Why You Must Photograph

Dynamic CURVE composition. Cindy, curved line, hand, with flash. Saigon, 2017
Dynamic CURVE composition. Cindy, curved line, hand, with flash. Saigon, 2017
Dynamic CURVE composition. Cindy, curved line, hand, with flash. Saigon, 2017

As a photographer, it is your DUTY to make photographs, and to share your vision of beauty with the rest of the world.



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1. You have a beautiful duty as a photographer

The world can seem like a pretty shitty and depressing world at times. It is your duty to uncover beauty, warmth, and love — with your lens.

Cindy silhouette and curved arms. Saigon, 2017
Cindy silhouette and curved arms. Saigon, 2017

You are a POSITIVE and OPTIMISTIC photographer, which means — you LOVE LIFE. You LOVE LIVING. You want to motivate, inspire, and encourage your viewer to LIVE MORE. You want your pictures to be an AFFIRMATION OF LIFE.

Cindy touching glass in wedding dress.
Cindy touching glass in wedding dress.

My personal critique on photography:

There are too many pictures of death, depression, and illness in the world. There are not enough life-affirming pictures in the world.

Images are powerful. Pictures are powerful.

2. Your pictures “prime” the mind of your viewer

When you subject a person to an image — it will subconsciously alter their thinking. Psychologists call this effect “priming.” This is powerful — because it means we think according to the images we look at.

For example, if you have a Lamborghini as your desktop image, you’re going to think more about money, influence, and power — than looking at a peaceful image of a seascape.

If you look at lots of pictures of muscular people, the image will probably be a stimulus to you working out.

If you see lots of depressing movies, you will in general, feel more depressed, nihilistic, and negative in life.

Therefore, as an individual: PROTECT YOUR EYEBALLS. Prevent diseases from entering your eye— that might pollute your mind. Only ingest images into your visual cortex which is consistent with your personal goals and visions in life.

Learn From the Masters Book: First Edition
Learn From the Masters Book: First Edition

3. Why I photograph laughing ladies

For example, I want to show more beauty, happiness, joy, and life in my pictures. Thus, I have started a “laughing ladies” series:

NYC, 2015
LAUGHING LADY by Eric Kim Contact Sheets

eric kim photography hanoi laughing lady

laughing lady hanoi contact sheet eric kim

My grandma, laughing. Seoul, 2017.
My grandma, laughing. Seoul, 2017.

Woman laughing. NYC, 2017. Pentax 645Z

Girl laughing with blue sunglasss. Kyoto, 2017.
Girl laughing with blue sunglasss. Kyoto, 2017.
Old people laughing and pointing. Omotesando, Tokyo 2017
Old people laughing and pointing. Omotesando, Tokyo 2017

It isn’t just women who laugh, but men too:

I was teaching a street photography workshop in Venice with Adam Marelli-- and a couple of us were having drinks and dinner at a bar there. I saw this tough looking guy sitting at the end of the bar, and I thought he would make a great subject. I approached him (a bit tipsy) and asked if I could take a few portraits of him as he looked great. At first he started laughing and he refused, but I persisted. I then started to snap a few photos, and saw he had an interesting tattoo under his shirt. I asked him to show me the tattoo, and to my surprise-- he started to take off his watch and started to unbotton his shirt. I then took a few photos, and this one being the most interesting to me.

Paris, 2016. I loved his teeth and asked him to laugh for me.
Contact sheet. Laughing Paris.
Contact sheet. Laughing Paris.

5. How to never run out of inspiration as a photographer

I like the idea of why you “must” photograph — because it gives you a monster of a task, a responsibility, and a motivation why you must photograph.

Photograph for yourself, but also for a cause greater than yourself. Become a great, grand, and magnanimous (great-spirited) photographer.




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