Tag: street photography

  • A Real and Unique Pleasure by Pierre Belhassen

    A Real and Unique Pleasure by Pierre Belhassen

    (Words and Photos by Pierre Belhassen) I’m Pierre Belhassen. I started photography 10 years ago. After studying cinema, I was given a camera. I wanted to discover New York City. It became a revelation in my life. I realized that there are endless possibilities and different ways to reinvent reality. For me, there was no doubt. I…

  • “Letters from a Recovering Camera Addict” Step 2: The Pact

    “Letters from a Recovering Camera Addict” Step 2: The Pact

    This article is written by Josh White, originally posted here. The views posted here are his and his alone and may or may not be shared by the website as a whole ;) Disclaimer: Sarcasm doesn’t always transfer into written word.  Well, “tomorrow” turned into a week. Thank you for those who worried that I…

  • Street Photography Quick Links: July 2015

    Street Photography Quick Links: July 2015

    Street Photography Quick Links is a compilation of Links, Projects, News, Videos, Events, or anything that is related to street photography or photography in particular that I have personally consumed. Perhaps these might interest you or make you think. If you want to send some links my way, details will be at the post below.

  • “Letters from a Recovering Camera Addict” Step 1: Admission

    “Letters from a Recovering Camera Addict” Step 1: Admission

    This article is written by Josh White, originally posted here. The views posted here are his and his alone and may or may not be shared by the website as a whole ;) Hi. My name is Josh and I’m an addict. No, I never did drugs. I don’t smoke. I hardly even drink. I’m addicted…

  • How it Feels to Shoot Street Photography 24 Hours Straight

    How it Feels to Shoot Street Photography 24 Hours Straight

    This is a guest post by Josh White, a street photographer based in Seoul, Korea. Josh: Yesterday (and sort of the day before) I took part in the 24 Hour Project. For those of you that don’t know, it is a street photography initiative that involves photographers worldwide. Basically, how it works, is you take…

  • Street Photography and The Human Condition

    Street Photography and The Human Condition

    I always think about the meaning of life— and you can probably notice that this blog has become heavily philosophy-based the last few months. This is due to the fact that I have been thinking much more about living a purposeful life as a photographer. Not only that, but I have also had a few…

  • 5 Photography Friendly Places Where You Can Practice Street Photography

    5 Photography Friendly Places Where You Can Practice Street Photography

    (A.g.’s note: I asked some of the folks over at Streettogs Academy what part of their street photography they want to improve on. One of the many things that popped up was people are still shy going out to shoot or finding interesting places to shoot in. Hopefully this article gives you new ideas on…

  • “Letters from a Street Photographer” #3: How to Focus on Your Life’s Work

    “Letters from a Street Photographer” #3: How to Focus on Your Life’s Work

    There are so many distractions out there. We live in an age where it is almost impossible not to be distracted. Our phones are constantly buzzing. We see thousands of advertisements a day that are vying for our attention. We are bombarded with emails from spammers, we are bombarded with notifications, we are bombarded by…

  • Streettogs Academy Assignment No. 4 “Strong Light” Results and Analysis

    Streettogs Academy Assignment No. 4 “Strong Light” Results and Analysis

    Assignment No. 4 has probably the most number of beautiful images I’ve seen in an assignment. There were plenty of great photographs that adhered to our theme of “Strong Light” as well some creative executions that still fits the theme well. I give my thanks to all of those who participated for this assignment and…

  • Introducing Streettogs Academy

    Introducing Streettogs Academy

    We always push for people to keep on practicing and developing your skills and your eye. We also believe in having a passionate group of people helping each other to become good with this passion of ours. With that in mind, we are launching a new initiative here on the blog: Streettogs Academy.

