Makes a Photograph Ugly or Beautiful?

    Philosophy of Aesthetics: What Makes a Photograph Ugly or Beautiful?

    Something I’ve been pondering for a a long time: what makes something “beautiful” vs “ugly?” What makes a beautiful photograph, and what makes a “bad”/ugly photograph? Applied wider: what makes certain designs appealing (car design, bag design, watch design, home design)? Are aesthetics 100% subjective or is there any objectivity in it? Is beauty based…

  • When Given the Option, Take the More Adventurous Option in Life!

    When Given the Option, Take the More Adventurous Option in Life!

    Dear friend, A thought I have: when life gives you two options: A: Safer, less risky option and B: Riskier, more uncertain, more adventurous option Take the option B: the riskier, bolder, or more interesting/adventurous option to live a happier, more fun, and more interesting life! My reasoning is this: What we often perceive as…

  • LA DIARY v2

    LA DIARY v2

    New batch of photos from the suburbs of LA, shot on Lumix G9, Leica 12mm f/1.4 Lens, and medium-JPEG processed in ERIC KIM PRESETS:

  • How to see the World From the Eyes of a Child

    How to see the World From the Eyes of a Child

    I’ve been super inspired by my 3 year old niece, Amelia. The way she sees the world with curiosity, excitement, and fun! Why see the world from a child’s eyes? Our entire life we’ve been taught to “grow up”, to stop being so “childlike”, and for us to listen to rules, to obey, and to…

  • Poem: You are Power!

    Poem: You are Power!

    You are power You can create beauty, hour after hour You have beautiful gifts, Share it, and let it shower. Why doubt yourself? In life you were dealt a royal flush Play your cards right Unleash all of your creative might. Your future is bright and clear You got the steering wheel; just steer! Poetry…

  • Why Do You Want to Be Remembered After You Die?

    Why Do You Want to Be Remembered After You Die?

    Is it okay to die and not have anyone remember you after you die?

  • How to Master Working on Your Own Street Photography Project

    How to Master Working on Your Own Street Photography Project

    Dear friend, If you want to work on your own (meaningful) photography project, this is the advice I would give to you:

  • How to Never Miss the Decisive Moment in Street Photography

    How to Never Miss the Decisive Moment in Street Photography

    I think all of us as street photographers are hunters of the “decisive moment”: that split-second of beauty in life. Definition of the “Decisive Moment” The term “decisive moment” was coined by Henri Cartier-Bresson (who got the concept from a poem). I would define “the Decisive Moment” as the following: A moment which shows the…

  • Street Portraits by ERIC KIM

    Street Portraits by ERIC KIM

    Street portraits (2011-2018) by ERIC KIM:

  • How to Master Your Own Psychology in Street Photography

    How to Master Your Own Psychology in Street Photography

    Dear friend, One of the most challenging things in street photography is mastering your own psychology; to conquer your personal fears in photographing strangers (either with or without permission), to overcome the feeling of moralistic/ethical guilt of photographing strangers, and how to not hesitate before hitting the shutter!



    Color photography portfolio (2011-2018):

  • The Best Street Photography Equipment

    The Best Street Photography Equipment

    Hey STREETTOGS, this is my recommended equipment for street photography:

  • How to Master Color Street Photography

    How to Master Color Street Photography

    If you’re passionate about color this advice I would give to you on mastering color street photography for yourself:

  • (Real) Reality is the Best Reality!

    (Real) Reality is the Best Reality!

    Dear friend, A random thought: “real” reality is the best reality!




  • On Nostalgia

    On Nostalgia

    Why do we get nostalgic?

  • How to Master Shooting Street Portraits

    How to Master Shooting Street Portraits

    If you are drawn to interesting people, faces, and subjects, I recommend you to shoot street portraits!

  • How to Master Black and White Street Photography

    How to Master Black and White Street Photography

    Dear friend, If you want to master black and white street photography for yourself, this is the advice I would give you (advice I wish I could have given myself):

  • Part 3: Epic Cinematography and Philosophy of 2001 Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick

    Part 3: Epic Cinematography and Philosophy of 2001 Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick

    Continuing from Part 2: Epic Cinematography and Philosophy of 2001 Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick:

  • Why You Must Photograph Your Loved Ones

    Why You Must Photograph Your Loved Ones

    Dear friend, I think the most important people you must photograph are your loved ones.

