Why do people buy Lamborghini’s, 1000HP+ hot rod gasoline guzzler muscle cars, silly expensive streetwear (Supreme) and overrated forms of luxury goods (Louis Vuitton)? Hype is a part of ‘irrational exuberance‘, first coined by Alan Greenspan.
But this is the thing:
Many ‘intelligent’ people think that it is ‘irrational’ that others act irrationally.
However what I think:
The most rational thing to believe is to understand people are irrational by nature.
Once we can accept the fact that humans are irrational, and that is ‘ok’ … then we can truly take a more truthful and honest approach to human nature.
Then the question is:
How can we accept our irrational exuberance, harness it, channel it, and profit from it?
Learn more about human psychology