Eric face abstract

What is Good? What is Bad?

What is good? Anything which augments your strength. What is bad? Whatever weakens you.

Physiological morality

Eric face abstract

I propose a new notion of ‘physiological morality’. It ain’t based on religious morality of “good” and “evil”. Instead, it takes a purely physiological perspective:

What weakens you physiologically, and what strengthens you physiologically?

Of course, everyone is different.

What I avoid.

Back muscle

Alcohol weakens me, thus I don’t drink it. Sugar weakens me and disrupts my metabolism, so I don’t consume it. Weed makes me slower and weaker, thus I don’t smoke it.

Coffee and caffeine strengthens me, thus I drink it. Meat strengthens me, thus I consume it. Hip hop music empowers and uplifts me, thus I listen to it. Lifting weights and powerlifting strengthens me, thus I do it. Sleeping strengthens me, thus I sleep more. Intermittent fasting strengthens and toughens me up (as well as cold showers), thus I do it.

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Empowering media

John Wick fortune favors the brave
John Wick fortune favors the brave

Whenever I watch the movie 300, it empowers me, thus it is good for me. Same goes for John Wick.

King Leonidas— a true man of virtue.

Thus when it comes to cinema, consume films which empower you, and give movement to your muscles!

Good and bad is subjective


Ultimately there is no supreme ‘good’ or ‘bad’. It is all subjective to you.

My idea:

Do more of what strengthens you, do none of what weakens you!



Cinematography and life lessons:

Cinema and philosophy

King Leonidas— a true man of virtue.
John Wick fortune favors the brave


Gangster Films



Articles on Cinema

Great Cinema