Woman with cross neck tattoo. Berlin, 2017

Photography is All a Matter of Perspective

Woman with cross tattoo on neck. Berlin, 2017
Woman with cross tattoo on neck. Berlin, 2017

Photography: Where you stand, how you see the world, and how you make pictures — it is all a matter of perspective.



HENRI WRIST STRAP: Never Miss the Decisive Moment.




Definitions of Perspective

Van Gogh video installation. Berlin, 2017
Van Gogh video installation. Berlin, 2017

For example,

Definition 1: Perspective as artistic interpretation of the world:

My artistic perspective of the world is that the world is a beautiful and joyful place. I try to make uplifting pictures of Cindy, which will inspire my viewer. Berlin, 2017
My artistic perspective of the world is that the world is a beautiful and joyful place. I try to make uplifting pictures of Cindy, which will inspire my viewer. Berlin, 2017

Perspective: Your artistic vision of the world. Your opinion of the world and reality.

Definition 2: Perspective as angle of camera lens

Low angle perspective picture of Cindy. Berlin, 2017
Low angle perspective picture of Cindy. Berlin, 2017


Perspective: The angle you photograph the world with your camera. What lens and focal length you use. What direction you aim your lens (low perspective looking up, or high perspective looking down).

Therefore in photography your perspective in the mental and artistic sense and your perspective in terms of the angle you shoot is what makes photographs.

Anti-objectivity in photography

Silhouette and purple background. Berlin, 2017
Cindy Silhouette and purple background. Berlin, 2017

If photography is a matter of perspective, realize:

All pictures you make are subjective.

That is what makes you a great visual artist — that you interpret the world according to your own lens or perspective of the world.

Selfie in purple window. Berlin, 2017
Selfie in purple window. Berlin, 2017

For example, I want my photography to be positive. I want to inspire my viewer to love their lives, and not to waste life.

I want my photos to uplift, motivate, and inspire my viewer. Also, most of my viewers are fellow photographers. Therefore my ambition is to help encourage and empower all photographers to paint their own subjective reality — to assert their own artistic vision.

Moabit evening dusk urban landscape outside my Airbnb. Berlin, 2017
Moabit evening dusk urban landscape outside my Airbnb. Berlin, 2017


MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER is your new philosophical and practical primer to succeed as a modern photographer in today’s digital world.

Do you have artistic confidence in yourself?

Sunset over Moabit. Berlin, 2017
Sunset over Moabit. Berlin, 2017

Do you believe that your artistic perspective of the world is unique, and that you should share your artistic vision with the rest of the world?

I say, yes.

As a photographer, you have a unique perspective of the world.

We all decide to photograph different things. Depending on what we photograph, we dictate importance.

For example, if you decide to photograph something, or a person, you are saying:

This person, scene, or object is important. I am blessing it by photographing it.

For example, I love my sister ANNETTE KIM with all my heart and soul. I believe in her artistic abilities, and her creative power. I want to empower her, and therefore Cindy and I have been giving her a HAPTIC INDUSTRIES internship — and she has helped us produce the books CREATIVE EVERY DAY and MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER.

While she was with us for a week in Berlin, I made her the subject of many of my pictures. To show my love for her. To show my perspective as a photographer:

Value your family and loved ones.

Piet Mondrian and ANNETTE KIM. Berlin, 2017
Piet Mondrian and ANNETTE KIM. Berlin, 2017
Annette Kim silhouette. Berlin, 2017
Annette Kim silhouette. Berlin, 2017
Annette and Cindy having a meal. Berlin Airbnb.
Annette and Cindy having a meal. Berlin Airbnb.
Annette Kim and smoke. Berlin, 2017
Annette Kim and smoke. Berlin, 2017
Annette behind jacket. Berlin, 2017
Annette behind jacket. Berlin, 2017

Be Creative Every Day, Any Where

No more excuses. Unleash your inner-artist with CREATIVE EVERY DAY: Mobile Edition.

Dynamic Perspective in Photography

Low angle looking up at lighted architecture. Berlin, 2017
Low angle looking up at lighted architecture. Berlin, 2017

To me, composition is all about having a dynamic perspective. I generally like wide-angle lenses like 28mm, and shooting from a low perspective, looking up.

