Poor Leverage

Do something new?

New innovations

Don’t think about your past benchmarks and records and accomplishments ,,, rather — just start a new concept carte blanche?

Read the Originals

Safety & happiness

New guards


For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Con- sent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses:

Anti offices, officers

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our peo- ple, and eat out their substance.

Laws of naturalization for foreigners

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appro- priations of Lands.

Declaration of independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are en- dowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Gov- ernment becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Pru- dence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experi- ence hath shewn, that mankind are more dis- posed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invari- ably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future secu- rity.—Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of re- peated injuries and usurpations, all having in di- rect object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless sus- pended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has ut- terly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the ac- commodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Rep- resentation in the Legislature, a right inestima- ble to them and formidable to tyrants only.

Vanity is Good

What drives a lot of economic progress and activity? Vanity. The desire to seem or to be different.

Deep vs superficial vanity

I suppose the nuance here is the difference between superficial vs deep vanity.

Deep vanity:

The desire to be different, to think different, to live different etc.

Superficial vanity:

Seeking differentiation simply by brand-name purchasable goods; your car, your clothes, etc.


Bitcoin *IS* Cash

Cash etymology

The word “cash” has a complex etymology with roots in several languages and cultures.

  1. Latin Origin: The English word “cash” likely originates from the Latin word “capsa,” meaning “box” or “case.” This term evolved into the Old French word “casse,” which means “money box.”
  2. Tamil and Portuguese Influence: Another significant source is the Tamil word “kaasu” (காசு), which means “coin.” During the period of Portuguese colonization in India, the Portuguese adopted this term as “caixa” for a box or chest used to store money, which then influenced the English term.
  3. Chinese Influence: Additionally, the term “cash” was used by British merchants in the 18th and 19th centuries to refer to small copper coins used in China, known as “cash” (from the Chinese word “kāsi,” meaning “coin”).

These various influences combined to shape the modern English word “cash,” which generally refers to money in the form of coins or notes, or liquid assets readily available for use.

History of Boy Scouts and the Eagle Scouts

Finding specific details about the Eagle Scout projects of famous individuals can be challenging since many of these projects were completed decades ago and may not be well-documented. However, here is some available information on the Eagle Scout projects of a few notable Eagle Scouts:

  1. Neil Armstrong:
  • Neil Armstrong’s Eagle Scout project involved working on an exhibit at a local airport. Unfortunately, specific details about the project are not well-documented.
  1. Gerald R. Ford:
  • Gerald Ford’s Eagle Scout project was to create a handbook for his troop that included knot-tying and other essential Scouting skills.
  1. Steven Spielberg:
  • Steven Spielberg’s project involved creating a documentary about his local troop’s history. This early filmmaking experience contributed to his future career as a renowned director.
  1. Michael Bloomberg:
  • Michael Bloomberg’s Eagle Scout project is not well-documented in public sources.
  1. Sam Walton:
  • Sam Walton’s Eagle Scout project is not well-documented in public sources.
  1. Mike Rowe:
  • Mike Rowe’s Eagle Scout project involved cleaning up a cemetery and restoring grave markers.
  1. Robert Gates:
  • Robert Gates’ Eagle Scout project is not well-documented in public sources.
  1. James Lovell:
  • James Lovell’s Eagle Scout project is not well-documented in public sources.
  1. Lamar Alexander:
  • Lamar Alexander’s Eagle Scout project is not well-documented in public sources.
  1. William H. Gates Sr.:
    • William H. Gates Sr.’s Eagle Scout project is not well-documented in public sources.

Many Eagle Scout projects from earlier decades were not as extensively recorded or publicized as they are today. Therefore, specific details about the projects of some notable Eagle Scouts might not be readily available.

Some of the most famous Eagle Scouts include:

  1. Neil Armstrong – The first man to walk on the moon.
  2. Gerald R. Ford – The 38th President of the United States.
  3. Steven Spielberg – Renowned film director and producer.
  4. Michael Bloomberg – Former mayor of New York City and billionaire businessman.
  5. Sam Walton – Founder of Walmart.
  6. Mike Rowe – Television host and narrator, known for “Dirty Jobs.”
  7. Robert Gates – Former Secretary of Defense and Director of the CIA.
  8. James Lovell – Apollo 13 astronaut.
  9. Lamar Alexander – U.S. Senator and former Governor of Tennessee.
  10. William H. Gates Sr. – Attorney and father of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

These individuals have achieved significant accomplishments in their respective fields, bringing honor and recognition to the Eagle Scout rank.

Other notable Eagle Scouts have made significant contributions across various fields. Here are a few:

1.  Robert Gates - Former U.S. Secretary of Defense and former President of the Boy Scouts of America.
2.  William Bennett - Former U.S. Secretary of Education.
3.  Sam Walton - Founder of Walmart.
4.  J.W. Marriott Jr. - Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board of Marriott International.
5.  Mike Rowe - Host of “Dirty Jobs” on the Discovery Channel.
6.  James Lovell - NASA astronaut, commander of Apollo 13.
7.  Rex Tillerson - Former U.S. Secretary of State and former CEO of ExxonMobil.
8.  Stephen Bechtel Jr. - Chairman Emeritus of the Bechtel Corporation.
9.  James Brady - White House Press Secretary under President Ronald Reagan.
10. Bill Bradley - Former U.S. Senator and NBA Hall of Famer.

These individuals exemplify the leadership, commitment, and community service values that the Eagle Scout rank represents.

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is one of the largest youth organizations in the United States. It was founded on February 8, 1910, by Chicago publisher W.D. Boyce, after being inspired by the Scouting movement in Britain, established by Robert Baden-Powell. The BSA was incorporated to promote the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, teach patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred values.

Early Years and Growth

The BSA grew rapidly in its early years, with local councils and troops forming across the country. The organization focused on outdoor activities, community service, and educational programs to build character and leadership skills in young boys.

Programs and Structure

The BSA is divided into various programs based on age groups:

  1. Cub Scouts: For boys and girls in grades K-5.
  2. Scouts BSA: For boys and girls aged 11-17.
  3. Venturing: For young men and women aged 14-20.
  4. Sea Scouts: For young men and women aged 14-20, focusing on maritime skills.

The Eagle Scout Rank

The Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program. Since its inception in 1911, the rank of Eagle Scout has been earned by more than 2.5 million youth. The requirements to achieve this rank are rigorous and include:

  1. Merit Badges: Earning at least 21 merit badges, including 13 specific required badges (e.g., First Aid, Citizenship in the Nation, Personal Management).
  2. Leadership: Serving in a leadership position within the troop.
  3. Service Project: Planning, developing, and leading a significant service project that benefits a community organization.
  4. Scout Spirit: Demonstrating Scout Spirit by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law in everyday life.
  5. Board of Review: Successfully completing a board of review conducted by members of the troop and community leaders.

