Ideal money
Truly immutable or not?
Mathematically correct
The perfect money
Incorruptible system
What is property ?
Property law
Money is the apex property, or most important property
Money is property!
Money –> property you can trade for any other property
Politically engineered money vs scientifically engineered money
The best engineered money
Shared, immutable correct
So many coin networks
The litians
Los Angeles
Clipping the currency
.1 or .01?
Money changers
50% after 72 hours currency changing
Transformation of energy loss
You cannot create energy ,,, but you can extract it
Thumbs up!
Cybertruck is interesting because it doesn’t look like a truck
Slanted trunk
Like a really long fast back?
Too much gold is bad
Gold is not mathematically correct , nor conservative .
. Approximation
2% error a year
Double or triple the gold after sacking
It is easy to confiscate things
Hyper expensive
Clothes or iron or steel?
No money velocity and distribution
How to wake up
Bronze gold rims
4 runner over cyber truck
The belongings of others belong to me!
Money is great >>>>
Money is opportunistic!
Obvious decisions are obvious
Authenticate a gold coin?
Prius till I die!
Gold applications
Laws of physics
Gold check
Invites violence?
So slow?
Gold standard invites war
Sell me your bitcoin!
Bitcoin stickers?
Nobody has war for paper currency
Sack the city for gold
Steal the gold and art
Gold for final settlement
Increase your fitness
How to increase your fitness
Morning routine?
1971– default on gold standard
60 pound weight vest training?
240% up , gold is down 9.82%…
132% compounded annual froth rate over 10 years … 13.9% over 10 years, 33% up one year sp
Gold is not store of value last decade… opposite
Collapse of purchasing power over 12 months
Store of value? 33% or better … gold is -40%, Bitcoin is +200%
Gold is no longer monetary asset?
Bitcoin Rapper?
I got my bits, you got your nits
Nitta please
My bitcoins bad and boujee
Laugh and smile
Not smart enough
Bitcoin Banker
Become your own SWAT team?
It’s not my fault you’re a pussy!
It’s not my fault you’re a weakling and coward!