Author: admin

  • The Spartan Way 

    Some radical ideas: First, beyond purchasing food, paying rent, gasoline or electricity for your car, perhaps a really insanely innovative idea we could do is the radical opposite of what capitalistic society tries to get us to do: NOT spend money I think this is a pretty big idea because all of this is centered…

  • The Spartan Way 

    Some radical ideas: First, beyond purchasing food, paying rent, gasoline or electricity for your car, perhaps a really insanely innovative idea we could do is the radical opposite of what capitalistic society tries to get us to do: NOT spend money I think this is a pretty big idea because all of this is centered…

  • Digital is The Future

    Digital goods, digital products –> proof of work digital goods which cannot be replicated? There is currently a idea of NFTs, which stands for non-fungible tokens. The idea is creating a digital artwork or digital product which can be sold, in which an individual can prove their own ownership. I suppose my thought, in regards…

  • Spartan Economics

    The spartan economist: We new Spartans, we shall inherit the earth! TLDR; think spartan when it comes to money, economics, life. A truly pragmatic way to think and approach life I think my critical critique of 99.9% of economists is that all of their fake science and fake pseudo scientific mysticism on the economy whatever,…

  • Spartan Economics

    The Spartan Investor We knew Spartans, we will inherit the earth. Some thoughts about investing; First, I’ve always been interested in passionate about investing, ever since I was in high school. I still remember my high school science math teacher, Dr. Ahmed, reverse told me about mutual funds back in high school, and told me…

  • The Stoic Investor

    How to deal with the high price of living: Some quick thoughts: First, it seems that everyone loves to complain about the high cost-of-living. When they talk about this… What do they really mean to say? First, there are certain nonnegotiables you must do, like feed yourself. No matter how rich intelligent or wise you…

  • The Stoic Investor

    How to deal with the high price of living Some quick thoughts: First, it seems that everyone loves to complain about the high cost-of-living. When they talk about this… What did they really mean to say? First, there are certain nonnegotiable you must do, like feed yourself. No matter how rich intelligent or wise you…

  • Think Cyberspace

    Something interesting I thought from Michael Saylor; before we think about space, thinking cyberspace, that is the ultimate friction free, digital Internet-based, waitlist world and concept: Space Honestly anyone who criticizes or critiques Elon Musk is simply envious or jealous of him. Don’t hate Elon because you are no match for him! If you think…


    Your Legs Run the World LEG GOALS: Leg Thoughts Perhaps the true sign or signal as somebody’s wealth and or health is in their legs? Also, with weightlifters, bodybuilders, etc.… both men and women in general, the number one and only thing to do is look at their legs! Strong legs, strong soul? “Check out…

  • Energy Drain

    Some thoughts– Don’t drain your energy  Assuming we think about the law of conservation of energy… What that means is this; Energy is matter, matter is energy. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, that means that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. In the context of people, the social world etc.; I think also…

  • Leg Thoughts

    Perhaps the true sign or signal as somebody’s health is in their legs? Also, with weightlifters, bodybuilders, etc.… both men and women in general, the number one and only thing to do is look at their legs. Strong legs, strong soul? “Check out the legs on that one!” It’s interesting because I think when it…

  • Everyday is Leg Day

    The Ultimate Privilege is Your Legs The ultimate exercise is just movement? Like walking around and moving around? Generate new things ** When it comes to life, health, existence etc.; what is the ultimate privilege? Your legs, being able to walk, etc. For example, Cindy‘s dad who is otherwise a very healthy man, maybe in…

  • AMAP (As Minimal as Possible)

    It seems the trend in today’s world is to and towards maximization. You want to maximize our utility of things, we want things to do more, for it to be more multivariagated,  perhaps to hedge or to predict or to feel secure in a world of insecurity chaos and randomness? Hoarding?  So it…

  • Seeking Dominance?