Notable Eagle Scouts

Eagle Scouts have gone on to become prominent leaders in various fields, including politics, business, and the military. Notable Eagle Scouts include:

  • Gerald Ford, 38th President of the United States
  • Neil Armstrong, astronaut and first person to walk on the moon
  • Steven Spielberg, renowned filmmaker
  • Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City and businessman

Impact and Legacy

The BSA and the Eagle Scout program have had a significant impact on American society, instilling values of leadership, service, and community involvement in millions of young people. The skills and experiences gained through Scouting have helped shape the character and careers of many influential figures.

Modern Challenges and Adaptations

In recent years, the BSA has faced challenges, including declining membership and legal issues. However, the organization has made significant changes to adapt to modern times, such as including girls in all its programs and focusing on inclusivity and diversity.

The legacy of the Boy Scouts and the Eagle Scouts continues to be a testament to the enduring values of service, leadership, and personal development.

Being a True American is Just Leaving Other People Alone

Being a true American is not having to wave around an American flag, true patriots have the heart embedded in their soul. And they also know how to properly fold an American flag. Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts.

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is one of the largest youth organizations in the United States. It was founded on February 8, 1910, by Chicago publisher W.D. Boyce, after being inspired by the Scouting movement in Britain, established by Robert Baden-Powell. The BSA was incorporated to promote the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, teach patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred values.

Early Years and Growth

The BSA grew rapidly in its early years, with local councils and troops forming across the country. The organization focused on outdoor activities, community service, and educational programs to build character and leadership skills in young boys.

Programs and Structure

The BSA is divided into various programs based on age groups:

  1. Cub Scouts: For boys and girls in grades K-5.
  2. Scouts BSA: For boys and girls aged 11-17.
  3. Venturing: For young men and women aged 14-20.
  4. Sea Scouts: For young men and women aged 14-20, focusing on maritime skills.

The Eagle Scout Rank

The Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program. Since its inception in 1911, the rank of Eagle Scout has been earned by more than 2.5 million youth. The requirements to achieve this rank are rigorous and include:

  1. Merit Badges: Earning at least 21 merit badges, including 13 specific required badges (e.g., First Aid, Citizenship in the Nation, Personal Management).
  2. Leadership: Serving in a leadership position within the troop.
  3. Service Project: Planning, developing, and leading a significant service project that benefits a community organization.
  4. Scout Spirit: Demonstrating Scout Spirit by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law in everyday life.
  5. Board of Review: Successfully completing a board of review conducted by members of the troop and community leaders.

Notable Eagle Scouts

Eagle Scouts have gone on to become prominent leaders in various fields, including politics, business, and the military. Notable Eagle Scouts include:

  • Gerald Ford, 38th President of the United States
  • Neil Armstrong, astronaut and first person to walk on the moon
  • Steven Spielberg, renowned filmmaker
  • Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City and businessman

Impact and Legacy

The BSA and the Eagle Scout program have had a significant impact on American society, instilling values of leadership, service, and community involvement in millions of young people. The skills and experiences gained through Scouting have helped shape the character and careers of many influential figures.

Modern Challenges and Adaptations

In recent years, the BSA has faced challenges, including declining membership and legal issues. However, the organization has made significant changes to adapt to modern times, such as including girls in all its programs and focusing on inclusivity and diversity.

The legacy of the Boy Scouts and the Eagle Scouts continues to be a testament to the enduring values of service, leadership, and personal development.

Infinite economic density 

Infinite density —


Don’t sell more than 21 million blocks of this in the universe forever —> the icing on the cake.

Zero doubt.

Digital scarcity, the ultimate scarce property *****

Life form


Converting your work into an asset 

We convert our assets ,,,

Type 1 diabetic ,,, we store energy into fat.

Being cold is a sign of poor health?

Real World Training

Think physics:

Some real world thoughts:

First, I still believe infinitely… the best possible place to live is a place where you love to walk! When you pound your morning espresso, hungry and voracious for the adventure of embodied reality.

The problem

I think the sad tragedy here is that truth be told… 99.9% of reality sucks. Especially if you live in America… you’re just stuck in a car 99.9% of your day. Or inside an office building, or inside a crappy school room, University class etc.

In fact, we knew modern day humans, with the new zoo animals. In fact, maybe zoo animals have it better than us; at least they have a little bit more physical space, and also room to spare.


I believe the first optimization, at least living in America is deciding which Geo location or space to live. Currently speaking I believe Culver City, downtown Culver City, the Culver City arts district to be the best. The best place to immediately pop out of your apartment, and immediately start walking! 

Or, if you have the option, living in some sort of city in Southeast Asia, Bangkok, Phnom Penh, Hanoi, Saigon etc.

The reason why I believe it to be so intelligent to live in Southeast Asia is economic leverage. For example even trolling homes here on Zillow, it is insane; $2.2 million for these half-assed remodeled homes? Things which comes standard in Vietnam or Southeast Asia?

Hardcore economics

I recently re-watched the movie 300 again, some thoughts:

First, I think the best way to live is through extreme economy. What that means is no matter how high or low your income… to hardcore leverage your money seems like a good idea.

For example, it seems human nature that we will typically meet match or perhaps supersede our income. What that means is when it comes to “lifestyle creep”, or “hedonic adaptation”– most people do the foolish thing— when anybody touches any money, the very foolish thing they first do is buy a car, some expensive clothes, jewelry, etc.

What they should do instead is buy bitcoin. And live like a low-key poor person.

Spartan economics

Ever since I was a teenager, and a kid, I’ve always really been into fashion, clothes etc. However, the enlightening thing about watching the movie 300, first, the Spartans are essentially bare chested, no shirt on, and just wearing cod pieces–speedos. The only thing to note is their crimson cape which goes to the floor, and during battle, their bronze Spartan helmets, with the frightening horse hair on top, their spears, swords, battle greaves, forearm armor, shield, … that seems to be about it.

Certainly there are some clothes and accessories which do improve your life. But assuming you’re a man… unless you’re going indoors, a shirt is optional. I say go shirtless as much as humanly possible.

Khalil Gibran on Clothing

At the LA public library, Cindy just picked up paperback of Khalil Gibran the prophet, the classic. I think Cindy and I read it back in college.