Berlin Bokeh, 2017
Berlin Bokeh, 2017

One of the greatest photographers and visual artists who embraced unique camera angles and perspectives is László Moholy-Nagy.

Look at some of his pictures, and see how he made photos from very high perspectives, and very low perspectives:

László taking pictures, looking down into his camera.

Another great photographer to study is Alexander Rodchenko, with his dynamic perspectives and compositions:


Mad men. NYC, 2017. Pentax 645Z

Conquer your fears and meet new peers.


Photo of ERIC KIM by Harald Schmidt https://fotografie.io/ — ERIC SHOOTS BERLIN
Photo of ERIC KIM by Harald Schmidt https://fotografie.io/ — ERIC SHOOTS BERLIN

Some of my favorite Perspective compositions:

Low Perspective pictures

By shooting from a low angle with a wide-angle lens like a 28mm, you create the ‘SUPERMAN EFFECT’— making your subject seem larger than life:

Flash. Ricoh GR II, popup flash, P mode. Tokyo, 2017
Low perspective composition. Tokyo, 2017
Tokyo suit heart background
Low angle suit. Kyoto, 2017
Cindy with hands over her face. Saigon, 2017
A photograph and a picture of Cindy. Flash in Saigon, 2017. Shot from a low perspective.
Low perspective, and Superman effect. New Orleans, 2015
Low perspective, and Superman effect. New Orleans, 2015
Red shirt and green background. Low perspective shot. New Orleans, woman and deer.
Low angle urban landscape. Uji, Kyoto 2017
Low angle urban landscape. Uji, Kyoto 2017
Cindy in blue Yukata. Uji, Kyoto 2017
Cindy in blue Yukata. Uji, Kyoto 2017. Low Perspective.
Dynamic tension in Cindy’s hand. Also dynamic curve in background. Low perspective composition. Saigon, 2017
Dynamic tension in Cindy’s hand. Also dynamic curve in background. Low perspective composition. Saigon, 2017
Low perspective. Man with black eyes, Tokyo 2016

High Perspective pictures

High Perspective picture. Tokyo, 2017
High Perspective picture. Tokyo, 2017
Cindy going down escalator. Shot from higher perspective, looking down. Mall, Kyoto 2017
Cindy going down escalator. Shot from higher perspective, looking down. Mall, Kyoto 2017
Cindy stretching backwards. Saigon, 2017
Cindy stretching backwards. Saigon, 2017. Shot with my camera in air in high Perspective, shooting down.
Skyscrapers. NYC, 2017. Pentax 645Z
On top of a skyscraper, looking down. High Perspective, looking down. NYC, 2017

STREET NOTES: Mobile Edition

Push yourself outside out your comfort zone with STREET NOTES: Mobile Edition.

Perspective photography assignments

Lucile BBQ family - madonna

Two assignments for you to try out:

  1. For an entire day, crouch down, and only shoot low perspective pictures.
  2. For an entire day, use the LCD screen on your camera, and shoot from a high Perspective looking down (hold your camera in the air, and shoot looking down).


MASTERS now available on Amazon

MASTERS: First Edition Book by HAPTICPRESS

MASTERS now available on AMAZON

MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER: Marketing, Branding, Entrepreneurship Principles For Success

MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER is your new philosophical and practical primer to succeed as a modern photographer in today’s digital world.





  1. STREET NOTES: Mobile Edition / Kindle Edition on Amazon
  6. The Photography Manual
  7. The Art of Street Photography
  8. 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography
  9. The Art of Photography
  10. Zen Photography
  11. Photography by Eric Kim
  12. Street Photography by Eric Kim
  13. Personal Photography Manual
  14. Street Photography Contact Sheets Volume II
  15. Street Photography Contact Sheets Volume I
  16. Street Photography Composition Manual
  17. Street Portrait Manual
  18. How to Shoot Street Photography
  19. Street Photography 101
  20. Street Photography 102
  21. Color Manual
  22. Monochrome Manual
  23. 31 Days to Overcome Your Fear in Street Photography
  24. Letters From a Street Photographer
  25. Street Photography Aphorisms, Heuristics, and Sayings



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