Abstract. Cindy with hands on face. Red, Kyoto 2017

How to Think Outside the Frame

Fibonacci spiral exists OUTSIDE the frame.
Fibonacci spiral exists OUTSIDE the frame.

The problem we face as photographers: we only think inside the box, inside the frame.

Photography is more interesting — when we think of reality outside the frame.

We must realize —that there are so many opportunities outside of the frame.

Don’t live inside a box.

Cindy with hand on chin. Red. Kyoto, 2017
Cindy with hand on chin. Red. Kyoto, 2017

Another way to think — think outside the box.

In life, we are given boxes. Pre packaged boxes and templates.

Abstract. Cindy with hand on chin. Red. Kyoto, 2017
Abstract. Cindy with hand on chin. Red. Kyoto, 2017

For example, we are told to think inside the box— Become a lawyer, doctor, accountant, business person. We are never told to think outside the box, and make a new career for ourselves —a career that doesn’t exist (yet). I’m still surprised that my “career” is street photography and blogging.

There are more options than you think exist

Cindy with hands on face. Red, Kyoto 2017
Cindy with hands on face. Red, Kyoto 2017

The problem,

When we try to make decisions in life, we are given choices A, B, C.

But we must realize, there are OTHER options out there we cannot see. Which are options D, E, F, … Z to infinity.

Abstract. Cindy with hands on face. Red, Kyoto 2017
Abstract. Cindy with hands on face. Red, Kyoto 2017

Photographers try to make sense of chaos in life

Cindy walking, with diagonal line composition. Kyoto, 2017
Cindy walking, with diagonal line composition. Kyoto, 2017

Of course in photography, our job is to control reality, and make some sense and order of the chaos of reality — by boxing reality inside our viewfinder and frame.

Abstract. Cindy walking, with diagonal line composition. Kyoto, 2017
Abstract. Cindy walking, with diagonal line composition. Kyoto, 2017

Make your own spaces

But to stay inspired in life — realize that life has no limits. Life has no frame or box.

Think outside the box, and think outside the frame.


Think outside the box with HAPTIC INDUSTIRES



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Photography Philosophy

Cindy diagonal composition. Uji. 2017
Cindy diagonal composition. Uji. 2017

Why do you make photos? Reflect in PHOTO JOURNAL:


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