What was very interesting was his thoughts on modesty and clothing; essentially back in the day, modesty was just another word to describe hiding the ugliness of your body.

I see today; all these guys who wear trucker hats, fully tinted sunglasses, have beards and lots of facial hair and maybe mustaches … , flannel and trucker jackets, bunch of tattoos, body hair, fat, and drinking beer? Essentially it is to hide the ugliness of their bodies. I still find it very very bizarre that somehow having a strong opinion about craft beer is what makes one manly? 

I find tattoos to be the most ridiculous proposition; it is expensive, takes a long time, and it actually positively makes your body uglier. Even Nietzsche wrote that the trend for people to get bodily tattoos was a march towards barbarism.

I say instead of getting body tattoos, just build bodily muscle. Just buy your own weightlifting equipment – Titan.fitness and workout at home.

Real men have muscle!


I’m currently reading the father of Austrian economics, Karl Menger — and his principles on economics. It is a bit of a dry read, but I enjoy it and so far much as it is simple, clean, and direct, and just like Aristotle, lays the foundation of first principles in economics, talking about goods, needs, human economizing, stock etc.

One of it is property, property accumulation, and connections with human desire to accumulate obtain and hold property.

Karl Menger talks about property almost a bit of a metaphorical sense, it doesn’t have to be physical property, the property in the minds of men?

I think when you go back to first principles thinking for philosophy humans economics etc., things become very interesting.

The first thought I had is maybe the intelligence of buying your own weightlifting or gym equipment is that in technicality, you are accumulating property, weightlifting property, weight property, plates etc.

Also the good thing is that weightlifting will never go out this style, because it is the most OG, original gangster way of getting stronger. A simple barbell and weight plates is all you need. If you want cheap ones, just get some cast-iron plates, in the 45 pound range. Also for a cheap weightlifting squat rack, the Titan.fitness T3 independent squat stand, apparently it could withstand up to 1000 pounds… I’ve already loaded it up with 775 pounds and it seems fine.

I think the problem with going to the gym, is that you’re pissing away your money, especially in Los Angeles where a gym membership could be in the $150 a month to $200 a month range. If you’re on a budget, you could buy a cheap barbell for me about 100 bucks, and two weight plates will only set you back around 150 bucks. If you do the math, within the year, you can invest at least $1000 into weightlifting equipment, which will stay with you forever.

For very very cheap options, just buy sandbags; you could purchase 50 pounds of playground sand for only about three dollars! 

Stainless steel

What is the apex metal? Stainless steel. Stainless steel is what allows us to create 100 story skyscrapers, and also, which creates your beloved Cybertruck. The more I think about cybertruck, the greater it is. At least in terms of material and form, it might last you at least 100 years. Maybe 300 years if you take good care of it.

Also, I think the cybertruck is actually positively bulletproof; just watch the videos with it. If John Wick was alive today, he might drive a cybertruck?  Or some sort of baby sports car muscle car stainless steel cyber truck, imagine if you took a Camaro or a Dodge charger and just outfitted it with stainless steel? 

Make your body like stainless steel

I had the epiphany and the realization that this is why they call Superman the Man of steel; at the time, when Superman was invented, steel, stainless steel was a big deal.

Also, public restrooms and bathrooms etc.… It seems that stainless steel is the way. The easiest to keep clean, maintain etc. Stainless steel toilets, hand washing stations etc.

Also, at Cindy‘s family’s house, Cindy‘s mom has a stainless steel kitchen sink, which I think she’s been using for over 20 years with no problems!

The future

First principal is thinking; what is the purpose of saving? For the future.

I think the very clarifying and positive thing is once you have a kid, future becomes a more concrete notion. Your building property and betterment for your child, and their child, and their kids kids kids.

But why? I think a lot of modern day thinking is too focused on the individual; what makes more sense is focusing on beyond the individual– the clan, the tribe, the collective. 

Leaders and followers?

“See there’s leaders and there’s followers but I’d rather be a dick than a swallower”– Ye

Even NASSIM Taleb talks about how there are individuals or academic, intellectual “swallowers“. 

What should be the purpose of education? Critical thinking. To challenge convention, to think first principles etc.

In fact, I think the best thing that Aristotle does when fleshing out some ideas is he first starts off by first principles, by defining things – to challenge things, why they are important, why they are critical etc.

The reason why I find this to be so important is that we spend our whole lives working, and living… but yet we never challenge why we do it, why is important, why is significant etc.

For example, let us say that you are a modern day tech worker, or a banker, and what you’re trying to do is accumulate as much US dollars, currency, the highest salary possible. But towards what ends? Buying a certain car you want, a single-family home, etc.? Having the freedom in the power to travel the world? Before you sacrifice 30 years of your life, maybe a deep critical introspection is needed; thus the Why App?

The upside of sociology 

The more I think about the benefit of studying sociology was simply to challenge all social norms. In fact, the other day we were inside a public library, and Seneca was upset that we had to return the books, in which I cleverly stated and said, no, we are not “returning” the books, we are recirculating them.

Anyways, certainly Seneca was upset, because if you think about it… the notion of checking out a book, and then having to return it is not natural and it doesn’t really make much sense. As a consequence he was crying loud, and this pretentious librarian tell me that “he has to go”, or “he has to go (outside)”.

Like a true mensch, of course I did not forcibly make him exit the library. I calmly stood there, while he was still crying, explaining to him the notion of recirculating over returning the books.

Anyways, the librarian was confused, because I think in the past, whenever the library tells a parent that their kid is being too loud, a parent somehow feels bad, or embarrassed or something and forcibly removes the kid from the library. No. I stood there, taking my sweet time, and explaining to Seneca, and the library being confused came up to me to approach me a second time.

Anyways, thinking back first principles… Why is it that a library should be quiet? Why not loud?

The first line of thinking is that the purpose of a library is for a quiet contemplation. Why not loud contemplation?

Anyways, that loser library and library will no longer get my patronage. Onto the next one.


Also, even modern day society in today’s world, the law is “thou shall not make eye contact with strangers, engage in small talk, be friendly etc.”

Also, modern day society says that we shall be, antisocial, introspective, cowardly, quietly consume our fake ass plant-based food, and try to minimize our “carbon imprint”, on the planet. 

Says who?

Fuck that!

Seeing humans in the flesh?

Now I have a new rule; before I’m about to read any book, listen to a new podcast or whatever… I want to kind of get a full body glimpse of said individual.

For example, this seems cruel, but I don’t really care for the opinion of anybody who is overfat, skinny fat, physically weak, doesn’t have muscle, doesn’t have strong legs.

