Cholesterol is a Steroid

Eric Kim muscle traps flex


It seems nowadays the bias is to just consume more protein. And for some myopic reason people assume that all protein is alike, and the only thing which is important is the total number of grams of protein you consume.

How to Build Monster Traps

Eric Kim traps muscle flex

Traps — the trapezius muscles on top of your shoulders and neck.

How do you build monster traps? Simple:

  1. Insanely heavy rack pulls, or trap bar / open hex bar deadlifts. I believe that any able-bodied men should be able to rack pull at least six plates with enough effort.
  2. Muscle ups
  3. Attempt to lift the heaviest dumbbells at the gym. For example, just see if you could pick it up and rerack it, and then place it back. For example my gym has dumbbells that go up to 150 pounds, and simply lifting it up is quite difficult. For the heavier dumbbells, use chalk. It took me a while before I was able to successfully lift 150 pound dumbbell with my left hand, which has the weaker grip.
  4. Should I use straps? I say no. Even though it is true that using straps will allow you to lift heavier weights, it prevents you from building your grip strength, and your forearm strength, which I think ultimately translates into your whole body strength. It is my thought that grip strength is strength


Go to the Costco business Center, you can go if you have a normal Costco membership. Buy beef ribs, beef brisket, etc.

Why beef? The fattier the meat, and the closer it is to the bone, the more cholesterol and nutrition it will have. Cholesterol is a steroid. The more cholesterol you consume, the more muscular gains you will get.


I’m insanely into aesthetics.

Why off-road?

It seems that the bias nowadays is to get some sort of all wheel drive, off-road vehicle. What should this be a thing?

I think this is the new noveau hippie, consumerist thing. We lack adventure and excitement in our everyday lived realities, and instead, we seek some sort of form of adventure and excitement. Whether it be off-roading, in nature, the forest, the desert, etc.

The hilarity is that Cindy and I have actually spent a lot of time going on epic road trips, to the desert, Joshua tree, to the mountains, etc. And it was all easily done with a simple four-door sedan, a Ford fusion. There was really no place that needed to be accessed off the road. Everything is accessible on-road.

Also another thing, I don’t actually like going off-roading. It makes me carsick. Too much vibration is annoying.

Also, why the wilderness, why camping, etc.? Is it just another form of escapism? I think so. Personally speaking, I like society. I like going to the Costco business Center and getting meat, I like going to the gym and lifting heavy weights, I like having Wi-Fi, etc.

Faster Speeds

As an experiment, I tried shooting medium size JPEG on my Ricoh GR 3X. And this morning, importing it to my iPad Pro, it was so slow. Certainly compared to importing extra small or small JPEG‘s. Frustratingly slow.

I then wondered, a similar thing with electric cars, Teslas, and charging speeds. Why are charging speed so slow for electric cars? Why is it quicker and faster to fill up a gasoline car, when compared to recharging an electric car?

What is the best Tesla car?

The Tesla model S plaid is certainly the fastest car, and therefore, is the best car. Yet, the Tesla model S plaid is a bit boring. Also, I really don’t like the front end of it, with the embedded T logo in the front. It gets rid of the design harmony.

A few weeks ago, I went to a Tesla showroom, and had a lot of fun in the Tesla model X with Seneca, with the falcon doors up. I think it is a great car, and it is cool that you could fit so many people into it, would be great for a multi kid family, or a growing family. I think it looks great in red. Yet my only critique with the Tesla model X is that it just looks a bit cheap. The quality doesn’t look great for a car that is over $100,000. Also, it seems that everyone has one now, which makes me a little bit less interested in actually getting one. Personally I want something different.

How about the Tesla model Y? Too much plastic on it. Also, I have discovered with crossover vehicles, or medium size vehicles, design wise, it is a compromise. It is boring.

How about the Tesla model 3? This might be the best bet, it lacks the new yoke steering of the Tesla model S and the model X. Perhaps we should just wait until they update the steering wheel in the Tesla model 3, and maybe, even make a plaid mode for the model 3.

Takeaway point: currently I am not interested in owning any Tesla vehicle. Or any car in general.

Why do people work so much?

Yesterday, insanely exhausted, so I started eating dinner at around 3-4 PM, was able to put Seneca to bed at around 6 PM, and then hit the sack at around 7:30 PM.

Today, woke up at around 7:30 AM, after a glorious 12 hours of sleep, I feel like a new man. This is probably the best night sleep I got on the last two years.

Which made me wonder and think, why don’t more people do this? Ah yes, because a lot of people get out of work at 7:30 PM. Or get off of work at 7:30 PM. Which then makes me wonder, why do people work so much? Is there really that much work that needs to be done? I don’t think so.

Ever since the 1920s, the promise of a reduced work week was the dream. Yet in the year 2022, why do we still work 40 to 80 hours a week?

. Isn’t the goal, and shouldn’t the goal be to work as little as humanly possible, in order to maximize your free time and leisure for self cultivation, art, physical fitness, philosophy and more?

Insouciance Vlog

Insouciance means to not worry about things, to be aloof, and not worried or concerned about things.

The Magic of Photography

After it all, what I still love and prefer the most is photos. Photography.

For example, in the evening after Seneca is asleep, and after I have had my meat meditation, what is it that I must do? To review, flag, and select my favorite photos.

How photography is magical

Yesterday when I was reviewing photos on my iPad Pro, I was amazed and shocked by my photos. How much resolution, detail, sharpness, 3D-ness, pop, and emotional impact and soul they had.

The first thought was first of all, I do genuinely believe that any and every photographer should get an iPad, especially an iPad Pro. It is really the most beautiful way to look at your photos. Even think that looking at photos on an iPad Pro is superior than seeing them printed, even platinum prints on the most fine paper.