  • Street Photography Book Analysis: Modern Times by Patrick Tsai

    Street Photography Book Analysis: Modern Times by Patrick Tsai

    One of the best things about photography is it gives us a view of places we otherwise won’t be able to visit. Street Photography ups the ante by actually heading to side streets, roads not taken, and places that won’t appear in your usual travel guide. In Patrick Tsai’s modern times, he shows us a…

  • The Benefits Shooting Both Film and Digital in Street Photography

    The Benefits Shooting Both Film and Digital in Street Photography

    This guest blog post is by JT White, a street photographer based in Seoul, Korea. JT: I get asked a lot about film versus digital. I use both film and digital cameras. Which, depend really depends on a lot of things. It can depend on my mood or on the lens I want to use. I…

  • Shooting on the Streets of NYC with Jerry Pena

    Shooting on the Streets of NYC with Jerry Pena

    I recently hit the streets of NYC with Jerry Pena, a color film street photographer based in upstate New York. Watch him talk about his inspirations in street photography and footage of him shooting on the streets above. You can also see my other feature with him on the blog here.

  • 5 Tips When Entering a Street Photography Contest

    5 Tips When Entering a Street Photography Contest

    The photos in this article are from my new “Detroit” series.  I’ve had the pleasure of being a judge for a handful of street photography competitions: including the International Street Photography Awards 2012, the Urban Picnic Street Photography Contest in 2013, and the International Street Photography Awards 2014. It was a fascinating experience being a…

  • Why I Teach Street Photography Workshops

    Why I Teach Street Photography Workshops

    Photos in this article are from my travels in Istanbul this summer. I often get criticism from teaching street photography workshops. I get criticized that they cost too much. I get criticized that I am not qualified enough. I get criticized that street photography is something that you “cannot teach”– and is something that has…

  • Don’t Miss Out! One Week Left for Early-Bird Pricing of my Seattle 3-day Introduction to Street Photography Workshop (Jan 10-12, 2014)

    There is one-week left for the early-bird discount (Sunday, Jan 5th) for my first Seattle Introduction to Street Photography Workshop! Don’t miss out on this beautiful unique location, especially if you live in the area!  Have you ever walked on the streets and saw a moment that you wanted to capture, but you were too scared…

  • “Conquer Your Fear of Shooting in The Streets”: Downtown Los Angeles 3-day Introduction to Street Photography Workshop featuring Rinzi Ruiz and Dana Barsuhn (11/1-11/3)

    Have you ever walked on the streets and saw a moment that you wanted to capture, but you were too scared to take the photograph? Do you want to become more confident shooting in the streets and learn how to better interact with your subjects? Do you want to meet other street photographers that are…

  • Istanbul Street Photography GoPro POV Volume #5

    Istanbul Street Photography GoPro POV Volume #5

    I just uploaded the last Istanbul GoPro POV video in my series above. If you want to watch the full series, you can see all the videos on YouTube here.

  • Take Your Street Photography to the Next Level in San Francisco and Downtown Los Angeles!

    Take Your Street Photography to the Next Level in San Francisco and Downtown Los Angeles!

    I am excited to share that the information for my upcoming street photography workshops in San Francisco and Los Angeles are live! The Introductory Street Photography Workshop is focused on building your courage, learning the fundamentals of composition, and techniques when shooting on the street. The Intermediate/Advanced Street Photography Workshop is focused  on honing onto…

  • Scratching the Itch Through Mobile Photography

    Scratching the Itch Through Mobile Photography

    This article is written by Josh White, a street photographer that has traveled throughout Korea, Japan, and Canada. You can follow his blog here. Josh: Photographic purists, especially ones of the docu/street genre will often argue that photography is a process. They will argue that photography should all be taken seriously and photographs should be left to permeate.…

  • On Staged Photos and Integrity

    On Staged Photos and Integrity

    This article was originally posted by Charlie Kirk on his Tumblr here. Make sure to follow him on Facebook and Twitter. Charlie: A week or so ago, Brian Sokolowski posted on Facebook: “Is it me, or is there a whole lot of street-photography out there that’s set up and posed? No, it’s not me… there is. What’s…

  • Istanbul Street Photography GoPro POV Volume #3

    Istanbul Street Photography GoPro POV Volume #3

    This is the third installment of my Istanbul Street Photography GoPro POV videos. Two of my other Istanbul GoPro Street Photography POV’s: Istanbul Street Photography GoPro POV Volume #1 Istanbul Street Photography GoPro POV Volume #2

  • Istanbul Street Photography GoPro POV Volume #2

    Here is the second volume of my Istanbul Street Photography GoPro POV series. I put the new GoPro Hero 3 (and shot at 720p at 60fps) on top of my Leica MP. The framelines are roughly 35mm. I have a few more I’m working on, will upload them in the upcoming week. If you haven’t…

  • What is Street Photography?

