Month: April 2021

  • The Philosophy of Satisfaction

    The Philosophy of Satisfaction

    Is satisfaction the goal we truly desire? And once we are “satisfied”— then what?

  • Once You Got Perfect, Then What?

    Once You Got Perfect, Then What?

    For a long time, I thought of and labored for a “perfect”device (phone). Now I’ve discovered it — iPhone Mini (in black, with a red silicone case). And this is the strange zen I now feel and experience: I no longer think about, or worry about my phone or having the *best* or “perfect” phone.…

  • Limit Your Reps, Maximize Your Power Output

    Limit Your Reps, Maximize Your Power Output

    A thought and realization: With strength, and strength/physical culture, the apex is to maximize your maximum power output (once, a la powerlifting) than arbitrary ‘reps’ (repetitions). I am convinced this is the best way to *enjoy* “working out”, to prevent injury, and to also become more superhuman:

  • REVIEW: Justice League (Snyder Cut)

    REVIEW: Justice League (Snyder Cut)

    The new re-edited JUSTICE LEAGUE by Zack Snyder as insanely great:

  • Interest in Humans or Objects?

    Interest in Humans or Objects?

    A strange bias I notice in modern society: We are more interested in objects (cars, watches, design objects, devices, etc) over human beings. Why? Some thoughts:

  • Face Street Photography

    Face Street Photography

    For more effective street photos, try to include the face of the subject in your photos. And as a plus– add your own photo into the frame too!

  • Face Photography

    Face Photography

    In praise of photographing faces:

  • The Joy of Human Faces

    The Joy of Human Faces

    We love human faces. Almost above everything else. The joy of watching movies and films is based on faces. Close ups on human faces and conversations. Even babies and children — they’re mostly drawn to faces, far more than any other stimuli. Thus the simple thought: To be “happier”— perhaps expose ourselves with more human…

  • All Stimuli is Good Stimuli

    All Stimuli is Good Stimuli

    A thought and realization: No more hierarchy of “good” and “bad” stimuli. Anything which gets you going and inspires and motivates you is good! This means music, films, videos, sunlight, coffee, social stimuli, visual novelty, art, books, literature, poetry — it’s all good!!

  • How to Become More Self-Motivated in Your Photography

    How to Become More Self-Motivated in Your Photography

    Dear friends, It seems one of the most difficult things in photography is to self-motivate yourself towards photography– this means: Motivating yourself to shoot and make new photos Motivating yourself to review your photos, select (edit) them, process them, export them, publish/share them, then figure out which photos to share, etc. Finding and discovering deep…

  • In Praise of iPhone Ultra Wide Lens

    In Praise of iPhone Ultra Wide Lens

    I’m very enthusiastic and interested in the new ultra wide angle lens for the iPhone in terms of the new creative perspectives and views and compositions it will open up to us!



    To advance in your photography means: To become more fascinated with your own photos than the photos of others.

  • A Life of Artistic and Creative Leisure

    A Life of Artistic and Creative Leisure

    The goal isn’t to just have a life in which we have aimless leisure — in which we just sit around and ‘do nothing’. The goal is to have a life of artistic and creative leisure — in which we have the mind space, time, opportunity, energy and power to focus on our artistic and…

  • Things You *Want* to Do vs Things You *MUST* Do

    Things You *Want* to Do vs Things You *MUST* Do

    In life there are many things we want to do— things we desire to do, and want to do. However on the other hand, there are other things in which we *MUST* do— things we don’t need to force ourselves to do— things that no matter what, we will self-compel ourselves to do it. Then…

  • ASAP (As Small as Possible)

    ASAP (As Small as Possible)

    With design– small, compact, and light is the apex:

  • Stoic Happiness

    Stoic Happiness

    Everything that happened to you is for the betterment and strengthening of you. Everything that happened to you is the best possible thing that could have ever happened to you, and the most desirable thing to have happened to you.

  • Creative Procrustean Bed

    Creative Procrustean Bed

    A thought while watching the new Zack Snyder cut of Justice League: Wow— you can achieve soooo much more artistically when *NOT* given the basic constraints of the typical 1.5-2 hour film. This is why the future for (great) films must be online and streaming— directors aren’t stuck in this “Procrustean Bed” of arbitrary constraints,…

  • Everything Happened as it *Ought* to Have Happened

    Everything Happened as it *Ought* to Have Happened

    When it comes with decisions or life events, best to think: everything happened as it ought to have happened. Also realize all decisions are just a continuum — and your decisions (and your life) is always in a mode of becoming.

  • On Sharing Your Favorite Photos

    On Sharing Your Favorite Photos

    A simple thought: When you shoot and create photos which bring you delight, share that delight with others by sharing/publishing your photos! And it ain’t even about your ‘best’ photos — it is about your *FAVORITE* photos — photos you love.

  • Self-Formation


    The artist as shaping form. You as an artist — you have the power to form and shape yourself. You are the ultimate clay, the ultimate thing to be reshaped, reformed and to shape yourself into a greater you!

  • On Design & Photography

    On Design & Photography

    My interest and passion in design — applied to photography: The greatest boon of studying design is applying the concepts to photography. For example: How to design a frame (composition is designating what is of importance to you in the frame). Dynamic design (dynamic composition concepts) The aesthetics of your photo (color combinations or black…

  • A Designer Desires to Design and Create Things!

    A Designer Desires to Design and Create Things!

    My interest in design: A realization … not to just admire and continually obtain “design objects”, but instead to seek to *UNDERSTAND* the beauty behind design, and to use these insights to create your own designs and things!