
Switch it up!

Why is it so hard for us human to think out of constraints? 


Evolution is tinkering, trial and error, adaptation to your environment 


Being unhurried, taking your sweet sweet time… the ultimate luxury 

Bank stores monetary energy

Bank of batteries storing bitcoin

Encrypt energy from electrical energy to monetary energy

Spatial and temporal level

Spatial on planet

Open system — naturally diffusing and decentralizing

Think thermodynamics

Proof of work and requirement of energy

Commerce collapses ?

Don’t move the base layer!

Think gravity


We want the universe to work

Friction and gravity is what makes the world work?

Proof of work is a natural, open competitive system

Closed system becomes inbred .. no genetic diversity

Proof of stake recirculating system

Mutations and defects

Ecological genetic diversity dies

Assume like others just have birth defects ?

Keep mixing the DNA

Security vs property

Think Darwin

Not ethical to create private money 

Moral hazard boundary

Anti Role Models

For the most part, it seems bad and a vice to compare yourself, your kids, your behavior with others.

However, my insight is actually, it is very productive. Why? An entire role model; people you do not want emulate, people who you think are extremely bad examples. 

I’ll give you an example of; one of my half uncles. Not as bad as my paternal dad, but still, pretty bad. I think he had four kids, all with his ex-wife, my aunt, and has an estranged relationship with all them. this uncle lived in Vegas for a long time after his divorce, apparently got remarried, had a bunch of other random illegitimate children, and recently he suffered a heart attack, had a heart put into him, and none of his children visited him.

And now, after he got discharged from the hospital, he is super salty that none of his kids bothered to call him or care for him, and his walking around town with an oxygen tank, etc.


Thinking about this uncle, classic case of a loser. 

Maybe instead of trying to become a winner, best to just avoid being a loser. 

Physiology and ethics

I have a certain suggestion: in terms of ethics, perhaps the best way to think about it is just follow your physiology, your gut feeling. What this means is whenever you say or do something which makes you feel dirty, or gives you a physiological aversion, just don’t do it.

Technology intensive Not energy intensive

Labor intensive?

5x efficiency

Crypto energy


Miners become more efficient

Brute force vs technique , competition

Raw labor or technology?

Yin and yang

Heat technology

Free floating capital

Capital is always seeking the best investment

Limiting factor ?

Right cooling technology

Crypto hashes … generate it

Break even points


Stealing the power


If you don’t upgrade you become obsolete

Bitcoin is real economics?

Nature healing itself

State of the Art

Upgrade hardware every 4 years, stay competitive

Efficiency curve

Keep compressing computing power

More hash power, better technique

Buy capital

Variable cost

40% is capital equipment

Not energy war, technology war.

Energy is a raw in on the universe


Self healing

Steal, variable cost is 0

Your margin is my opportunity

Think every 4 years –> every halving

Drivers of growth

We’re in a bitcoin rush

2035– mined 99% of the bitcoin

14 years, 10 more years… chance for the next decade?


Getting cut in half

Lacking imagination.?


I hunger for more risk?

Think Autotelic

Things for the sake of it!



Matter of time

Send PHOTOS, audio files, bitcoin –> Bitcoin as a file type?

Inevitable iPhone sends Bitcoin?

$68,000 in a week

The average yearly salary of a person … I just earned that in a week?

Capitalism is great!

Or 1.8 years of rent in just a week? In theory me just sitting on my bum? Almost 2 years of rent in a week? Cool.

What morals and morality you want to teach your kids

  1. Don’t be a sucker
  2. Don’t have a loser mentality

Last 1,000 years?

Don’t mutate the protocol and don’t let it die

Something which will last a million years?

