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An entrepreneur is a daring individual, who seeks to first please themselves, and hopes to also share his/her personal findings with others.

Personal truth-seeking

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I have a proposition:

First do what is best for yourself… because by doing what is best for yourself, you will discover what is best for you. And this personal truth may apply to others.

Improve your life.


Currently my self-directed life purpose is this:

I want to discover new truths.

New (practical) truths on how to live a better life. Certainly to improve my own personal life.

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Obviously what works for me most likely won’t work for others. But it may help some other people who are similar to me.

Thus, I am seeking to empower a small minority of exceptional (different) individuals, like myself.


Some interesting self-experimentations I have done over the last few days:

  1. Ketogenic diet (very good results)
  2. Fasting: (Not eating breakfast or lunch, fasting until dinner– and then eating epic).
  3. Powerlifting in a fasted state (great results — I increased my deadlift to 435 pounds on this ideology)
  4. Experimenting not eating immediately after working out, and waiting until dinner to eat (I have still gained muscle and strength, which has disproved this ‘necessity’ to eat immediately after you workout).
  5. Not checking email for about 1.5 years (while living in Vietnam, with great results). This helped me gain intense focus, and ability to come up with new and novel ideas. Also, helped create new things within myself– like spontaneously writing poetry, making beats, etc.
  6. Getting rid of my phone: Improved focus. Discovery that mobile phone devices are good– but generally speaking, always-on internet connection is bad. Thus, a good idea is this: own an iPhone and don’t get a data plan for it (just use it with wifi for maximum productivity).

Self-experimentation for yourself.

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Obviously this will only work and help me. But I took these personal risks in trying out new things, in order to discover new truths.

Hopefully some of these ideas will spark some new ways for you to challenge conventional wisdom, and to discover new truths for yourself.