    What is Street Photography?

    I want to write regarding a subject which is highly debated online: “What is street photography?” There are countless forum threads, Facebook discussions, blogs, and Flickr boards which argue what street photography is and what street photography isn’t. I have thought about the question: “What is street photography?” for a long time– and my thoughts…

  • On Travel and Street Photography

    On Travel and Street Photography

    “You need a change of soul rather than a change of climate” – Seneca Over the last year or so I have been incredibly lucky to travel to over 15 cities internationally, and have met some of the most incredible people in my life. However as much I have been traveling, I have been longing…

  • An Introduction to Shooting Street Photography With Film

    An Introduction to Shooting Street Photography With Film

    For the last year and a half or so, I have been shooting my personal street photography on exclusively film. After shooting digital for around 7 years or so, it has been a great experience so far and I have learned a ton. When I first wanted to start shooting street photography I had a…

  • What to Consider When Buying a New Camera for Street Photography

    What to Consider When Buying a New Camera for Street Photography

    On my flight from Dubai back to the states I just finished an excellent book by psychologist Barry Schwartz titled: “The Paradox of Choice.” In the book, Schwartz addresses the following question in Western society: Why is it that people are getting more miserable when the amount of choices we are given goes up? I…

  • Capturing the Strange Characters of Rome: Street Photography by Paolo Rabuffi

    Capturing the Strange Characters of Rome: Street Photography by Paolo Rabuffi

    Eric’s Note: I am pleased to share the work of Paolo Rabuffi, a street photographer based in Rome. Working in both color and black and white, he loves to capture the “strangeness” of Rome – while being more present in the everyday moment. Check out some of his thoughts and images below! Paolo: I’m half Roman…

  • Street Photography Exhibition by Satoki Nagata in Chicago (12/15) at the Strange Beauty Show

    Street Photography Exhibition by Satoki Nagata in Chicago (12/15) at the Strange Beauty Show

    I am excited to share that my good friend and fellow street photographer Satoki Nagata is featuring some of his street photography in Chicago, December 15th (Saturday). He will show a collection of his street photography and documentary work. More information about the exhibition below: Time & Location Date: Saturday, December 15th Time: 7pm –…

  • The Untold Stories From Kolkata: Street Photography by Krishnendu Saha from “That’s Life”

    The Untold Stories From Kolkata: Street Photography by Krishnendu Saha from “That’s Life”

    Eric’s Note: I am pleased to share the work of Krishnendu Saha, a street photographer based in Kolkata. Krishnendu is part of That’s Life, an Indian Street Photographer Collective. He is a student and teacher of Mathematics, but has been honing his photography skills for the last few years as a way to tell the “untold stories”…

  • 3 Reasons Why You Should Use the iPhone 5 For Street Photography by Mike Avina

    3 Reasons Why You Should Use the iPhone 5 For Street Photography by Mike Avina

    (Above photograph shot on the iPhone 5 by Mike Avina) Eric’s Note: I’m sure many of you are curious about the performance of the iPhone 5’s camera for street photography. Fellow street photographer Mike Avina has spent around a week or two with the iPhone 5, and here are some of his impressions. You can…

  • Discover the Streets of Calcutta, India: Week-long Introduction to Design/Composition Workshop with Eric Kim and Adam Marelli (12/10-12/14)

    Discover the Streets of Calcutta, India: Week-long Introduction to Design/Composition Workshop with Eric Kim and Adam Marelli (12/10-12/14)

    Join Eric Kim and Adam Marelli… Street Photography Workshop: Introduction to Design/Composition Calcutta [INDIA] – December 10th-14th Eric’s Note: I am excited to announce that I will be teaching another unique 5-day workshop in Calcutta, India with NYC  photographer and master composition teacher Adam Marelli. Adam Marelli has a keen eye for design, composition, and capturing “the…

