Park workout


An example day today:

Wake up at 5:30am. Totally naturally, no alarm clock. I don’t like waking up early, but the night prior I slept at 10:30pm and I suppose I slept well.


coffee bubbles

Making coffee in my Clever Dripper, with cheap Amazon Basic Light roast pre ground coffee. Two cups of strong coffee, and water. Read a little and write a little in my apartment room (Cindy still sleeping), and I take my laptop and go outside, and go on a quick 30 minute walk around my apartment. I then go back to my apartment, to the apartment gym, and make a ghetto standing desk setup inside and start working.

What the inside of my home gym looks like. I often come in here with my laptop and work.

Laptop work

How I research. An essay on Ugliness

Do some work, some writing and thinking, and have a chat with a new guy I met in the apartment. Work until around 10am, then go back into my apartment room and wake up Cindy.

More coffee

More coffee, some green tea matcha powder (cheap stuff from Amazon). Chat with Cindy about her game plan. Help clean up the house, vacuum, etc. Help prepare some breakfast for her, then go to the park to workout.

Meeting Tom the painter

Bump into Tom. Chat with him for a while and interview him.

Go to park

The genesis of hate

On the way to the park, do some street vlogs.

For my workout today, some rock tossing, some rings work, some muscle ups.

Also making new friends. Learning new workout moves.

  • Park workout
  • Park workout

Chat with my park friends. Play around.

Ask for workout tips from Kenny. Seeing his wicked backflips and calisthenics workouts and freestyle moves.

Chatting more and hanging out, working out, then walking home.

  • Park workout

Processing and exporting and uploading video files to YouTube and this blog

Follow the money

Also do more writing and blogging.


Try to keep drinking water and black coffee and working out a bit more at home. Breaking my fast at around 7pm. Eating around 3.5 pounds of chicken leg quarters and Cindy’s delicious soup.

Then lie here in bed and chill and write this (9pm).

Then hopefully sleep at 9:30pm-10:30pm, and start the eternal return to the creative everyday again!