What I’ve Been Shooting

What I’ve been making photos of:

Textures, abstracts, the world!

The natural world, textures, trees, plants, money, currency.


Lots of selfies on RICOH GR III, just pointing the camera to my face.

  • selfie

My food and meals

Ricoh gr3, in both monochrome and color:

Trying to figure out:

When does good look good in color and when in monochrome?


Why photograph food and meals?

Portraits of Cindy

Cindy: my ultimate muse.

My fridge

Your fridge shows much of your personality.

Visiting friends

Also cooking meals with friends:

Epic buildings

It’s all good!

The lesson: all photos and all subject matter is good, legitimate and fun.

Fewer rules, fewer boundaries, fewer knots, more freedom, more joy, and more fun in your photography!