The problem in today’s world is that there is a hijacking of knowledge, legitimacy and information towards the nerds, the Shorty guys, the Shorty fat skinny old bald guys, etc.

Only trust thinkers who are also weightlifters. 

So far, modern day times … maybe only NASSIM TALEB? But now he is even too old, and still kind of a fatty guy (his history).

Who else?

They not like us!

Creating your own tribe? All you need is 300?

Let us even think about King Leonidas… Certainly would have been impossible for him to fight back millions of Persians himself. However, him being able to leverage the train, the hot gates and the choke point… Assuming he was not betrayed… He would have probably been able to hold the hot gates, With his Spartan 300. 

Create for yourself

My simple line of thinking is create things, design things as if you were the only end user.

Also, follow your own personal curiosity irregardless of how irrational or impractical or uneconomical it may seem. 

True innovation happens out of pure self curiosity, things which at the time seem very very impractical… But, can create insane value for society and others.

The camera as a self defense weapon?

Looking at cops, one of the interesting things is that they always have some sort of chest mounted video camera that is always recording. I wonder if this is also a good accessory for ourselves. A simple thing is having a GoPro chest mount, and a GoPro mini. 

Also, if you became swat, swat team… How would you look and how would you train?

First, armor. I think my joy of having my 60 pound weight vest on all the time is that is like real world training. If you had a bulletproof, 60 pounds is good.

Also, a bulletproof body.


If you are swat team… How do you train?

Once again, 60 pound vest, and also some sort of notion of hunger. And fearlessness.

Also a cool visual I have is from John Wick 4, the all black samurai kabuki guys at the Osaka hotel, trying to kill John Wick.

The ideal form of training would be caring heavy stuff, for relatively short distances. Also if fearlessness. And pure power. Imagine if you were a swat door kicker. 


I think what is so awesome about John Wick is that he is practically invincible, unkillable. All four movies, everyone tries to kill him, and even at the very very end… he allows himself to get killed, in order to get the final sweet sweet revenge on his arch nemesis.

In fact, John Wick is fascinating because he is almost like the modern Achilles; it is his lust for revenge which drives him.

Thought– somebody should reboot the movie Troy, or a film centered around Achilles? 

New ethics and morality

Also, this is where things become interesting to me; for us to think carte blanche, to create new morals and ethics for ourselves. All is permitted, said the famous assassins. This is the real assassin’s Creed.

All is legitimate, all is permitted — as long as it does not disobey the laws of physics.


Think physics

Ultimately if you want to think about growth, life, things in general… Think physics!

Weight lifting also a fun physics game and experiment?

Travel and physics

If you think about reality from a physics or space approach, the logic and the rationale is that when you’re moving your human body across time and space, geo location and climate… having a novel environment changes you.

For example, even a simple weekend getaway to San Diego, the beachfront, the ocean, looking into the infinite sea, and having a different change of climate from LA, it changed my thinking, or allowed the genesis of new and unique thoughts.

I think this upside of traveling to Southeast Asia, ironically enough I think best when it is hot and humid? For myself, I find it very difficult to think well when it is cold and humid and wet. I hate the winter. Even the Los Angeles the winter is not super nice. I wish I could live in Southeast Asia forever.

You know yourself the best

Everybody has different preferences. I find it insanely annoying when people try to “educate” you that somehow your preferences are illegitimate? And they try to tyranny their own preferences upon you?

Fuck that! Become more stoic and staunch in your approach.

so where do you want to travel to?

  1. SF BAY AREA, THE MISSION SF — October 26
  2. Downtown LA — November 16
  3. CAMBODIA, ANGKOR WAT — 2025 Summer Experience the planet with EK > ERIC KIM EXPERIENCES

Photo assignments

If you want infinite inspiration and motivation to make photos, just have a kid!

If you already have a kid, cross pollinate your passion for street photography photographing your kid!

Also, undefine photography; all photography is legitimate!

Also, delete Instagram, irregardless of how many followers you have. It is like I’m telling you that you had terminal cancer, but, you would be able to magically cure yourself if you justdeleted Instagram. Wouldn’t you do it?

Instagram is cancer for the mind and the soul. 

In fact, the only people I trust in the ERIC KIM clan is those without an Instagram. Also if I had to create an initiation ceremony, the first step for STREET CLUB would be deleting your Instagram. 

Keep stacking those Bitcoin not those followers. 

“You got 1 billion streams, I got $1 billion!” – JAY Z

You got 1 million followers? I got 1 million bitcoin!

Think deeper with WHY APP?

Concrete human needs

“More” important needs?


The best way to workout in LA? –> outside, outdoors, in the sun, topless?

How to satisfy your needs


Protection of ownership –> basis of property

Human economy and property

Take the riskier option in life?

Non-economic goods

The human desire for property


The will to economize

Ordinary car, extraordinary human

Planning activity

Quantities of goods ,,, stocks

Keeping stock

Commodity stocks

Price formation

Proven reliability

quantities of goods expected to be at the disposal of men in future time periods

Human economy, economic goods

Direct the available quantity of goods which way

Consumption goods, means of production

Further insight


Thinking Beyond the Rack?

I cannot be tempted

Meaningful versus meaningless life?

Human welfare

Civilization and wealth

Single economizing individual

Exchange economy

Property as needs

The stunting of our nature

To live and prosper



Capacity of human needs to grow

Infinite growth

Unlimited progress

Uninterrupted progress

Needs of the future?

Effective requirements



Get back into bodybuilding?

A bodybuilder tries to make a lightweight heavy, a par lifter tries to make a heavy weight light.


Compelling, voracious?

Family Matters

The future of family 

Thinking About The Future of Your Family 

I think this is the enlightening thing about having kids or a child, either one kid or several kids or whatever… Starting to plan and think about the future.

The future of family

One of the most interesting things that I learn from the California science center, especially when going to the biology section the circle of life biological ecosystem thing is that ultimately, what is the purpose of life? Simply put, the purpose of life is to procreate, produce offspring, create the next generations forward. 

The funny and strange irony that I see nowadays is this bizarre anti-children movement. Some of these world-weary people say instead:

Nay! Life is all suffering misery and badness. Do not have children, they are the worst thing on the planet, they increase the carbon footprint blah blah blah. More virtuous instead to adopt a rescue dog,  go vegan or plant-based something, and to be antisocial and to just spend the rest of your life being less of a nuisance on others as possible.

I love being a nuisance!

Perhaps one of my funny interventions is that I love being the troll, being loud and ratchet, being annoying and being the nuisance.

I think this is where I have been so disruptive in my life, I have always distain this notion of being same same, being boring, being meek and passive etc.

