Selfie ERIC KIM camera muscle

My Philosophy of Diet

Humans can be vegetarian, vegan, omnivore, or carnivore. All diets seem to allow humans to live, and not die.

We aren’t “meant” to be anything.

Consider we human beings are animals, mammals, and biological organisms. What do biological organisms want? To spread their genes. To benefit and augment themselves. To become stronger. Nature has no ethics or morality. It’s all the will for more power.

Thus from a basic principle:

Diet (what you decide to eat and drink) is a matter of augmenting your physiological strength to the maximum.

Selfie ERIC KIM camera muscle

What type of diet can maximally augment your physical, muscular, and physiological strength?

For me, the end-game is maximal physical and physiological power (power overwhelming, muscle) in order to feel maximally strong, joyful, and to have more power to make art.

Increase muscle, decrease fat

From a physiological perspective, my goal is simple:

Continually add more muscle mass, and continually lose body fat (or keep it low, at around 10%).

Why low fat? It seems from a biological perspective, men look aesthetically the most pleasing at around 10% bodyfat, and women around 20%. If men have extremely low bodyfat percentage (4-6% range), they are actually less biologically fit to reproduce (they actually have lower testosterone). So the goal isn’t to become insanely low bodyfat — it’s to maintain or keep at around a 10% bodyfat (for us men).

What diet best optimizes for increasing muscle mass and lowering bodyfat percentage?

I think we’ve established that technically all diets for human beings prevent you from dying. Once again —

As long as you eat… something…. you’re not gonna die.

It still does seem we need some sort of protein-like thing — whether it be flesh, meat, seeds, legumes, or some sort of protein substance in plants.

But once again — putting aside the ethics and morality of food, let us ask ourselves:

What is the best diet to MAXIMIZE muscle gain and lower fat (adipose tissue)?

My proposition:

A combination of intermittent fasting, weight lifting, and no consumption of sugars, carbs (both simple and complex), starch, sugar, fruit, and any sweeteners (natural or fake).

1. Intermittent fasting

Side abs stomach ERIC KIM

I don’t eat breakfast or lunch. Typically I’ll have my first meal of the day around 6pm, and I’ll have an insanely massive meal. Mostly fatty meats, and some bitter greens (kale, collard greens) or spinach-kimchi-sauerkraut. I find fermented foods beneficial to aid my digestion.

Thus it seems to block off your feeding window is best for your insulin signaling and metabolism. I think humans and animals perform best when we eat intermittently, and a lot… instead of eating lots of small meals throughout the day, or snacking throughout the day with lots of starchy or sugary foods.

2. What NOT to eat

Another beautiful cut of meat. I think this is bottom sirloin steak.
Another beautiful cut of meat. I think this is bottom sirloin steak. Fogo de chau. Fraldinha

Or in other words, a more carnivorous diet.

So — a lot of people are anti meat eating for the following reasons:

  1. Bad for the planet
  2. Evil towards animals
  3. You’re gonna die early of a heart attack
  4. You’re gonna get fat.

My thoughts:

  1. Eating meat probably is “bad” for the planet.
  2. I don’t see animals as human. Thus to think of treating an animal as “inhumanely” (non-human like) seems nonsensical.
  3. Assuming increased meat eating consumption doesn’t kill you earlier, or assuming you don’t really care to live to be 120 years old, this is a strange scarce tactic.
  4. No. I’ve proven with myself that consuming a roughly 80% meat diet doesn’t cause one to get fat. Also, I eat only fatty cuts of meat — the more fat, the better. I eat all the white stuff on the meat, and only eat dark chicken meat, fatty cuts of pork and pork belly, fatty cuts of steak, and I eat all the eggs (including the yolk).

3. Why is meat beneficial for muscular growth?

Indian buffet. Lots of delicious lamb mutton and chicken.
Indian buffet. Lots of delicious lamb mutton and chicken.

My theory:

Cholesterol in animal products is a steroid.

Meats with high saturated fats generally tend to have higher cholesterol. Thus if you eat meats with high saturated fats and cholesterol, it might produce a more “steroid-like effect” in augmenting your muscular growth. And cholesterol is in animal products.

To put aside ethical things — if your goal is to maximize your muscular growth, shouldn’t you be eating as much fatty meats as you can?

All natty bro

ERIC KIM deadlift gif 455 sumo - normal
My 455 pound deadlift, sumo style. No strap or belt. No steroids, testosterone, protein powder, supplements. All done while fasted. Only drugs include black coffee and meat.

Generally speaking I don’t have any ethical or moralistic qualms against steroids, human growth hormones, testosterone, etc. I think if athletes want to take them, we should! I just think there needs to be transparency.

For example, if a bodybuilder is in an advertisement promoting some protein powder, there should be some sort of asterisk saying,

This athlete in this advertising takes steroids and other performance enhancing drugs.

Also in professional sporting events, it seems impossible to prevent “cheaters” from using performance enhancing drugs. Thus we should just let any athletes take them. And if an athlete personally decides to NOT take performance enhancing drugs, that is their own personal virtue.