The goal is the most streamlined photographic workflow. Simple ideas:
- Just shoot small JPEG (faster buffer speeds, faster time to upload your files, fewer issues with storage space)
- Use a preset or filter while you’re shooting in JPEG (for example, high contrast monochrome mode or cross process mode on RICOH GR III). This reduces time when it comes to post-processing. If you decide to shoot RAW, just use presets in Lightroom (FREE ERIC KIM PRESETS)
- When sharing your photos, upload and share/publish them to your own blog (self-hosted, and try using the ‘Tiled Gallery’ function to best publish and share your work.
- When reviewing your photos, use the simplest and fastest software possible (for example I like Apple Photos on my laptop, faaaar faster than Lightroom Classic). If you decide to use Lightroom, I recommend the new Lightroom CC (much faster to review photos).
- When it comes to any photo matters ask yourself: “Is this going to streamline and *SIMPLIFY* and speed up my workflow, or will it complexify and make it slower and more burdensome?” For example, more megapixels, more problems.