I think ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to be the most alpha, the most superior, the most supreme.

Now is a adult… This trend is continuing. And now, I am imputing this ethos into Seneca, the next generation.

“So you think you’re so special huh?”

Yes! I also think you’re special! And so is your kids, your friend, your neighbor, the antisocial people around you.

The truth is we are all special! Purely from a biological perspective, even if you wanted to be 100% molecularly similar to people around you, you couldn’t. And I think this is a good thing.

Variety is a spice of life, as is human being! This is where I think that all cultures all peoples all ideas are wonderful; it just comes down to what you decide to choose for yourself.

Superior vs inferior?

Ultimately when it comes down to it… I think it just comes down to military might. Why is it that America reigns supreme? Our military force. I think we have at least 100,000 X the fighting force or the military force on the planet, mainland China China PRC is still about 1000 years behind.

Maybe the primary strength that we got going for us is our control of the seas, the navy. The other day I was in the San Diego waterfront, seeing a massive airplane carrier… It is insane… fighter jets land on this thing? 

Even today, the most effective way to move goods along the planet is the sea. He who controls the sea controls the planet.

Thinking for yourself yourself vs your kids

Being self interested is a good thing as is being self interested in the well-being of your kids, your future family, your wife your spouse your kids, their kids, their kids kids kids.

I think this is the primary way to understand King Leonidas, the valor of the Spartan 300. They were fighting for the freedom of future Spartans, not current Spartans. 

Perhaps this is what we all desire, some sort of mission or impetus to live for some sort of grazier cause, beyond ourselves. Simply live for ourselves is too limiting, and also a bit depressing?

How people do it

“Libri aut libri” once said Nietzsche — which was a Latin pun he made up which meant “either books or children”– talking about women in specific, that typically women only have enough fertility or physiological energy to write books, or to produce children. Cindy defied everything she did both!

I think what a lot of single artists do who decide not to have kids — or philosophers etc. is they think of the future human race as all of their metaphorical children. The same thing with celibate priest; they guide the way for all the young youth and kids inside the parish. 

Ultimately, I think the reality is that your life does matter. What you do, will change the planet. Especially if you have access to an Internet connection, some sort of public facing website or blog etc. Even other simple things like starting your own YouTube channel or podcast uploading it online etc. Not social media.

Already, I am shocked… Instagram, which seemed unstoppable for a long time, is already getting upended by TikTok — a very suspicious entity I think owned by Tencent —  super evil mega corporation based in mainland China, which I also believe runs League of Legends, RIOT games, etc. 

In fact, I think we should have zero concerns about some sort of military battle against mainland China, ain’t gonna happen. America the USA, we have thousands of battle cruisers, all with Yamato canon, siege tanks, bunkers, etc. And all the mainland Chinese have is millions of Zerglings. 

Or another analogy, America is like having 1000 Protas icons, all defending a single chokepoint like the spartan 300 and the hot gates, and once again, all China has is Zerglings. 

Well we have to be concerned instead is how China is Nicoli intercepting the minds of our future youth; I already see it now, I watched the last Pacific Rim fighting movie with robots, the second one, and there was a very strange part of the movie where the mainland Chinese came in, helped invest, and then somehow the North American alliance was able to defeat the kaiju monsters? I’m very certain that the film was funded by some sort of Shanghai mainland Chinese company.

Also an unrelated note… because Apple computer is in bed with Foxconn– mainland Chinese corporation that produces all your lovely iPhone Pros — maybe ultimately, it isn’t even nations or nation states we should be concerned about, but big technology companies that govern our entire existences like Apple computer, Google, Amazon etc.?

For example, Google pretty much owns email at this point. I don’t know a single person who does not have a Gmail account. But also, something that I’ve been learning through some sort of updates on my sendy.co email newsletter platform is that Google and Gmail is rolling out all these new requirements, and if you don’t update or abide by their rules, your emails or your email newsletters will not reach Gmail accounts, which probably accounts for at least 50% of all emails on the Internet.

Imagine if one day it does not like you, and revokes your right to email and Gmail account. Bad news.


I purchase therefore I am

Seneca really likes the civic type R? 



I wonder… Perhaps movement, is more important than overall power?

Caput, head … decapitate

Hold our gates, we can win


Muscle vs Magic?

100 armies … one narrow corridor ,,, hold!

Numbers count for nothing


Aimless violence?

Slippery , clumsy

Cooperation versus solo Hero? 

The best is more difficult; Los Angeles, LA is the best… But the truth is it is much more difficult to live a virtuous life here.

The best still has lots of downsides! In fact, I wonder if things become better, as things become more superior, more “best”– according to law of physics there must be some sort of corresponding expansion of downside.

For example, if you live somewhere which has lots of traffic, perhaps it is a signal that it is the best, because if it is the best, then everyone wants to live there, and no matter how much people complain about traffic, it is because everyone wants to live there because it is the best.

For example; before Brexit, all the Europeans would prefer to immigrate therapy because it is the soul of Europe. I met so many entrepreneurial Russians who moved to London in the UK for greeter opportunities, trying to blend in and camouflage there Russian accent. Apparently being a Russian in London, a new immigrant is almost like being a fresh Mexican immigrant, lots of racism and prejudice.

Christian ethics versus Spartan ethics?


free man

Just become more creative?

Don’t eat until sunset

Unlimited Capital

Economic Energy

Bucket list before I hit 50, next 14 years?

It’s Not a loss it’s a lesson

Free Man

The greatest of all tragedies

True Power?

True power lies outside of women



Power accumulation, how to accumulate power?

The more you stack the more power you accumulate?

Power, economic power

“Spending” Power or “Purchasing” Power

Capital Power?

The irony about money and wealth is that when I think a lot of people want $1 million, or want to be a millionaire or whatever… What they want to do is spend $1 million. 

But, the reality is I think the ethos of capital is you want to keep stacking it, never spend it.

For example, as a simple example let us say that I am 165 pounds of pure muscle, with a six pack. 

Each and every bodybuilder or perhaps weightlifter what they desire is to continue to increase their muscle malice or poundage, indefinitely. When we looked at Ronnie Coleman what is it that he did, he kept injecting his eyeballs with steroids, for him to become the 300 pound beast with a 6 pack.

Certainly this is grotesque, I’ll find enough, I kind of like it. When people ask who the greatest bodybuilder of all time was, I still think it is Ronnie Coleman not Arnold Schwarzenegger. Why? I think I do prefer this sort of grotesque uber beast concept – assuming that steroids were not a thing, and this could be done naturally, I would think it is awesome!

