iPad and VSCO Photography Editing Workflow

iPad import module sd card

Some practical tips on iPad Photography workflow:

Simpler is better

iPad import module sd card
Importing RAW photos to iPad and SD CARD ADAPTER

First of all, why use iPad for your workflow?

Some reasons:

  1. Cheap: You can buy a new iPad for very cheap; cheaper than laptop.
  2. More fun: Something fun about editing photos on an iPad, something that is lacking on laptop.
  3. Feels more traditional: Editing photos on iPad reminds me of looking at contact sheet strips on a light box.
  4. Quicker: iPad with Photos, and VSCO seems to work much faster than Lightroom on laptop.


Buy this.

I don’t like using WiFi to sync photos. Not as seamless or fast as using the iPad Lightning SD CARD adapter.


When you stick in the SD CARD into the adapter into the iPad, this import module will show up.

Click “import all” to start importing.

To keep it organized, add your photos to a new album.

Wait for it to finish:

Import photos into VSCO

Open the VSCO app, then click the top right corner to import your photos.

Then select the photos from your camera roll you want to import.

Then, Open the photo and click the adjustment button:

Then choose the presets you want to apply:

And the final photo I processed:

Processed with VSCO with x1 preset. Cindy in coffee shop. Processed XF10 raw photo.
Processed with VSCO with x1 preset. Cindy in coffee shop. Processed XF10 raw photo.

Some screenshots for another photo:

Processed with VSCO with x1 preset. Processed XF10 photo.

Basically you import other photos, then process them, and save them to your camera roll.

Keep it simple.


Honestly there isn’t a perfect workflow. Just keep working to simplify it.

More thoughts to come.