  • New HENRI SHOULDER Straps Available on Amazon for a Limited Time! (Phantom Black + Crema Brown)

    New HENRI SHOULDER Straps Available on Amazon for a Limited Time! (Phantom Black + Crema Brown)

    Dear friends, Now that Cindy and I are back in LA for a few weeks (and close to our HAPTIC INDUSTRIES inventory), we are super pumped and excited to announce that our brand new product, the Henri Shoulder Strap is now available on Amazon in the limited-edition colors (CREMA BROWN + PHANTOM BLACK).

  • Life/Productivity Hack: Write (Type on a phone) While Walking on a Dynamic Treadmill

    Life/Productivity Hack: Write (Type on a phone) While Walking on a Dynamic Treadmill

    Kind of a funny experiment I’m testing out: writing (typing on a phone), while on a dynamic treadmill (a treadmill that is purely mechanical and is only moved by the movement of your feet).

  • Dream and Build Your Self-Esteem!

    Dream and Build Your Self-Esteem!

    Dear friend, A thought I’ve been pondering: what is self-esteem, why is self-esteem important, and how do we get more of it?

  • Part 2: Epic Cinematography and Philosophy of 2001 Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick

    Part 2: Epic Cinematography and Philosophy of 2001 Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick

    A continuation of Part 1: Epic Cinematography and Philosophy of 2001 Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick:

  • Depth Perception

    Depth Perception

    Dear friend, I’m currently at a football stadium, and had a small epiphany: there is something integral to us as human beings when it comes to depth-perception.

  • ERIC KIM Life, Creativity, and Productivity Hacks

    ERIC KIM Life, Creativity, and Productivity Hacks

    Dear friend, I want to give you a distillation of all of the current life hacks, productivity hacks, and random creativity hacks I have– which have helped me (and which I hope can help you!)

  • How to Become a Bold Street Photographer

    How to Become a Bold Street Photographer

    Dear friend, One of the attributes that will make you happier as a street photographer is to be bolder as a street photographer!

  • Fly Higher!

    life is cruel but don’t despair know that you were born with guts and a pair of wings to do epic things to fly to the highest peak and summit how bad do you want it? you got no limits you got no roof just push yourself to the limit prove it to yourself, prove…

  • Part 1: Epic Cinematography and Philosophy of 2001 Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick

    Part 1: Epic Cinematography and Philosophy of 2001 Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick

    I just re-watched ‘2001 Space Odyssey’ by Stanley Kubrick, and holy shit– this movie is one of the best movies of all-time.

  • How to Photograph Beauty in the Mundane

    How to Photograph Beauty in the Mundane

    I’ve been super-inspired recently in my photography: finding more beauty in everyday life — in the small details. Life is great!

  • Zen Body-Hand-Mind Connection with the Camera

    Zen Body-Hand-Mind Connection with the Camera

    Dear friend, I was walking down the street of my boring suburban LA neighborhood, with the Lumix G9 Pro strapped around my wrist with the classic Henri Wrist Strap, and had the thought: The great thing about photography is the zen-like state that it gives you. That you disappear. You’re in the “Zen zone” of…

  • How to Tell Stories in Street Photography

    How to Tell Stories in Street Photography

    Why is street photography so great– and how can we make ‘better’/more engaging photos? My suggestion: tell more engaging stories through your photos!

  • Stanley Kubrick: Master Photographer and Film-Maker

    Stanley Kubrick: Master Photographer and Film-Maker

    Stanley Kubrick: not only a master film-maker, but also a great photographer.

  • Photography Technique: Take Photos While Walking!

    Photography Technique: Take Photos While Walking!

    Dear friend, A simple technique to make more photos: take photos while walking!

  • Lessons Ridley Scott Has Taught Me about Life, Art, and Cinema

    Lessons Ridley Scott Has Taught Me about Life, Art, and Cinema

    Ridley Scott: one of my favorite film directors of all-time.

  • Life Update from LA!

    Life Update from LA!

    Hey friends, I wanted to give you a quick life update from LA.



    Dear friend, A mini epiphany I had: If you’re not sure what to do with your life, or what direction to take it— consider your lifelong journey to be this: focus all your energy, ideas, and focus in becoming the most fully-developed ARTIST-PHILOSOPHER you can.