  • “Our City. Our Life” Photo Exhibition from Street Photographer Travis Jensen @ Galette 88, Thursday (10/4) from 6-9PM

    “Our City. Our Life” Photo Exhibition from Street Photographer Travis Jensen @ Galette 88, Thursday (10/4) from 6-9PM

    If you are in the bay area make sure to check out Travis Jensen‘s solo exhibition in San Francisco this Thursday (10/4) at Galette 88. Travis is a street and documentary photographer, and his show will be a mix of candid street scenes, street portratirue, and other urban environmental scenes. Unfortunately I’m in Michigan so…

  • Streettogs gallery Work in Progress: Minh Nghia’s Photobook “In Transit”

    Streettogs gallery Work in Progress: Minh Nghia’s Photobook “In Transit”

    Eric’s Note: Streettogs Gallery is an on-going feature and intiative by Manila-based street photographer A.G. De Mesa. Click here for more info. A.G.: Today’s feature is a bit different than the usual. As I said in the intro post for streettogs gallery, I would also love to see if you have a work in progress. Today…

  • Award-winning Multimedia Journalist, Street Photographer, and Professor: Interview with Richard “Koci” Hernandez from The Mobile Photo Group

    Award-winning Multimedia Journalist, Street Photographer, and Professor: Interview with Richard “Koci” Hernandez from The Mobile Photo Group

    (All photographs in this article copyrighted by Richard “Koci” Hernandez) Eric’s Note: I was introduced to the work of Richard “Koci” Hernandez by two of my good friends, Misho Baranovic and Oliver Lang from The Mobile Photo Group. What first struck me about Koci’s work is the depth, soul, and the mood of his beautifully-crafted…

  • Streettogs Gallery Feature: Ms. Helen Hill’s Mise-en-scène

    Streettogs Gallery Feature: Ms. Helen Hill’s Mise-en-scène

    Eric’s Note: Streettogs Gallery is an on-going feature and intiative by Manila-based street photographer A.G. De Mesa. Click here for more info. A.G.:There is a fine line between cinema and photography. Good cinematography and good photography shows when you have a good arrangement of elements such as light, composition, and subject. But more often than not, a cinematographer…

  • Weekly Assignment #6: Emotion

    Weekly Assignment #6: Emotion

    Sorry for not having the weekly assignments up regularly, it will be back to usual every Tuesday! Please submit you images to Erics Facebook fan page here. So for this week the theme is “Emotion”, see how you can capture emotion on the street during everyday life! Make sure you submit your best image by Friday for…

  • How Studying Contact Sheets Can Make You a Better Street Photographer

    How Studying Contact Sheets Can Make You a Better Street Photographer

    (Two shots Henri Cartier-Bresson shot of the same scene. SPAIN. 1933. Andalucia. Seville. © The Estate of Henri Cartier-Bresson / Magnum Photos) One of the biggest misconceptions I know runs rampart in street photography is the “myth of the decisive moment”. What do I mean when I talk about “the decisive moment” simply being a myth?…

  • Layers, Light, and Color in Seoul: Interview with Street Photographer Arthur Quejadas II

    Layers, Light, and Color in Seoul: Interview with Street Photographer Arthur Quejadas II

    I have always been a fan of Arthur Quejadas II, seeing several of his images in the Hardcore Street Photography Group on Flickr. After interviewing Trevor Marczylo I had a chance to interview Arthur as well. Check out the interview and see how Arthur creates layers and depth in his images – and chases the…

  • Interview with Street Photographer Trevor Marczylo in Seoul, Korea

    Interview with Street Photographer Trevor Marczylo in Seoul, Korea

    A few days ago I attended David Kim’s Film Photography Workshop in Seoul and was finally able to meet up Trevor Marczylo in person! I have featured Trevor’s work on the blog before, and he has also written articles on Why Street Photographers Should Print in the Darkroom, How to File Out Your Negative Holder,…

