Anti Medium and Moderate

Why extremes are better:

What is the meaning of “mediocre”?

Mediocre literally means “middle”(mediocris)— the middle of something, moderate (the middle of a rocky mountain).

In terms of politics, nobody likes people who are “moderate”— individuals who don’t have a strong opinion. In fact, it seems to succeed in politics, entertainment, media, and art … you must be extreme. Consider how Trump got elected, how Kanye West remains influential with his bombastic opinions, and anything that shows up in the news (outlandish antics of Cardi B, with her WAP song and video).

Don’t wear medium sized t-shirts

In fashion, it seems the ideal is to either wear a very tight fitting outfit, a very loose and baggy outfit, or perhaps nothing at all. Men can profit by wearing small shirts to accentuate their muscles. Women models who are waif and extremely skinny seem to be more fashionable and interesting when they wear very baggy clothes.

Finding parking in Boston on a Sunday

This was also a huge random realization for me:

When it comes to cars, the ultimate utility is having the smallest car possible, to be able to find parking spots (especially in very crowded cities).

The worst is if your car is a “sedan” or a “midsize car”(Toyota Camry, or maybe even a Tesla Model S), in which you cannot quite fit in any parking spot on the street. Perhaps best to either have a massive pickup truck, or a very small car.

When having a big car is great

If you got a pickup truck, you can move huge furniture (same goes with long ended station wagons). With a “midsize sedan” (BMW 3-series, etc) you cannot really fit anything in it. Also, if you want a sports car to optimize for performance and aesthetics, don’t buy an M3 or any of these “sports sedans”(Subaru STI, Porsche Panamera). Best to either get the Porsche 911 (stick shift), Mazda Miata, the Lamborghini (scissor doors) or McLaren to flex your sportiness.

Become more opinionated and bombastic

Which musicians, entertainers, and thinkers fail? Those who follow modern trends, who seek to please the masses (why Drake will not remain relevant in the long run in music). Better to be a Kendrick Lamar, a Dr. Dre, Eminem, JAY Z, or Kanye West. To be too quiet and reserved and easily swayed one way or another is a recipe for failure.

Live in an uber-urban location, or in the countryside

Another thought:

Better to live in the middle of an extremely urban city or downtown center (or live in the verdant green and quiet countryside) than to get a “good” apartment or house somewhere in the middle of a “desirable” city.

With a “moderate” home in the middle of a good city is a compromise. Either too expensive, kind of loud, kind of convenient (but not really). Better to live in the extreme urban center (extreme convenience) or really far out in the countryside (no noise, and the love of the trees and extreme peace and tranquility).

The best way to blog

Embrace the barbell —

Write blog posts which are super easy to digest and “listicle” (clickbaity) or super deep, philosophical and profound.

Or even better — combine the two:

Create very clickbaity titles, but make the information and content of the post very deep, profound and good.

The best way to eat

Anti “3 square meals a day”. Better to fast during the day and go extremely hungry, and break your fast with a massive meat buffet at night (to “over-eat” at night for dinner). This is better for your metabolism, energy levels, and even muscular gains/fat composition, etc.

The best way to workout

Insanely intense workout for a certain day, and a weeklong break and vacation in-between. This can be extreme repetitions, or more towards a “one rep maxpowerlifting approach.