    I think ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to be dominant. The best, the biggest, the strongest, the smartest, etc. I think as a kid, it is interesting because for the most part everyone is kind of on an equal footing. Because nobody has jobs yet or salaries or money, money is…

  • Real World Training

    Think physics: Some real world thoughts: First, I still believe infinitely… the best possible place to live is a place where you love to walk! When you pound your morning espresso, hungry and voracious for the adventure of embodied reality. The problem I think the sad tragedy here is that truth be told… 99.9% of…

  • Ocean Thoughts

    The ocean is infinite– infinite energy, power, waves… forever into the distance: Only Slaves Use Phones Creating the most sublime human body? A turbo thought about phones — Only slaves use phones? Vietnam experiences Probably the big takeaway point I got from Vietnam, living in Vietnam without a phone, only iPad is this:  You…

  • You Can’t Tame Me!

    Untameable What is the role and task of modern day society? To tame the individual, to tame the beast-man.  For example, if you think about almost all K-12 education, even at the college University level… What does it aim towards? Obedience, ability to sedate children to sit down, be quiet, listen to the teacher…

  • Your Ultimate Goal in Life?

    Your Ultimate Goal in Life?

    What is my ultimate goal? To help improve the lives or the meaning of life of others or for others? Life post privilege I think one of the greatest privileges of having everything, becoming everything, is the privilege of buffer. Once you have everything you want, everything you need and desire, and also you have…

  • Your Ultimate Goal in Life?

    What is my ultimate goal? To help improve the lives or the meaning of life of others or for others? I think one of the greatest privileges of having everything, becoming everything, and also the privilege of buffer. Is that once you have everything you want, everything you need and desire, and also you have…

  • The Cost of Living

    Why Economics is So Fascinating to Me  Economics, money, the sociological and the philosophical aspects of it are endlessly fascinating to me.  The cost of living Certainly there are certain things which undoubtably make life better. For example, having money and purchasing power to buy good coffee, good meets, having some sort of…

  • The Future of Street Photography

    Ever since I was an 11, 12-year-old kid in Bayside Queens New York, getting my first Acer aspire computer, AOL 3.0… With my 38.8 K modem, I’ve always been passionate about technology. Why? When you’re a kid, with no money resources or power, you could essentially play god. For example, the great democratizing power of…

  • The Human Vehicle

    What is the ultimate mobile human device or vehicle? The human body. First, once again… I think we spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about our cars our vehicles etc. Also kids are endlessly fascinated by vehicles, especially construction vehicles, if you have ever seen a huge excavator up close in personal, it will…

  • Capital Thinking

    Thinking about capital, capitalism, capital recruitment, stacking capital capital etc. Bitcoin is digital capital The first thought: bitcoin is true digital capital. Wealth is a mental thing? The second thought:  assuming that bitcoin is the first true digital money and capital, then what that means is money and wealth becomes a mental construct. For…

  • Seeking Dominance in Every Single Shape Form And Way

    2.6 seconds — the 0 to 60 speed on cyberbeast. I think what is so fascinating about cyber truck is that it is dominant in every single shape form and way. For example, the 0 to 60 speed for that massive is 2.6 seconds! This is much faster than almost every single Porsche 911 car.…

  • How To Transform Your Body Into a Cybertruck? 

    Cybertruck Body? A funny thought; ultimately, our bodies are supreme. But for us in our modern day capitalistic consumer society, we purchased vehicles which we believe to be an externalization of our own bodies and selves. For example, why is it that you see so many middle-aged, or older men purchase muscle cars, Corvettes etc.?…

  • Think Your Own Mind

    I believe the great tragedy that we have in the 21st-century is that people lack the chutzpah to think for themselves, by themselves, etc. For example, if I think about traditional K-12 education, the primary focus should be teaching critical thinking, independent thinking, etc. Yet, traditional schools rather seem to be more about teaching obedience,…

  • Economics?

    The passion of man The sea is deeper, the deeper you go into it  Economics; work. The first question: Work for the sake of what? 1. Rent Ultimately, you need somewhere to sleep. Having some sort of home, habitation, apartment. I think the big thought, perhaps something that a lot of Americans don’t know…


    A simple line of thinking, towards living the best and most virtuous life: Just get your ass outside! Thinking heroes The first thought is in regards to heroes; what would a hero do, what would a hero not do?  First, no hero in their right mind would just stay at home. Perhaps the primary…


    A simple line of thinking, towards living the best and most virtuous life: Just get your ass outside! Thinking heroes The first thought is in regards to heroes; what would a hero do, what would a hero not do?  First, no hero in their right mind would just stay at home. Perhaps the primary…