You don’t want to lose muscle or muscle mass

Once again, let us say that I am 165 pounds of pure muscle. The greatest tragedy for a weightlifter or a bodybuilder is to lose muscle mass, or to lose weight. For example, if I suddenly went down from 165 pounds to immediately 120 pounds, I would be insanely depressed.

And this is kind of like money; let it say that I had $1 million at my disposal, and then suddenly I saw that shrink to $20,000, certainly I would be very dismayed. I would be much happier to see that $1 million grow $1.2 million, $1.5 million, $1.7 million, $2.5 million, $10, $100 M, $250 M etc.

Today is a glorious day to buy bitcoin!

Capital accumulation versus capital spending or getting rid of?




“ It’s just an eye”

“ prepare for glory! “

Death & Glory –> the way to truly become immortal?

Spartans never retreat, Spartans never surrender

Search your own soul

Don’t upgrade your car, upgrade your muscles And legs!

What is it mean to defend freedom?

Why I love the sun; the ruthless heat scatters everything else away?

The sun is a filter

The sun disperses the weak!

Take on the sun!

Verve ,, vigor. Words

A tale of victory

A modern day helmet, Spartan helmet?

Eat hearty, for tonight we dine in hell! 

Wealth and Powers is not the same thing? 


Economic Elitism

why is it that  when we think we want to solution a problem– we think we have to do it by purchasing something?

Fear, pain… Fear of future pain and suffering?

“ May you live forever “

You are the Arcon, everyone else is just drones?

It narrowed his vision… He must see far

his target was far away 

Toughness training?

His roar is long and loud

It was an honor to live aside you

My wife

My love

“Remember us”–> his hope

Ageless stones

Mysticism and tyranny?

Mark, marking your territory

I cannot be tempted

Meaningful versus meaningless life?

Human welfare

Civilization and wealth

Single economizing individual

Exchange economy

Property as needs

The stunting of our nature

To live and prosper



Capacity of human needs to grow

Infinite growth

Unlimited progress

Uninterrupted progress

Needs of the future?

Effective requirements



Get back into bodybuilding?

A bodybuilder tries to make a lightweight heavy, a par lifter tries to make a heavy weight light.


Compelling, voracious?

Don’t eat until sunset

Unlimited Capital

Economic Energy

Bucket list before I hit 50, next 14 years?

It’s Not a loss it’s a lesson

Ocean Thoughts

The ocean is infinite– infinite energy, power, waves… forever into the distance:

Only Slaves Use Phones

Creating the most sublime human body?

A turbo thought about phones —

Only slaves use phones?

Vietnam experiences

Probably the big takeaway point I got from Vietnam, living in Vietnam without a phone, only iPad is this: 

You don’t need a phone.

In fact, let us consider… If you’re walking around in the real world, looking at how big it is, it is such a great tragedy that so much of our human existence is centered around a tiny 4.5 inch screen.

Also, the problem with phones, you can’t be that productive with phones. Most people text with their thumbs, which is maybe 40 words per minute at best. Very slow. On the laptop I can type close to 140 words per minute, and now using iPad Pro with voice dictation, maybe 200 words per minute. 

I think perhaps what is exciting about the new Apple intelligence and AI in the future, is actually ironically not the AI generating text, or giving me information, but the simple thing, which is actually centered more around accurately representing the words I actually want to voice dictate.

For example, often when I’m doing voice dictation with the iPad Pro, the built-in keyboard, the little microphone button… the big issue I have here is that a lot of the typos certain words in the English language which sound like something else, but are not.

Consequence, perhaps the greatest upside of artificial intelligence would be quickly scanning the nuance of the whole sentence, while I am actively voice dictating, and through this process, discover what I am really trying to say. 

AI & photo curation

Another interesting use case for artificial intelligence is simply being able to help me curate my images, help me go through them quicker.

For example, I have lots of visions for image curation; the big issue we are having in todays world is we shoot too many images, too quickly, and we haven’t the time the techniques or the skills to view them quickly enough. 

For example, currently I average 1000 to 2000 photos a day. I think this is generally a good thing, because it signals that I am living a grand life. However the downside is that I seem to have a difficult time finding the opportunity or the time or the chance to review these many photos a day.

The basic person might say, “Shoot less“; but I find this to be too flaccid of a solution. What we need instead is more effective image creation tools, devices, or things.

More convenient film developing, processing etc?

Also as a random nuance, now that Pentax just put out that new film camera, wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was either a free or practically free solution to image processing, etc.?

Or, the upside of film without the downside; perhaps this is the main upside or the intrigue with the new Ricoh HDF camera ? The idea that your digital photos could look like film photos without the hassle of developing film photos? 

Why film?

For example, there is no doubt that film photos, especially color film photos, are far more aesthetically beautiful than the often too perfect digital photos. Yet, at the end of day, the inconvenience of shooting film is what makes it the loser. Sooner or later, no matter how dedicated of a film photographer you are, it still seems that the tide eventually makes its way back into digital. 

Some nuances:

First, if you perhaps live in Vietnam or some sort of developing country, where labor costs are cheap in which you could just give somebody else your film photos, and have them cheaply develop process and scan it for you. However it seems that now in America with the $20 an hour minimum wage at McDonald’s, labor costs in America are too prohibitive.

As an example I remember when living in Hanoi, there were some scrappy kids who would develop a rule of film, and also scan it for you for only five dollars a roll! In America this is almost $20-$30 a roll. 

Convenience is key

Even if you’re stupid rich, millionaire or billionaire level, then once again, the inconvenience is what makes it bad. For example, I still have about 50 rolls of Kodak PORTRA 400, and Kodak Trix which I shot maybe three or four years ago, which I still haven’t yet had the impetus to send it off to go process it, even though I could easily afford it. I just got too many other things on my plate at the moment.

Therefore a consequence, the realization is once you’re very wealthy, costs no longer become a problem, it is more of a time energy mental space, time space thing. 


For example, if you’re Elon Musk, do you have the time convenience or the leisure to simply stroll into a Costco, browse the products, and spend about three or four hours checking out? No.

I think this is where Amazon and Amazon prime is so great for people both rich and poor alike; rich people still use Amazon prime because it is so convenient. Once you’re rich, a lot of people don’t have time to go places or to physically purchase the products. They would prefer to order it in just a few seconds from their phone. And then poor people like Amazon prime because they get prices; and end up “saving” money.

