Is the US dollar notion bubble going to burst?

Real wages, real prices

Why people will still be paid in US dollars, at least in America

My personal hot take is that at least in America, we will continue to use the US dollar for things into perpetuity, and things like bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies or crypto assets will be used as a supplement or an addition…

For example, as long as there is a US government, I think the US government will probably be around for at least another 300 or 500 years… As long as there is a government, there is currency, which is the US dollar.

I suppose the reason why the US dollar is valued it has the ultimate brand name. Everyone knows what a Benjamin is, everyone knows the symbol, and no no no, nobody cares about the Chinese Yuan — only the Chinese, and maybe people in Africa or whatever. In fact, I think the future of China is a bit gloomy; apparently China holds a lot of US governmental bonds and debt, but the irony is China herself is in debt. Also, apparently during COVID-19, it also took a hard toll on the Chinese economy.

My personal prediction is that moving forward to the future, it is going to be more and more about information, cyber security or whatever. It seems that because the new world religion is now money and capital, it is in the best interest of all governments around the world to be peaceful, in order for all of these all the girls to keep their pink rules Royce, Their nice mansions in Vancouver, and to continue sipping good American whiskey.

For example, Apple. Apple is good for the planet, because of Apple, I am very dubious we will ever see a war between American and China. At this point, our economies are intertwined, like yin and yang. America innovates, and China does the production. In China is actually insanely good at making products, Whenever people think that made in China is bad, this is not true. I think it just comes down to an overseer things; if you have Americans over seeing the development and production of things, is Apex at producing things.

Let me example with my beloved Titan fitness weightlifting equipment. It is so cheap, and the quality is so good, about a 10th of the price of buying stuff from rogue fitness.

I think the only problem with China, made in China is if you don’t have American people doing quality control.


Paralyze the economy?

A perfect walk ability score. 105 out of 100.

Break the Barometer


Bitcoin thoughts

The best way to think about bitcoin

“I could have bought a place in Dumbo before it was Dumbo, have bought a place in Dumbo before it was Dumbo, it was worth 1 million now it’s worth 10 million, how am I feeling? have bought a place in Dumbo before it was Dumbo, it was worth 1 million now it’s worth 10 million, how am I feeling? Dumbo.” – Jay Z

So do you hear about all the stories that “I should have bought property in XYZ before it was XYZ… And I didn’t, and now it is worth 100 million or whatever?

I think the hard thing in the difficult thing is that we human beings have a poor ability to think about digital things. I think the hard thing in the difficult thing is that we human beings have a poor ability to think about digital things. We have a bias towards the physical, the hard, etc.

However, let us consider Google and Facebook. However, let us consider Google and Facebook. They don’t own any physical property per se– all of their value is derived from the digital, the immaterial.

I think this is the same thing with the early advent of the Internet and Google. I still remember, very very vividly, as a child taking my first computer class, taking my first computer class, at PS 169 in Bayside Queens. I think the fifth or sixth grade.

Essentially — there were all these search engines to use, and I think I saw this “search engine for dummies” book, and I remember using and I remember using Alta Vista, yahoo, and stumbling upon Google, and I found that Google by far had the most beautiful and minimalistic layout. If you asked me as an 11-year-old or 12-year-old kid, whether this little Google search engine thing would take over the planet, in terms of information and everything, I would have said no. I wonder if this is also the early advent of bitcoin; do you remember when everyone used to have either a Hotmail or yahoo email address, and then slowly but surely, people adopted Gmail? I wonder if bitcoin is going to be like Gmail, Gmail is the best email service on the planet, bitcoin will also become the same thing, the best digital cryptocurrency or asset on the planet? 

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Paralyze the economy?


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$20.67 per ounce .,, forcing US citizens to sell their gold back to the government?

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Keep waiting for the next version?

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