  • How You Can Apply Sociology to Your Street Photography Projects

    How You Can Apply Sociology to Your Street Photography Projects

    (One of the photographs from my new “Dark Skies Over Tokyo” project) As a sociology student at UCLA, I have learned many insightful things through my courses that I have applied to my street photography projects. If you are struggling with finding your own voice in street photography or how to construct a project- check…

  • Streettogs Gallery: An Analysis and a personal note of Jun Abe’s “Manila”

    Streettogs Gallery: An Analysis and a personal note of Jun Abe’s “Manila”

    Eric’s Note: Streettogs Gallery is an on-going feature and intiative by Manila-based street photographer A.G. De Mesa. Check out more info here. A.G.: Coming back from a small hiatus, I’m bringing you my analysis and some personal thoughts of Manila photographed by Jun Abe and published by Vaccum Press. I would like to apologize if the images of…

  • Featured Street Photographer: AikBeng Chia from the Mobile Photo Group

    Featured Street Photographer: AikBeng Chia from the Mobile Photo Group

    (“All He Ever Wanted” – Copyright AikBeng Chia / MPG) Eric’s Note: I am proud to share the work of AikBeng Chia aka “ABC”. He is part of the MPG (Mobile Photo Group) and is currently shooting in Singapore. I had the great pleasure of meeting ABC when I was in Singapore for my last street…

  • Street Photography Weekly Assignment #5: View Point

    Street Photography Weekly Assignment #5: View Point

    (Copyright: two cute dogs) So for this week, the assignment is “View Point”! This was chosen by the winner of last weeks challenge Anna Delany. Upload your best 1 view point shot captured between now and this Friday to Eric’s Facebook fan page. We will choose the best shots and feature them on the blog! Now GO GO GO!

  • Street Photography Weekly Assignment #4: “Legs” Winners

    Street Photography Weekly Assignment #4: “Legs” Winners

    (Above Image Copyrighted By Anna Delany) Charlie Atkinson: Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a good weekend, we decided that the photo above by Anna Delany has won the fourth week of the assignment series, so huge congratulations to her! We both really liked her image, as well as the runners up images below! I really…

  • Review of the CSLR Glide Strap for Street Photography

    Review of the CSLR Glide Strap for Street Photography

    (Above image: my Leica MP and CSLR Glide Strap) In my 6 years of shooting street photography, I have experimented with lots of different straps. I tried neck straps, wrist straps, hand straps, and even no straps. Finding an ideal camera strap for street photography is very difficult. You need a strap that is discrete,…

  • Reality Through Abstract Visual Puzzles: An Interview With John Goldsmith, Vancouver-Based Street Photographer

    Reality Through Abstract Visual Puzzles: An Interview With John Goldsmith, Vancouver-Based Street Photographer

    (Above image by John Goldsmith) Eric’s Note: I recently had the pleasure of interviewing John Goldsmith, a street photographer based out of Vancouver. He is part of the strange.rs collective, and has also recently released a book, “Drop Out of Art School“. Goldsmith is one of the most prolific and valuable members in the street…

  • Street Photography Weekly Assignment #4: Legs

    Street Photography Weekly Assignment #4: Legs

    (Above Image Copyrighted By Henri Cartier-Bresson / Magnum) So for this week, the assignment is legs! This was chosen by the winner of last weeks challenge Giovanni Savino. Upload your best 1 legs shot captured between now and this Friday to Eric’s Facebook fan page. We will choose the best shots and feature them on the blog! Now GO GO GO!

  • 101 Inspirational Street Photography Quotes

    101 Inspirational Street Photography Quotes

    (Above Image Copyrighted By Steve McCurry / Magnum Photos) Charlie Atkinson: So for this weeks post I thought I would share my favorite quotes from some of my favorite photographers as well as a few others that can be applied to photography as well! They are also not in any particular order, this post is by me as…

  • Street Photography Weekly Assignment #3: “One Liners” Winners

    Street Photography Weekly Assignment #3: “One Liners” Winners

    (Above Image Copyrighted By Giovanni Savino) Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a good weekend, after talking to Eric we decided that the photo above by Giovanni Savino has won the third week of the assignment series, so huge congratulations to him! We both really liked his image, as well as the runners up images bellow! I…