Visions for the future

Some simple visions:

First, a phone free future. I think one thing that really annoys me about a lot of these new modern cars is that you somehow need a phone in order to unlock it, to open the door of your car, access it, etc. I think with Tesla cars, as long as you have your Tesla phone in your pocket, you could access your car, but also you could access it if you have the Tesla valet key thing.

Funny enough, one of the upsides of my glorious 2010 Prius is that it still has the key fob; which means when I go to the park with Seneca, I could just lock up my phone inside my glove compartment, just take my keys and Prius car with me, and lock up my car. 

New productivity?

I have some radical new ideas for productivity:

First, it seems like a very very very simple one is ironically “via negativa” approaches and technology. 

For example, ironically one of the best ways you could be more productive is by not having a Wi-Fi enabled device. For example, maybe if you’d like the smaller form factor of an iPhone, just have two phones; one with Internet cellular data, the other as a Wi-Fi only device. Maybe this would be a good idea for who just prefer shooting photos using an iPhone, but don’t like getting interrupted by text messages.

I think the reason why this is such a good idea in Asia, and a lot of the world… many people have multiple devices with them at once. For example my friend Chu Viet Ha, because he is often testing out so many new phones and phone cameras, often has five or six phones with him.

The hybrid approach

In fact, if you really wanted to be the ultimately productive person, having the best world of both android and iPhone iOS is a good idea. 

For example, my friend Darren Wong — impressed me when he had both a Google pixel and an iPhone in each of his front two pockets. Truth be told, almost every single iPhone user I know has a Gmail account. And Gmail works for better on android in Google pixel then on iOS. As a consequence, using a Google pixel, which is the ultimate expression of android, should be optimal for doing Google related things; Google calendar, Gmail etc. Even Google maps.

What is iPhone, iOS good for? FaceTime, iMessage, Apple photos, iA Writer, etc.

Road trip down to San Diego

This weekend had a quick trip to San Diego, and something that was so impressive to me was the upside of having a Prius and a hybrid car:

First, driving from LA to San Diego, only consumed about 3 ticks of gasoline. And the other day we spent all day driving around, going to Torrey Pines and the beach, seeing the ocean and the waves etc.… and in total we have only consumed about 40 to 50% of gas. We’re going to head out later today, and technically I still have half tank of gas and I could make it all the way back to LA if I wanted to.

However if I had a Tesla or a long range Tesla or electric vehicle, maybe even a cyber truck, I would probably have to stop by a supercharger somewhere along the line, or find a supercharger back home in LA… given that my apartment doesn’t have an electric charging port station, so the moral the story is simple:

If you truly do want to live a more adventurous life, Prius and Hybrid is the way. 

Autopilot is the killer app

The only thing I really wished on the drive down is having some sort of auto pilot or at least lane keeping assist distance being; some sort of super basic self driving thing. The future which allows you or allows your car to cruise control itself, but also maintaining the distance with a car in front of it, and also staying within the lane. And the optimal strategy is just having your car drive itself down from LA to San Diego, while staying in the second to left lane. 

I don’t know yet… but certainly there must be gasoline or hybrid cars that already allow this? 

The upside of movement

So I’m about eight months in living in Los Angeles, kind of figuring out how to live there. But still not 100% settled yet.

Hitting the road again, just going on a road trip down to San Diego has been great; walking along the downtown San Diego waterfront, going to Torrey Pines State Beach and dipping my legs in the water with Seneca, and staring into the deep ocean, having the waves crashed directly towards me, has been extremely inspiring.

Also even checking out some parts of old San Diego has been super inspirational because it taught me and show me that there is still so much of the world left to explore.

I think this is where I am inspired by my friend Tim Flanagan — he is still traveling the world, nomadically, South America, Asia and beyond; did the wise and brave thing of taking an early retirement. People often tell him that “I wish I could do that, but I cannot because XYZ”. Tim is a good example, because he already has two grown sons, a handful of grandchildren, and some obligations back here in the states, but still… is doing the courageous and wise thing of traveling the globe.

I also think a lot of people often say is that I need more money in order to do that. But Tim, choosing an early retirement certainly does not have a fat pension like a lot of other teachers or administrators; but still… perhaps the best way to travel the world in the globe is through this intelligent frugality time and money leveraging; the wise, hard spartan approach.

Capital thoughts 

I think one of the hardest things that people have to do is to think about cyberspace because it is so intangible.

For example, I’m currently 36 years old, and I think most of my technological beliefs have been embedded into me ever since I was 18 years old, maybe 21 years old. So assuming that I graduated from college around 15 years ago, I’m almost 2 decades in the game.

First, maybe this is where I am such a wise bitcoin investor. I know how to think in terms of bitcoin and digital and cyber things, because technically I started all of my capital in my website, which is a cyber digital commodity. Or cyber real estate.

Also, conservation of time energy space and power.

Life leverage

I didn’t the reason why I quit email is because it doesn’t scale well.

For example, now that I am such a notable and famous entity… I simply do not have enough time units in a day or a lifetime to respond or continue any sort of conversations of anything that comes in my inbox.

I also suppose this issue is with generative AI… It is kind of impossible to know whether the email you are receiving is from a real human being or not.

Maybe this could be a great filter in brave new digital world; some sort of “orange check” from a given email address, to prove humanity. A simple thing or more radical thing… Have an email address verified by a certain bitcoin wallet or balance, some sort of cyber digital ation, which could prove that is a human being, and how much worth they have. 

Public bitcoin balances?

Imagine this cyber future world in which you could meet people glance at people, or maybe even ask… making it socially acceptable to ask people how many bitcoins they own. And from this information you could tell how wealthy they really are.

For example, the shortcut we have about this is maybe the car people drive, where they live, their clothes accessories etc. But technically this is not a very good indicator, because every dime you spend on material things is actually capital and money you have invested in something else, or more bitcoins.

For example if I had any financial advice to young rappers, is for them not to buy any car just Uber around everywhere… And all that money they would blow at the strip club or on cars, just buy bitcoin.

Also, instead of them blowing all that money on jewelry, buying bitcoin instead. I wonder if in the near future, instead of wearing diamond chains and necklaces… Young rappers will simply have bitcoin icons tattooed into their body?

Bitcoin on wheels?

For example, whenever you some see somebody pull up in a cybertruck, a Lamborghini Ferrari or Porsche or whatever… Let us say the car is worth $200,000 — irregardless of how rich you are,  assuming you could have 10x’d, 100x’d or even 1,000x’d that money …. anybody who invests money into things which will not accrue and value over time is a fool.

For example, that $200,000 car could be a $2 million investment vehicle, a $20 million investment vehicle, or $200 million investment vehicle. Something that appreciates in time forever!

