HAPTICPRESS presents a new Visualization to inspire you for the new year’s: “ZEN OF ERIC: On Photography, Life, Art, and Work.”
See the full visualization also below:
An “Eric-ism” is Eric’s personal life views/philosophies, simplified into sayings learned throughout his life.
Keep in mind, these Eric-isms work for Eric but may not work for you.
Take what resonates with you and leave the rest. You are your own individual with your own opinions.
Try to keep an open mind and see if these Eric-isms will teach you a new point of view that you would like to further explore.
- Memento mori: Remember that you will die.
- Memento vivere: Remember to live.
- Ask, “Why?”
- Seek knowledge, not information.
- Do what scares you.
- Avoid comfort to challenge yourself.
- Harness both extremes
- Beauty in imperfections (wabi sabi/patina).
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
- Be like a kid and have fun!
- When in doubt, make more art.
- There is no good/bad art. Only authentic/inauthentic art.
- Share your art.
- The purpose of life is to make art!
- Produce, don’t consume.
- Perfection does not exist. 80% is good enough.
- Less is more.
- Small is beautiful.
- Have gratitude for what you have.
- Find beauty in the mundane.
- Simplify through via negativa (subtract, instead of add).
- Get closer.
- When in doubt, click.
- Buy books, not gear.
- Honor thy selfie.
- You are a visual artist, not a thief.
- King of the streets: have creative confidence in yourself.
- Photograph what you love; love what you photograph.
- Take your play very seriously.
- Hustle hard.
- Your labor is not free (c/o Cindy)
- Vividly imagine the worst-case scenario.
- Have big dreams through 10x thinking. Set moonshots for yourself. (more info in MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER)
Lessons from Eric: Final Thoughts and Tips
- Listen to your inner-voice to decide your own -isms
- Keep it simple, stupid (K.I.S.S.)
- Memento mori/Memento vivere
- Be a hustle-holic
- Treat your work as play
Visualized and drawn by ANNETTE KIM
Contact annettekimart@gmail.com for graphic commissions.
New inspiration for you
Freshly pressed creations by the talented Annette Kim to inspire you this new year:
- Free Visualizations:
- Photographer’s Hand Artwear: Cultivate the five traits of a photographer artist.
- Haptic Hoodie: Stay warm and inspired this winter.
Ultimate Beginner’s Guide for Street Photography Series
HAPTIC presents the Ultimate Beginner’s Guide for Street Photography Series — visualizations of essential photography lessons and tips by ANNETTE KIM. Annette researched, synthesized, and visualized the key lessons to present to you a fun, easy to read VISUALIZATION of photography fundamentals.
Newest Photography & Lifestyle Visualizations
For a limited time, download the following FREE visualizations designed by Annette Kim. Keep these guides on your phone, tablet, computer to read on your commute, as reminders when shooting on the streets, and for daily inspiration.
- “How to Overcome Fears of Photographing Strangers“(11/2/2o17)
- “What to Look For When Shooting in the Streets” (11/8/2017)
- “What is the Best Camera for Street Photography?” (11/22/2017)
- “Travel Photography Tips” (12/10/2017) New!
- “Introduction to Composition in Photography” (12/18/2017) New!
- “Zen of Eric: On Life, Photography, Art, and Work” (12/29/2017) New!
- To receive the latest visualizations, exclusive content, access to books, presets and artistic information, join the free ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER.
How to Download
Download both full resolution PDFs by adding this free product to your cart processing your free ‘order.’ Don’t forget to check back regularly to see what new resources and visualizations we add to here. If you would like to continue your photography education and share your words of thanks by supporting us, consider purchasing a STREET NOTES MOBILE EDITION or CREATIVE EVERY DAY MOBILE EDITION.
If you have any difficulty downloading, you can also download the individual PDFs by clicking on the links below:
- “How to Overcome Fears of Photographing Strangers“(11/2/2o17)
- “What to Look For When Shooting in the Streets” (11/8/2017)
- “What is the Best Camera for Street Photography?” (11/22/2017)
- “Travel Photography Tips” (12/10/2017) New!
- “Introduction to Composition in Photography” (12/18/2017) New!
- “Zen of Eric: On Life, Photography, Art, and Work” (12/29/2017) New!
Each VISUALIZATION is original artwork designed by Annette Kim, distilled from the ERIC KIM photography lessons and resources.
VITRUVIAN CAMERA is an homage to Leonardo da Vinci, and his passion of combining technology and art. By wearing VITRUVIAN CAMERA proudly on your chest, it will reveal your passion for photography — ‘painting with light.’
VITRUVIAN CAMERA is ARTWEAR — to inspire yourself everyday, to pay homage to the artistic masters of the past, and to also pave your own path in photography.
100% of the proceeds directly supports the artist.
VITRUVIAN CAMERA is an original artwork hand sketched by Annette Kim. Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, Annette researched the history and science of camera design in order to produce this conceptual camera.
The camera embodies the vision of the ‘ideal’ camera based on the rules of architecture and design:
Video Interview with Annette Kim
The Complete Works of Annette Kim
Join the inner-circle
When you join ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER, you will gain access to:
- A curated list of free ebooks
- The best resources on how to improve your photography
- The first to access new information and educational tools such as the Forum photography community
- The latest news about workshops, opportunities, HAPTIC products, and photography news
Happy Holidays from the HAPTIC family. We are excited to announce the following new products in our HAPTIC shop:
- Sunlanders by Sean Lotman: Rated by Eric Kim as one of the top five color photobooks of this year. Featured in the HAPTIC shop for a limited time while supplies last.
- Photographer’s Hand Artwear: Cultivate the five traits of a photographer artist.
- Haptic Hoodie: Stay warm and inspired this winter.
Happy Holidays and New Year from HAPTIC
Eric and I will be taking some time off with our family and will partially close the HAPTIC shop December 26, 2017 to January 24, 2017. A limited inventory of our products will be available on Amazon (Street Notes, Henri wrist strap, MASTERS, Photo Journal,and more) and shipped as usual until supplies run out. During this period only the digital products, shirts, and Sunlanders by Sean Lotman will be available for purchase in the HAPTIC shop.
Thank you so much for the love and support over this year. Let’s ring in the new year with a new sense of hope, excitement, and creative curiosity!
Hugs from Marseille,