Isn’t this an insanely empowering thought? That once again, getting an iPad Pro for only $799 is 1000 times superior than printing them out on the most pretentious paper?

What to photograph?

Photograph at all. Photograph yourself, your selfie, your muscles, your flexing, your kids, your wife, your environment, your walks, and other random things you see along the way.

And what is the point of it all?

To be shocked, to be amazed, to be shockingly delighted, to be amazed. For example, shooting with the Ricoh GR IIIx in JPEG, high contrast black and white, with the contrast and the sharpness put to max, how much sharpness and resolution I could see on the skin of Seneca, and even his skin pores. It makes him feel more human, more magical.

Travel and exploration and photography

Strive to get “Cancelled”?

Nowadays, that everyone is scared of getting “cancelled”. But perhaps it is a good idea to actually positively strive to get cancelled.

Meat Meditation

Cooking, preparing, and eating meat is the chance for me to think, reflect, and meditate.

The brightest is the best

A new thought is that perhaps with iPhone or the iPad, the best device is the brightest. Therefore, a benefit of the new iPhone Pro to be brighter in the sun, and also for the bigger iPad Pro to be brighter.

Then perhaps comparing “nits“ is a good idea.

The iPhone is just a GPS device

At the end of the day, it seems that the most useful part of a smart phone or an iPhone is the GPS functionality, whether you use Google maps or Apple Maps to navigate. A big issue I have faced is when I am driving in the bright southern California sun, Suddenly the screen of my iPhone dims, and then I can no longer see the driving directions. Therefore then, perhaps a good financial investment is to buy an iPhone with the brightest screen, the newest iPhone pro, to simply ensure that you could still see your navigation, even in the bright sun.

The upside of spending more time outdoors

I do believe that for human physiology, to spend as much time outdoors, in the direct sun is maximally beneficial. For your mood, your strength, your happiness, etc.

Therefore, having devices with brighter screens in the bright light you are outdoors is a good idea.

Photo Thoughts

Eric Kim selfie shirt merino wool shirt

After it all, what I still love and prefer the most is photos. Photography.

For example, in the evening after Seneca is asleep, and after I have had my meat meditation, what is it that I must do? To review, flag, and select my favorite photos.

How photography is magical

Yesterday when I was reviewing photos on my iPad Pro, I was amazed and shocked by my photos. How much resolution, detail, sharpness, 3-D Ness, pop, and emotional impact and soul they had.

I Hate the Dark

I don’t know why it took me so long for me to realize this is that I hate the dark. I hate homes or being indoors where there is no natural light, and also, I hate being in places where it is dark and gloomy, with no sun. I would never want to live in Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, etc.

An interesting thing is I’ve learned that even in South Korea, during the winter time, the sun is typically out still. It is cold, but at least you got the bright sun.

Therefore, perhaps from a genetic physiology perspective, it is in my DNA and in my blood to prefer the bright light?

A simple thought about clothes then, let us assume that it is bright outside, but very cold. Then just spend a bunch of money to buy a really expensive jacket, pants, etc. to keep you warm.


Desire abstract calligraphy Eric Kim

Desire is good, if we had no desires in life, there would be no reason for us to live.

However, the question is what kind of desires should we seek, and what kind of desires are desirable?

Jennie soju black pink advertisement


Another thought, should we seek satisfaction in life?

For example, I am currently dissatisfied with my chest size, and also I would like to be able to dumbbell press 150 pounds in each hand. Perhaps this is a good desire, because it gives me a motivation purpose and energy to do things.

Desire abstract calligraphy Eric Kim

Where I am satisfied

I am very satisfied with the muscularity of my back, and my legs and thighs. I know the good thing is honestly from this point forward, it is all upside.

However, I seek to keep increasing the numbers for my rack pull, and also my micro squat. Why? It is fun thrilling and interesting to me.

Design satisfaction?

Something I am insanely passionate about is design. Typically with design matters, I am so insanely specific and particular about things and I can never find things which satisfy me. However, after much great thinking, experimentation, and time, I usually find some sort of design I am happy with. And then once I am happy with it, I just try to stick with it as long as humanly possible, until it stops working and I gotta move onto the next one.

Eric Kim selfie shirt merino wool shirt

For example, matters with clothes. Choosing a certain outfit, I am insanely particular about the quality of the materials, the look, the fit, and the color. However some thing I have noticed is that the tricky thing with clothes is that now that I am frequenting the gym every single day, I’m getting way buffer, and way more swole. Thus, a lot of my shirts are starting to fit too tight, which probably requires me to get a new type of shirt solution. merino wool tshirt tearing apart in the back after much use

For example, I really like the shirt, merino wool, but after much use, it always tears apart. Well I do find this to be stylish, it is a bit annoying.

Eric Kim back muscle flex mass monster

Life thoughts and pursuits

Then I suppose the question is this, addressing your desires in life, where you are dissatisfied, etc., which pursuits do you believe worthy enough for you to pursue?

Preparing and cooking meat is waaaaay easier than cooking and preparing vegetables

Also it might be cheaper as well.

For example, it is insanely easy to prep beef ribs to be cooked in the oven. All you have to do is add some old bay seasoning, garlic powder, and random Italian seasoning lined the cooking tray with aluminum foil, set the oven to 350°F, and just throw it in the oven for an hour or two.

Consider how much easier this is in the drudgery of chopping up vegetables, making salads, etc.

Also in terms of price, you can get a huge rack of beef ribs at Costco business center for only about 10 bucks. Even for myself, I could barely eat more than one rack. I can feed myself for a king for only about 10 bucks.

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