Protection against hostile attack

  1. We don’t want it to die

If you live but you go insane, not worth it

Self healing and adaptive to environment around it

Temporal layer



Hash rate , power rate

100x hash rate, exahash…

Big customer of energy

Bitcoin is the most valuable use of energy in the world

40 cents a kilowatt hour mining Bitcoin

Co-opt energy industry and stay organically viable


1 cent vs 40 cent an hour

Think volcanos

Intermittent energy or stranded energy

You don’t need bandwidth

Triple redundant

Monetize the volcano or intermittent energy — solar or wind

Aluminum energy

Bitcoin is Money

Half we got in human race is Bitcoin

Negotiate for free energy

Go straight don’t veer

Value Stock utility is hope

–> a lot of excitement!

Energy companies become technology companies

Think rocks, and uneven

Energy shock absorber

Peak Demand


Maybe becoming a social justice warrior is a good idea

Don’t be a flag humper


Bitcoin as energy and monetary bank and the worlds best battery

Battery bleeds 1% a month

Saves battery and energy for a thousand years

1 sat —

Very efficient energy system

Disruptive energy for whole market

Nuclear and solar energy for Bitcoin mining

Recruit energy capital

Create a hash wall

Becoming a miner

Always start back to zero


We will always seek greater efficiency


Encrypted energy … 100 exahash

10,000 miners to get to 1 exahash

Million mining rigs …

OPEN and competitive –> who wants it the most?

Where will we be in 10 more years?

More power, more compact

Your margin is my opportunity

Trust no man who has (any) streaming services

Where should we settle?

A commitment to a family is stabilizing


Something to lose, something NOT to lose?

Violence –> hopeless


Easy loading

Oasis of Prosperity


What is capital, what is US DOLLAR CAPITAL

MONEY is socio economic energy


Bitcoin is capital

Inbred is bad


Fast and easy is bad

Virtual is bad, virtual … virtual worlds is bad

Thermodynamic real world

–> what is a nerd? Anyone who lives in a virtual world… nerds and dungeons and dragons?

Don’t trust nerds

Centralized is bad.

The Snares of Capitalism

My personal thoughts on capitalism is that it is very interesting; on one hand, I think the whole ethos of capitalism is that you increase your upside, but also, you increase the downsides.

For example, under a capitalist system, the winners win higher, the losers lose lower.

For example, I’ve always thought to myself:

Would have been possible for a Jay-Z to have emerged under an egalitarian Swedish system? No. 

Capitalism isn’t fair, nor is nature.

For example, I’ve been really addicted to watching the Michael Saylor series on what is money, and one of the interesting analogies that he talks about is nature. For example the eagles; apparently the way that the eagle hunts is that it finds a baby goat, drags it off a cliff, lets the cliffs do the dirty work, and then once the goat is dead on the bottom of the cliff, then the Eagle swoops in to feast. 

Or apparently there is another very horrific thing you could watch on YouTube of 20 hornets mass occurring a beehive colony of 20,000 bees, find meticulously targeting, clipping off their wings, and killing them one by one.

Or, when you see a pack of lions hunt the deer or the gazelle or whatever, what did they do? The trip the weakest and the slowest one, and feast.

Come on really, I don’t think that people should really complain anymore. You could just get a job at McDonald’s and earn $20 USD an hour! 

Why does this matter?

Apparently the motto in Stoicism is “follow nature!” 

Yet, we oversensitive flaccid humans seem to not like nature.

For example, I think the whole modern eat those is all about egalitarianism, getting rid of hierarchy or whatever. But if you look in the animal kingdom, there is always an Apex predator, and also mammals, there are certainly a key of alpha males, and weaker males.

What is the point of humanity?

The very very simple one is to procreate. It seems that the modern day human being no longer desires to Procreate, and that is fine. Yet let us consider if all 8 billion people on the planet no longer desire to have children or offspring, and they were all happy just Working their jobs, traveling to Japan, eating good food, and dying. This would be a very grim ending for humanity.

