Better to buy a Tesla Model S Plaid (White) than buy a house or home.

Technically if you take the Silicon Valley hippie approach, you could live out of your Tesla model S plaid. Get it in white, because it is like having an RV. Almost all RVs or white, why? Maximal reflection of heat in the sun, and also longevity.

In theory, if you got a white Tesla model S plaid, with no tint, it should last you the rest of your life. And also might last for the rest of your life of your children.

Why the Tesla model S plaid, and not the Tesla model X Plaid? Because the Tesla model S plaid is faster.

Also, the Tesla model S plaid can be like your mobile gym. Keep a 105 pound kettle bell in your trunk, and you could work out anywhere and everywhere.

If you fold down the rear seats, you could just sleep in the trunk. And because the car is electric, you could just keep on the heater or air conditioner at night time.

From a practical and pragmatic perspective, wait at least three years, and just buy it used from a previous owner on craigslist, maybe you could just pay it in bitcoin — P2P, peer to peer form of payment, especially with large purchases like a house or car.