Category: Uncategorized


    Money Thoughts “White people make money don’t spend it, I’d rather buy 80 gold chains and go ignant (ignorant)”. – Kanye Thinking about money: Why does this matter? “Money sets the whole world in motion” – Publius Syrus Do you know when people say that money makes the world go round? This is true. So…

  • Physical

    The only proper training for a child — the physical.

  • PLAY

    To play is godlike. Bountiful

  • Porn?

    Nothing wrong with porn morally or ethically … the bigger issue is online advertising and porn (weird stuff), and also … just issues with pirating porn (Pirate Bay and using torrents and VPN’s whatever). Just think — How many Google engineers watch porn in secret, at home, at night … when nobody is home, when…


    STOICISM 101 STOIC VLOG Introduction to Stoicism  Something I have been meaning to write or create or do is like some sort of book, ebook, pamphlet, or introductory primer to stoicism. I really think that stoicism is probably one of the most useful and philosophical models to live normal every day real life. Yet,…

  • The Innovator

    Waking up this morning, and having some great ERIC KIM OMAKASE Coffee to get me going, some thoughts: 1. Innovate? After being abroad, then coming back, the general thought I have is that perhaps at the end of the day, the most important and critical thing is in regards to innovation. How to innovate, why innovate, etc.…


    Nobody cares how “smart” or intelligent your kid is… people are more impressed with their physique, height, strength, muscles, physical ability!

  • Hero Angles

    Super super super low angles In praise of tilting articulating LCD screens, put your camera to the floor

  • New You

    New year new you. Podcast AUDIO

  • Stoicism

    Quotes Certainly! Here are some quotes from the text: These quotes reflect the key themes and perspectives on Stoicism as presented in the text. Summary Summarizing the provided text into a numbered list: STOICISM BY ERIC KIM Introduction to Stoicism  Something I have been meaning to write or create or do is like some…


    Something which happened about a year ago — No more glocks Vlog The story Long story short, some idiot brings his gun to my sister’s wedding, leaves it inside the holster in his backpack in the guest checking room, some random lady at the party who steals a bunch of stuff inside the guest checking…


    MY SOUL DIVINEFUCK THE SUPERFICIAL AND OUTERThink the inner, create your own winners. Stoic zen thoughtfight off the botsOff the tweets and the streamsWe on a ultra light beam No need to squeam or emo in zinesNo more magazines or magazines in the gunsShoot it up with your own mindNo glock to your thoughts. ERIC


    Everyone wants the million dollar Ferrari … why not the million dollar body?


    Sooo much to do and see! Barely scratching the surface here;;


    VIDEO THE PHOTO WISDOM OF ERIC KIM- The philosophy of photography, as discussed by Eric Kim, covers a broad range of topics. It emphasizes finding personal meaning in photography, moving beyond the pursuit of social media likes to create photographs with personal significance. Key themes include seeing beauty in the mundane, using photography as a…

  • Street Photography *IS* Applied Visual Sociology

    Street photography is just applied visual sociology! Quotes MASTER THE STREETS:  ERIC KIM CHATGPT BOTS STREET PHOTOGRAPHY STARTER KIT Open source: View all > Video STREET PHOTOGRAPHY 101 STREET PHOTOGRAPHY STARTER KIT Master street photography with STREET PHOTOGRAPHY STARTER KIT. STREET PHOTOGRAPHY 101 If you’re new to street photography, start here: Brave New Street Photography…


    Some thoughts on Jewish people: First, seems that American people are suspicious of Jewish people because they don’t understand Jewish people –their customs their beliefs, their names their clothing, how they talk, their last names, cultural thoughts etc. For example, Hanukkah. A menorah dreidel etc.… going to the temple? The average Christian, Catholic protestant in…


    Photography, visual images — Nothing but pure, unadulterated love! PHOTOGRAPHY 101 Dear friend, If you’re new to photography, start here: Photography is Everything! Photography Tips Photography Articles Photography Techniques Everyday Photography Color Photography 101 Photography Philosophy Photography Inspiration The Fundamentals of Photography Photography Equipment » How to Take Better Photos » Composition Lessons » Photography Assignments…


    MASTERS MOBILE PDF PDF MASTERS DOWNLOAD Masters Quotes Eric Kim, in his reflections on learning from the masters of photography, offers several thought-provoking quotes: These quotes reflect a deep appreciation for the history and art of photography, urging contemporary photographers to learn from past masters and to use their legacy as a foundation for innovation…

  • Money Thoughts

    The etymology of the word “helot” is quite intriguing and reflects a deep historical context. It originates from Ancient Greece, specifically within the region of Sparta. The term “helot” referred to a class of serfs or slaves who were owned by the state and primarily used by the Spartans. Historically, the helots were originally free…

  • LUMIX G9

    LUMIX G9 camera is actually really good?

  • Photography motivation

    I may be the most motivated photographer out there. Why? Some thoughts:  First, it seems that the most critical thing to consider is shooting like a child. A child has no boundaries, no limits, no notions of “right” and wrong. In fact, what is the biggest detriment to photographers? The moment they learn about…