What nature teaches us

Cindy Seneca and I recently became members at the California science center, which is very easily accessible via the LA metro line! I read this one placard on the wall that said something like “If you study nature long enough, the number one commonality is that the purpose of nature and species is to procreate and produce offspring!”

 it is very cute. For example if you study the emperor penguins in Antarctica, the way that the fathers nestle the baby penguins in between their feet is super cute! Or, we just watched the IMAX 3-D film at the California science Center of the blue whales, and even in the vast ocean, all these adaptations that the blue whales had in order to Procreate! Apparently the male blue whale can send these deep sonic signals under the water, which can reverberate for hundreds and thousands of miles, in order to find a female mate.

No more baby blue whales?

Watching this IMAX film, the other part of the narrative which creates the emotional art of the film is that because of overfishing or whatever, and maybe lack of nutrition or changing climate patterns or whatever, the mother blue whales are no longer having baby whale children!

Apparently the mother whale feed the baby whale 250 pounds of milk a day!

Honestly after having Seneca, my personal joy and happiness and augmentation of life has gone from zero to one. Life before Seneca was quite pointless and meaningless, empty and fruitless. But life after Seneca is like going from the darkness to the light.

Depleting energy too quickly

Too rapid of a rate 

Paper money is cotton candy

Dilution of money 

You don’t want to change the gravity

2.1 quadrillion Satoshis

Mathematically complete system

Hardest to impair


Not all capital is fungible

Self upgrade


Higher velocity

Do a bunch of work with energy, generate a bunch of hashes , solve the problem and claim the reward , get paid for work

Honest work

0 to 1 Innovation

Difficulty adjustment; as time goes on, you must make it more difficult!

Bitcoin Philosophy to Real Life

Increasing your own personal hash rate

Competitive work

Bitcoin is a microcosm of capitalism

Which fields to enter? Don’t enter field that you’ll just make a marginal difference, even at 10 X improvement, doesn’t seem a lot. Maybe the true innovation lies in going from 0 to 1; a life before we had none of it, but now we have it.

For example, I still think the killer app for Tesla is the whole self driving feature. To me switching from gas to electric only seems like a nominal change, but the ability for a car and my car to self drive itself, that is a zero to one improvement.

I also suppose bitcoin is similar. The reason why bitcoin is zero to one improvement is that superficially, bitcoin seems like digital gold or digital money or whatever. But in truth, it seems much more than that. Bitcoin is a 021 innovation and new creation, a truly new creation, and I think maybe the reason why people have such a difficult time Understanding what it is that it has never existed before.

Can you imagine explaining this to your mom; before the Internet was created? Or, if your mom or grandma never owned an iPhone before?

Photography and digital photography, going from film photography to digital photography might have been 1000, or 10,000 X of an improvement. But the difference between going from no camera to having a camera is the zero to one moment. 

0 to 1 Innovation

Difficulty adjustment; as time goes on, you must make it more difficult!

Bitcoin Philosophy to Real Life

Increasing your own personal hash rate

Competitive work

Bitcoin is a microcosm of capitalism

Which fields to enter? Don’t enter field that you’ll just make a marginal difference, even at 10 X improvement, doesn’t seem a lot. Maybe the true innovation lies in going from 0 to 1; a life before we had none of it, but now we have it.

For example, I still think the killer app for Tesla is the whole self driving feature. To me switching from gas to electric only seems like a nominal change, but the ability for a car and my car to self drive itself, that is a zero to one improvement.

I also suppose bitcoin is similar. The reason why bitcoin is zero to one improvement is that superficially, bitcoin seems like digital gold or digital money or whatever. But in truth, it seems much more than that. Bitcoin is a 021 innovation and new creation, a truly new creation, and I think maybe the reason why people have such a difficult time Understanding what it is that it has never existed before.

Can you imagine explaining this to your mom; before the Internet was created? Or, if your mom or grandma never owned an iPhone before?

Photography and digital photography, going from film photography to digital photography might have been 1000, or 10,000 X of an improvement. But the difference between going from no camera to having a camera is the zero to one moment. 

Evolving swarm creature

The more pain you feel, the faster your reflexes

How to harness or channel pain into power and energy?