  • LA DIARY v1

    LA DIARY v1

    Just arrived back in sunny Southern California, and feeling super #grateful in life.



    Last set from Tokyo, shot on Lumix G9 Pro, Leica 12mm f/1.4 lens (24mm full-frame equivalent), iA mode, medium-jpeg, processed in ERIC KIM PRESETS.

  • Announcing New HENRI Shoulder Strap in Crema Brown and Phantom Black

    Announcing New HENRI Shoulder Strap in Crema Brown and Phantom Black

    HAPTIC INDUSTRIES is proud to announce our newest product, completely handmade, limited edition HENRI SHOULDER STRAP, in two colors: Crema Brown and Phantom Black.

  • Walmart Street Photography

    Walmart Street Photography

    If you live in the suburbs, and want inspiration to shoot– I encourage you to try out ‘Walmart Street Photography’, Costco Street Photography, or just shoot in grocery stores, markets, and other places in the suburbs!

  • You Have the WILLPOWER!

    You Have the WILLPOWER!

    Dear friend, A random philosophical musing: I think ‘willpower’ is misunderstood/overrated in the general sense. What exactly is ‘willpower’ — do we start each day with a limited supply of it? Do we ‘deplete’ our willpower as the day goes on? Can/how you replenish your will-power? And are some people born with more will-power than…

  • Part 1: Cinematography and Composition Lessons from All the Money in the World (2017) film by Ridley Scott

    Part 1: Cinematography and Composition Lessons from All the Money in the World (2017) film by Ridley Scott

    I just watched the film “All the Money in the World (2017)” by Ridley Scott /// cinematography by Dariusz Wolski and was blown away.

  • Cinematography Composition Techniques for Photographers

    Cinematography Composition Techniques for Photographers

    I am proud to announce that I did the cinematography for Cindy’s new film: “MISS STEP”. I wrote some of my personal lessons creating the film for her (in terms of doing the filming), but now I want to analyze some of the compositional techniques I learned (while shooting), and I have some practical video-shooting…

  • How to Have Motivation to Shoot Everyday

    How to Have Motivation to Shoot Everyday

    Dear friend, One of the biggest challenges all of us face (myself included) is finding the inspiration and motivation to shoot everyday.

  • How to Make Your Own Online Photography Course

    How to Make Your Own Online Photography Course

    I recently dropped two new brand new courses with Cindy and Udemy: “Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Photography” and another ambitious course, “Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship” and learned a ton. If you were ever curious about teaching your own online course, here are some lessons I’ve learned, which I hope can also help…

  • Lessons I’ve Learned Shooting my first Music Video with Cindy Nguyen: MISS STEP

    Lessons I’ve Learned Shooting my first Music Video with Cindy Nguyen: MISS STEP

    I just finished doing the cinematography for Cindy’s newest film/music video: “MISS STEP”; and it was a phenomenal experience.




  • 10 Lessons Nan Goldin Has Taught Me About Photography

    10 Lessons Nan Goldin Has Taught Me About Photography

    While in Photobooks DINER Megutama in Tokyo, I came across a copy of Nan Goldin’s famous “Ballad of Sexual Dependency” photobook. To me, it is the one of the most powerful photo books of all-time, about gender, sexuality, and human relationships.

  • FREE ERIC KIM Lightroom Classic CC Workflow PDF Visualization

    FREE ERIC KIM Lightroom Classic CC Workflow PDF Visualization

    Dear friends, I am super pumped to share this brand-new FREE Lightroom Classic CC Workflow PDF Visualization by ANNETTE KIM // from the HAPTIC team.

  • Ignore All Other Photographers

    Ignore All Other Photographers

    A true saying by Hugh M: “Ignore everyone else”, in order to thrive as a creator.

  • Lingering Technique in Street Photography

    Lingering Technique in Street Photography

    If you see an interesting scene in street photography, and you think you might be able to make a good photograph, linger longer than you think you should, continue to click the shutter, keep your feet planted, and keep shooting! The longer you linger and continue to shoot, the more likely you are to make…

  • Street Photography Beginner Tips

    Street Photography Beginner Tips

    Dear friend, Never lose your childlike sense of curiosity in street photography! Always return to beginner’s mind, to never run out of inspiration and motivation!