  • Why Gear Doesn’t Worry Me Anymore Whilst I’m Shooting Street Photography

    Why Gear Doesn’t Worry Me Anymore Whilst I’m Shooting Street Photography

    I started off my photographic career with a my a Nikon D60 two years ago. I loved it and loathed it and wished that I had something that had video mode, so I looked into entry level DSLRs and thought the Nikon D3100 sounded like a pretty good shout. After about two months of using…

  • Street Photography Weekly Assignment #3: “One Liners”

    Street Photography Weekly Assignment #3: “One Liners”

    (Above Image Copyrighted By Elliott Erwitt / Magnum Photos) So for this week, the assignment is “One Liners”. This was chosen by the winner of last weeks challenge Hao Jiang. Upload your best 1 “One Liners” shot captured between now and this Friday to Eric’s Facebook fan page. We will choose the best shots and feature them on the blog! Now GO…

  • The Organized Chaos of Life: Street photography by Justin Wilkes in Sydney

    The Organized Chaos of Life: Street photography by Justin Wilkes in Sydney

    Eric’s Note: I met street photographer Justin Wilkes when I was in Sydney – and had followed him on Twitter for a while. I had a closer look at some of his work, and was quite impressed by the diversity of his work and the pure energy and rawness of them. Check out some of his…

  • 10 Things Magnum Photographer David Hurn Can Teach You About Street Photography

    10 Things Magnum Photographer David Hurn Can Teach You About Street Photography

    (Copyright: David Hurn/Magnum Photos/Magnum Photos) I recently finished reading a book “On Being A Photographer” which is an amazing instructional book for aspiring photographers. The book was written by Bill Jay, in collaboration with Magnum photographer David Hurn. The book covers many different things, such as how to select a subject, how to work on…

  • Street Photography Weekly Assignment #1: Cliches Winners

    Street Photography Weekly Assignment #1: Cliches Winners

    Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a good weekend, after talking to Eric we decided that the photo above by Steven Xue has won the first week, huge congratulations to him! We both really liked the runners up images bellow as well! I think these are really good examples of cliches as there often captured and uploaded…

  • Introduction to Hasselblad Medium Format Cameras by Jeroen Helmink

    An introduction to using Hasselblad Medium Format Cameras by Jeroen Helmink, Dutch street photographer. Check out Jeroen’s work on his website or on Flickr! Also if you are interested in getting a Hasselblad, email Jeroen at jeroen.helmink@gmail.com Got any questions about Hasselblads or shooting medium-format film? Leave a comment below! 

  • Street Photography Documentary Trailer: Markus Hartel from NYC

    NYC-based street photographer Markus Hartel just put out a new trailer to his upcoming documentary. Make sure to watch the video above!

  • Street Photography Weekly Assignment #1: Cliches

    Street Photography Weekly Assignment #1: Cliches

    (Above Photo : Alfred Eisenstaedt) Eric’s Note: I am excited to announce that my good mate Charlie Atkinson will be helping out on the blog (remember the cheater on Digital Rev TV?). Anyways, he is now a reformed man and his heart is really into street photography! Considering that I’m always on the road and traveling…

  • 10 New Tips How to Master Shooting Street Photography With the iPhone

    10 New Tips How to Master Shooting Street Photography With the iPhone

    Eric’s Note: This article is written by Misho Baranovic, Melbourne-based street photographer and one of the co-founding members of the Mobile Photo Group.  Misho: It’s been over a year since I last posted my ten tips for shooting street photography with an iPhone.  Over this time we have seen massive improvements in the quality of…

  • Street Photography with the new iPad in Sydney, Australia

    Made a fun video shooting street photography with the new iPad with my buddy Adam Rahim while in Sydney, Australia. The camera application I used in the video was ProCamera.