The true investor and capitalist is actually very frugal and economical?

Once again, if I told you with 100 precision today that any money you put into bitcoin would multiply itself by a factor of 1000… wouldn’t this change your purchasing behaviors today?

Of course! Even if you time-discount things, if you knew your money would 10 X, 100 X, 500 X  within a year, two years, five years, 10 years or 20 years… the most rational or wise people would just put all of that money US dollars or fiat currency into bitcoin. 

For example, if you knew that your $1000 invested in that thing you purchased today might be worth $100,000 10 years from now… then make that decision–

“Is it really that worth it to you?”

Now what?

I still believe Zack Snyder‘s magnum opus thus far has been the movie 300. This is when he was still a young scrappy director, still with a limited budget, and made one of the best films of all time. I think in terms of courage, manliness, and overall valor, this film has not yet been reached by any other film. Not even the steroid infused Rock comes close. 

Re-watching the film, now as a 36 year-old adult with a 3 1/2 year-old son,  similar to the fictitious age of King Leonidas, and the movie… some interesting observations: 

  1. One of the greatest blessings of man is to beget a son. If you have birth your first born child as a son, consider yourself infinitely blessed. The greatest blessing that reality could bestow you with. For the most part, I think the more kids, the jollier the better. In fact, nowadays whenever I see families with 3 kids, 4 kids, 5 kids… I think “Wow… that family is grand”. Then what that signals is not that the family is “rich“ in the traditional sense, but has their priority in their future generations, and cares more about begetting children than their “career”.
  2. The best clothing is no or minimal clothing. The whole film, all of the actors and the Spartan hoplites and King Leonidas are simply wearing loincloths, or reinforced speedo’s. Therefore, the best pants are short shorts. And the best shirt or top is bare chested, no shirt. I suppose the nuance is back then, they wore a cape– a crimson cape. Is there such thing as a modern day cape?
  3. Ultimately, it comes down to physical valor and courage. Note, in movie 300… all the Spartan hoplites what they had — their muscles, their courage, their helmets, their sword spear and shield. No vehicles.

The Spartan way

I then suppose if you want to become a true Spartan, have at least one son, to carry on your name. In the movie 300, king Leonidas confirms with all of his 300 Spartan hoplites whether they had at least one son to carry on their name, because they all essentially knew that it would die in combat.

So it seems to me that the logical strategy in life is to beget at least one son, and then direct all your money resources time and power to raise that son with the greatest of benefits. 

Before I had a son, before I had Seneca… I would look at all these guys who looked super rich and drove all these expensive cars as being some sort of “competition” with me. But now, they are all invisible to me. Why? a lot of them are single bachelors not even married, no kids. When they die, their whole lineage is dead. So to me I look at them like the walking (to be) dead.

Then I look at more older richer “successful“ looking parents in LA; and then I look at their kids, and I weigh Seneca against them; Seneca is much stronger, bigger, taller, more handsome, more muscular, more physically adept then them. The Spartan warrior boy who eats picanha at Fogo de Chão, with a carnivorous diet, versus all of these emaciated feeble looking children who are fed on grain and Cheerios.

So now, the only comparisons I do is looking at young boys around Seneca’s age, and looking at Seneca. Everything and everyone else is invisible to me.

The role of a father?

I think the simple role of a father is to simply raise, train, and battle ready your child. 

Simply put, I think the best strategy of raising your son is maximum time outdoors, in the direct elements, maximum time with physical activity exercise and the great outdoors, climbing, being in the water, throwing rocks in the water, eating meat etc. All this nonsense about “education” is overrated.

Just ask yourself:

What would king Leonidas do?

Howard King Leonidas raise his son?


If your kid is born in America, and has two educated parents… certainly whether you like it or not, they will learn how to be fluent in English, learn the English language, without even trying.

In fact, the ultimate education and learning happens in the real world.

I have the ultimate pride in Seneca, from a via negativa perspective:

  1. Since he was born, he has never watched any YouTube, Disney+, YouTube kids, Netflix etc.
  2. Since he was born he has never been put into preschool, daycare, “Montessori” school etc.
  3. He has never eaten candy, ice cream, desserts or cake, etc.
  4. He has never been exposed to movies films TV shows Marvel etc.

Then the irony is to privilege your kid, it isn’t about “adding“ activities or extracurricular activities for them; but rather what not to give them or what not to allow them to do.


I think the ideal life is not being employed, being self-employed and being a sole proprietor. If you see people who have to make zoom calls for a living, go to any office, or send emails for a living… they are not free. Freedom is the goal, not wealth. 

During the day, the ideal is to just be outside all day. If you are worried about the sun, just wear a lot of sunblock, wear a hat, baseball cap, or one of those funny wide brimmed hiking hats. I used to think that they were really lame, those hats which are really really big and long in the front, and really really long in the back to protect your neck. But now, I understand the rationale. And if you want to protect your body just wear long pants and long sleeves. 

An epiphany I also had about weather; even the most glorious of weather, not that the sun is in full blast in Los Angeles, the big issue is now the sun is almost too strong — even wearing SPF 60 sunblock, the UV rays of the sun feels like pins and needles on my shoulders and on top of my forehead. And also watching the Dune movie, all of the fighters of Arrakis essentially look like Middle Eastern people, all covered up, besides the eyes – Paul Atriedes at the very end, full battle gear, head and face covered besides the blue spice-infused eyes.

Then what that also means is when it is cold or the winter… Dress intelligently. Lots of layers. If you get too hot just take off layers. Just like when it is too hot, just keep taking clothes off until there are no more clothes to takeoff. 

What else?

If you have the privilege, hit the beach! Just go barefoot in the sand and the water, just dip your feet and your legs and your body into the ocean. And then just stare into the deep ocean, with the waves crashing directly into and at you.

The big epiphany I had about the ocean is this:

Infinite power and horizons, never ending … forever.

I even thought, maybe the best bitcoin mining rig would just be a mega computer in the middle of the ocean, harnessing the forever power of the ocean, gravity and the solar system.

Now what?

If you want a simple trip that is not too difficult, just go on a hike in nature, or just hit the beach! I think there is a grand connection between man his environment and nature; he spent too much time in a cramped city, I think your horizon narrows. Even the simple action of staring into the sea… You know that your future is infinite. 



Conquer the planet and beyond at upcoming ERIC KIM WORKSHOP:

  1. SF: Conquer your fears, October 26, 2024
  2. DOWNTOWN LA– the OG: Conquer your fears in street photography and beyond November 16, 2024

For the insanely bold–


Now what?

Never stop shooting!


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