Bitcoin is programmable money

Program and condition the money?

Force and acceleration with money?

Million heads

Lazy lions die, weak antelope get eaten

Weak die, strong procreate

Time cannot go backwards , time must work forward — entropy

The thought that the future of your life has negative value?

Store of value

It’s not a perfect design until there’s nothing left to remove ***

Think assets 100 years from now

Why gas cars are a bad idea– as time goes up the price of gas will indefinitely go up?

extract power from chaos

Engineer a better habitat

1-2% of wealth in high frequency transactions

Keep 1-3% wealth in fiat

The more muscle you gain, the more energy and power you gain?

Can you “undo” pollution?

Visual Pollution

Don’t create complexity

Low frequency settlement network

Easier to make money just being legitimate

Bitcoin is the universal language of economic truth

Ounces of gold, versus bitcoins  

Self sovereign economic energy

Bitcoin is a great way to transmit energy into the future

95% of the crypto asset market 

Immortal sovereignty and anti-fragility

A Crypto network is a life form 

One Apex predator

Decentralized Lifeforce

Bunny rabbit versus wolf

Absorb feature sets from competitors

Immortality, immortal sovereignty

Long range sovereignty

Magic power

Life force

Type 2 diabetes and cancer

We can tell people what to think about 

Energy density 

10% drain on your life every year

-10% yearly yield?

The overall number is flat

The decimation law — 1 of 10

10% maintenance costs

Paint steel

Value of functionality and acquisition

Maintain it then enjoy it?

Don’t go to Moscow, don’t fight a war on two fronts

Stuff breaks

10% tithing obligation

Words don’t matter , actions matter

40 year old emperor in military

Grounded in reality

“Soon you shall have forgotten all and all have forgotten you”

He had the keys

Darwinian vitality

Is lying permitted ?

Lying is fine!

Most adaptive to change?

There are no ugly animals

Terrifying beauty in nature

In the wild

Time cannot and must not flow backwards

Wisdom is key

Money is tokenized energy in a socio political framework

Dollar is a measure of energy

“How much energy”?

What is the “point” of a human body?

First digital money

Think science and engineering for money

Yall look the same by

What is money?

Ideal money

Truly immutable or not?

Mathematically correct


The perfect money

Incorruptible system

What is property ?

Property law

Money is the apex property, or most important property

Money is property!

Money –> property you can trade for any other property

Politically engineered money vs scientifically engineered money

The best engineered money

Shared, immutable correct

So many coin networks

The litians

Los Angeles

Clipping the currency


.1 or .01?


Money changers

50% after 72 hours currency changing

Transformation of energy loss

You cannot create energy ,,, but you can extract it


Thumbs up!

Cybertruck is interesting because it doesn’t look like a truck

Slanted trunk

Like a really long fast back?

Too much gold is bad

Gold is not mathematically correct , nor conservative .
. Approximation

2% error a year

Double or triple the gold after sacking


It is easy to confiscate things

Hyper expensive

Clothes or iron or steel?


No money velocity and distribution


How to wake up

Bronze gold rims


4 runner over cyber truck


The belongings of others belong to me!

Money is great >>>>

Money is opportunistic!

Obvious decisions are obvious


Authenticate a gold coin?

Prius till I die!

Gold applications

Laws of physics

Gold check


Invites violence?

So slow?

Gold standard invites war

Sell me your bitcoin!

Bitcoin stickers?

Nobody has war for paper currency

Sack the city for gold

Steal the gold and art



Gold for final settlement

Increase your fitness

How to increase your fitness

Morning routine?

1971– default on gold standard

60 pound weight vest training?

240% up , gold is down 9.82%…

132% compounded annual froth rate over 10 years … 13.9% over 10 years, 33% up one year sp

Gold is not store of value last decade… opposite

Collapse of purchasing power over 12 months


Store of value? 33% or better … gold is -40%, Bitcoin is +200%


Gold is no longer monetary asset?

Bitcoin Rapper?

