If you’re looking for photo books to inspire you during these holidays, here are some of my personal recommendations:
1. Street Notes
Street Notes is a practical, hands-on notebook Cindy and I put together to re-inspire your street photography.
2. Magnum Contact Sheets

Magnum Contact Sheets is the one photo book I wish I bought when I started photography — learn how the masters of photography “worked the scene” to get their best images.
3. Bruce Davidson: Subway

Subway of my favorite color photo books of all-time, by Bruce Davidson, another favorite photographer of mine.
4. Sunlanders by Sean Lotman
Sunlanders is a psychedelic journey of street photography in Japan, hand-printed color photos from my friend Sean Lotman. The most unique color photo book I currently own in my library.
5. The Decisive Moment by Henri Cartier-Bresson
Owning “The Decisive Moment” by Henri Cartier-Bresson is your chance to own a part of history.
6. Todd Hido on Landscapes, Interiors, and the Nude
Todd Hido offers a surprisingly practical guide on photography, with beautiful images, words, honest and true from the heart.
7. Dan Winters: Road to Seeing
“Road to Seeing” is a great personal memoir, photography guide, and phenomenal images. One of my personal favorite educational/inspirational/art books.
Free Photo Books

If you want to keep learning, check out all my free photo books:
- 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography
- Street Photography by Eric Kim
- Photography by Eric Kim
- Personal Photography Manual
- Street Photography Contact Sheets Volume II
- Street Photography Contact Sheets
- Color Manual
- Monochrome Manual
- Street Portrait Manual
- Street Photography Composition Manual
- How to Overcome Photographer’s Block
- Street Photography 101
- Street Photography 102
- Zen in the Art of Street Photography
- Film Street Photography Manual
- 31 Days to Overcome Your Fear in Street Photography
For your convenience, download all the books as 153MB zip file:
Book acquisition syndrome
If you want more books for your library, check out my list of 75+ inspirational photo books >