Category: Uncategorized

  • Things Which Are Upgrading, Things Which Aren’t? 

    Never stop upgrading. Maybe a simple and straightforward way we could think about life isn’t in regards to upgrading. For example, considering things which are being upgraded, things which can keep continually being upgraded, things which cannot. The double sided twist; sometimes, it is better if something cannot be upgraded, other times it is better…

  • Muscle is The Ultimate Fashion Accessory

    A very simple idea; for a lot of people who are wasting money on clothes, cars, homes etc.… The best fashion to have, to fashion yourself is your muscles, your body. Conspiracy theories screaming illuminati, they cannot imagine this much power and muscle inside a human body – he 6 2 how he fit inside…

  • In Praise Of Society

    What do we really want and desire?  Most people are lonely? Interesting thing about video games, media, the have to deal with other human beings, other fictional beings. For example, people who watch TV shows movies etc.… It is impossible for this all to happen and exist without some sort of human drama, human…

  • Capital Thoughts

    Capital runs everything around me “The point of life isn’t money, said all poor people.” 4am– and I’m zoning. Lately, I’ve been on a bit of a Bitcoin kick. Actually, ever since 2017, 2018, ever since I’ve gone into bitcoin at around $6,000… $7000 a Bitcoin.  now with bitcoin hovering at around $70,000 a…

  • Forever?

    “Why should I pour my precious salves into the sea?” – Nietzsche I think a certain ideal which is fascinating is this whole idea and notion of forever. It seems that we are seeking forever as a generalized concept, but why, for the sake of what?  You must die As I thought experiment, if…

  • Bitcoin Prophet

    OK, now that the bitcoin ETF, the spot ETF has been approved… truth be told, I don’t think there is really any more risk in regards to bitcoin, owning bitcoin, or the like.  1. Before, it was really really hard to acquire and buy bitcoin For me, acquiring bitcoin in around 2017 2018, I…

  • Health is Prime

    So I’ve been thinking a lot about life, money wealth, power property, digital physical etc. After all of the thinking and considerations, and also having my mom here at the moment, some thoughts: The first big thought is health is prime. The other day I accidentally drink way too much coffee, and I had the…

  • Real Power?

    . How to gain more power How to gain more power and ascendancy? In America and much of the western world, we make the wrong mistake and we have the wrong idea that more US dollars currency means more power.  In truth, US dollars, currency is only an intermediary to other stuff. Real estate?…

  • Bitcoin Futures

    Thinking beyond— LA THOUGHTS Bitcoin innovations? The more people who join the bitcoin ecosystem better; like institutions and institutional investors. How long until Harvard or Yale will put some of their endowment into bitcoin? Bitcoin messaging? To send verifiable messages, inscribed with a Satoshi? Bitcoin Photos,,, ordinals? Is bitcoin open source? Quality of market data…

  • Becoming the Bull

    Manly Thoughts Who Has the Biggest Dick in the Room? I think for us men, much of life, modern day life is just a massive dick measuring contest. But the question is, if indeed and in fact, you do have the biggest dick, so what? The first question is, is your joy or your desire…


    Perhaps the best way to think about an approach life is towards radical and insane abundance; idea that you’ll never run out. I think this is mostly the appeal of Tesla, digital things; is that it is infinite. Zeiss lens wipes? OK, some funny random things: First, my beloved Zeiss lens wipes.  they are…

  • How to Live a Better Life 

    People have the wrong thought and assumption that somehow… having more money will make them live a “more” better life. This is not the case. Here this is where critical thinking, physiology, practical thinking comes into play. I think if your true goal is to live a better life, you gotta think about physiology, environment,…


    So a really really cool thing that I got and downloaded for Seneca, currently him at three years old, one months old… This came and physics app called “Poly Bridge 2“. first, it is super cool because there is the sandbox mode, which he loves, and I also find pretty incredible.  Essentially it is…

  • Fun Picks

    Choose fun Come up with your own new economic theories —

  • The Only Photographer

    I love the LUMIX G9– this thing is built like a tank! Invest in more tank-like things! TANK


    Your body matters Why Your Body Matters  In modern daytimes, we believe there to be a divorce between the body, the mind, the soul whatever. For example, we have this foolish idea that somehow, you could just be stuck in bars all day, and somehow have beautiful thoughts, beautiful ideas, etc. Also other weird…

  • Think Digital

    Unlocking value I don’t want my thoughts to be derailed I think the reason why I like to wake up early, before anyone else does, and then drink coffee, thing, walk around, either Vlog or jot down notes is because I don’t want my thoughts to be derailed by an external issues at hand. You…


    A thought: perhaps the best way to live life is to broaden your horizons– both metaphorically and literally. Horizon Chase  So a funny game on the iPad I’ve been playing with Seneca is a game called Horizon Chase. It is like a pixelated, old-school retro racing game in which year racing and driving into…

  • Grateful

    Upon much thinking and consideration, the true feeling in my heart and my soul is gratitude, being grateful to everybody. Doesn’t matter how much they annoyed me in the past or irked me; ultimately even if it is for the .0000000001% of the times they were insanely helpful and or useful ,,, the only feeling…

  • Leverage Your Platforms, Move the World 

    Follow the yellow brick Road! How to move the world “Give me a spot to stand, and I shall move the world!” – Archimedes The notion of a lever, leverage is one of the most critical notions of all time. Why? It is all about strength leverage, levers. For example, I find it personally more…