  • Telling Stories from the “Everyday Milan” from Street Photographer Luca Napoli

    Telling Stories from the “Everyday Milan” from Street Photographer Luca Napoli

    Eric’s Note: I am pleased to share the work of Luca Napoli, a street photographer based in Milan. In this post are some photographs from Luca’s projects: [Commuters], [Taranto Vecchia], [Living the Provinces], and [My Milan]. Keep reading to hear more about Luca’s projects, his history, and further insights! Luca: I was born in Taranto, South…

  • 8 Ways How Money Can Buy You Happiness in Street Photography

    8 Ways How Money Can Buy You Happiness in Street Photography

    (Pictured above: Leica M9-P Hermes Edition. Only $50,000) We are always told that money doesn’t make us happy. Although I like the saying, it isn’t entirely true. Scientific studies do show that money buys us happiness- but only to a certain extent. For example, if you literally make only $10 a month, of course you…

  • What’s In My Bag When I’m Traveling and Shooting Street Photography

    What’s In My Bag When I’m Traveling and Shooting Street Photography

    I am currently in Berlin, and about to head out to Amsterdam tomorrow to teach a street photography workshop with Thomas Leuthard. A week afterwards, I will be teaching a 4-day street photography workshop for the Stockholm Photography Week with Fotografiska (the Swedish Photography Museum). I always try to travel light- and typically carry just…

  • Why Instagram Is The Future of Street Photography

    Why Instagram Is The Future of Street Photography

    (Above image: “Carlton” by Misho Baranovic) When I was in Melbourne, I met up with street photographer and co-founder of the Mobile Photo Group (MPG), Misho Baranovic. For those of you who may not know Misho or the MPG, they essentially shoot street and documentary photography with mobile devices and share their work online through…

  • Interview with Rinzi Ruiz, Los Angeles Street Photographer and Painter of Light

    Interview with Rinzi Ruiz, Los Angeles Street Photographer and Painter of Light

    Had a chance to interview Rinzi Ruiz, a phenomenal black & white street photographer based in Los Angeles (and one of the alumni of my LA street photography workshop!). I chat with him about his inspirations in street photography, how he finds the light, and advice he has for aspiring street photographers. We also geek…

  • Interview With Dana Barsuhn, Film Los Angeles Street Photographer With Leica M4

    Interview With Dana Barsuhn, Film Los Angeles Street Photographer With Leica M4

    Had a quick chat with my buddy Dana Barsuhn, a fellow street photographer from Los Angeles and former attendee of my Intermediate Los Angeles Street Photography Workshop. For those of you geeks who are curious, he shoots B/W Tri-X film on his Leica M4, with a 35mm Zeiss Lens. Also featured in the video is…

  • How Playing Video Games Can Help You Become a Better Street Photographer

    How Playing Video Games Can Help You Become a Better Street Photographer

      (Above photograph by Jun Shen Chia from his “Tokyo” series) Eric’s Note: This article is written my good friend, fellow street photographer, and gamer Jun Shen Chia. I met him in Singapore, and marveled at how he was able to shoot so quickly on the streets. I also found out he was a total…

  • Interview with Hong Kong Street Photographer Jonathan van Smit at the Leica Blog

    Interview with Hong Kong Street Photographer Jonathan van Smit at the Leica Blog

    Recently when I taught my street photography workshop in Hong Kong I had the great pleasure of having Jonathan van Smit as a guest speaker. Jonathan is a street photographer originally from New Zealand, and has shot the raw streets of West Kowloon for nearly four years now. Check out my interview with him over…

  • Streettogs Gallery Talk: The importance of producing a body of work

    Streettogs Gallery Talk: The importance of producing a body of work

    Eric’s Note: Streettogs Gallery is an on-going feature and intiative by Manila-based street photographer A.G. De Mesa. Click here for more info. AG: This week, let me share to you some thoughts on why having a body of work is important while showing a great work from Kip Praslowicz. After years of studying, looking, and analyzing photographs I…

  • Eric Kim Lightroom Presets

    Eric Kim Lightroom Presets

    I’ve been working on these presets for a long time. They’re mostly optimized for the Ricoh GR and when shooting with flash— but I figure they will look good with any camera (as long as you shoot in RAW). There are two Lightroom presets included: Eric Kim Color 1600 (gritty, high-contrast color preset) Eric Kim…