I got my bits, you got your nits


Nitta please

My bitcoins bad and boujee


Laugh and smile

Not smart enough

Bitcoin Banker

Become your own SWAT team?



It’s not my fault you’re a pussy!


It’s not my fault you’re a weakling and coward!

What’s the point of a human body?

A very big thought I’ve been having as of late is in regards to the human body. What is the point of the human body, the purpose, how you desire to channel it, etc.

The first observation is that in today’s modern day economy and society, we are overly fixated with physical things, homes, property, money, cars, trucks etc.

How to Gain *MORE* Energy?

Monetary energy leap

Pure digital monetary network

Monetary energy is energy

Human labor crystallized into money

Money is energy

Money is the highest form of energy

Money is the highest form of energy which humans can channel! ***


Conservation of energy

Conserve energy … this is what it means to conserve money?

Wind energy

Humans prosper by harnessing energy

Most efficient energy network in the world

Lightness is divine

Harness energy?

Store and transmit energy across time and space

Across domain

Energy lacks durability

Save for the sake of what

24% bleed rate per year

Variable cost

Command human time or savings

50,000x cheaper

Lossless energy network overtime 

We need some gravity and friction in our lives

$250T of energy in it

Lose the house in 50 years At 2%

20-100 years, you will get bled out by taxes 

Heat exchange, energy exchange

6% transaction fee

30 days, $60,000

It can take you three years to sell a house

No inflation

Infinitely hard

You’re going to lose 99.5% of your energy in Fiat

Crypto container, like a steel container

Steel hull

Vacuum seal it

The destiny of money is to be encrypted

Crypto containers, in bitcoin miners are power plants

Money is Power — deep reality

Money is the highest form of power

The superset of all power

Ultimately power becomes money

Lifeforce, treasury reserve asset

60-90 days without food, 30 pounds of fat 

 organic battery

Treasury is an organic battery

Store and save power

Muscle is power on tap? Or the more muscle you got, the more metaphorical horsepower you got?

No hedge, no speculation. 100% commitment

Hundred percent commitment, no other thing 

Don’t inject sugar into your body, that is type two diabetes, injecting sugar is bad

If you inject too much sugar into your body, your insulin response is falling and you become insulin resistant, or resistant to insulin

Your body becomes diabetic , you get metabolic disease

Pancreas fails, liver fails

Organ failure, cancer then death

Overdose on pure sugar

Pro rata– in proportion —

Pari passu: on equal footing

Borrow money in cash , bitcoin goes up 20% a year , borrow money at 5%, then my arbitrage is 15%

Pledge collateral against the loan

Borrow against your stationary assets 

$400M in debt

The taxes will kill you

Taxes murder you


15 bitcoin and borrow one bitcoin?

How to acquire more bitcoin?

“ Never bet against the United States “


Respect laws of thermodynamics

The laws of conservation of energy

Conservative monetary network

Conservative energy is truth

Energy –> ultimate scarce asset in the universe

–> make or create more energy? Or store it or use it?


“You can’t get out of the game”

You can’t cheat the laws of thermodynamic


Force is mass times acceleration –> accelerate faster ?

Or increase mass,

Basis of heat exchange

More force is the goal

Move mass fast ,,, make mass zero

Bitcoin is technology and economics

Mass is expensive to move around

Bitcoin as assets

More assets , more riches

Cyber hornets eat you

Bribe gatekeeper?

The best defense is a good offense 
Active defense, moving defense

Continuous adaptation

Absorb capabilities of enemy and reflect back to them

Bitcoin network is hydra

Million arms and heads

Gates , gatekeepers are weakness

Proof of work network which is energy intensive

Money is energy

How to gain more energy–> the goal?

Unified Front

Husband and wife — mother and father unified—

No biological free lunch

Avoid caffeine coffee maybe even tea in the afternoon or late afternoon… it isn’t a free lunch. You might get a small boost of energy, but with a prolonged crash for the rest of the day —

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