Walking lady red umbrella Eric Kim

How to Become the Best Photographer

Motivational Photo Thoughts

How you can become the best photographer:

Best, how so?

Optimal, optimus means “the best”. I like the American idea —

Be all you can be.

In photography,

Become the best photographer you can become.

Becoming a photographer

In my vlog on becoming a photographer, my belief:

Your life task goal is to become the best photographer you can possibly become.

This is done independently of others. Their opinions, metrics, likes comments follows, etc.

Don’t compare your photography with anyone else

Comparison is the death of creativity and motivation in photography and life. By comparing yourself, your kids, your art, photos etc with others you are saying and doing:

In order to judge the worth of this, I must benchmark it against something else external of my control.

For photography, why judge it against anyone else?

For example, it seems most photographers judge their worth in respect to Henri Cartier-Bresson. All the Magnum photographers have thus far lived in the shadow of grandfather Henri Cartier-Bresson.

However, the reason why this is such a bad approach is that even Henri Cartier-Bresson himself give up photography. Why? My theory is that he had hidden penis envy of his other painter artist friends; he secretly wanted to be a painter, not a photographer. Ultimately, he even deemed photography as not a “legit“ art form, that photography was simply a precursor to drawing and painting. Therefore, in order to advance, we must kill our masters.

Why all artists are bad role models

Also, the reason why I think it is so bad to find inspiration from any other artist, either dead or living is this:

Besides perhaps Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael, all artists of the past or present seem to have low self-confidence.

For example, I believe the artists during the renaissance didn’t even see themselves as “artists”. They simply did what they felt they must do.

For example, painting seem to have been more of a side hobby for Leonardo Vinci than anything. He seem to be more interested in human anatomy and physiology, mechanics, engineering, etc. He was a fully formed man.

Even Michelangelo; he seem to be driven by extremes. Note the Sistine chapel, and his great sculpture.

Don’t classify yourself as anything

Perhaps in order to advance, you shouldn’t classify yourself as anything. Maybe not even a visual artist.

Why? When you classify yourself, you chain yourself. Even Elon Musk, I like that he doesn’t classify himself as anything. Yet he is one of the head designers for Tesla, and one of the greatest entrepreneurs and businessman of all time. Note how Elon never calls himself a “entrepreneur“.

Even Kanye West; I feel like he really got his wings when he no longer chained himself to just being a “producer“, or just a “rapper” or just a fashion guy. I think Kanye West is the closest thing we have to an artistic uberman. Even Nietzsche said that the uberman would be a hybrid of Christ meets Dionysus. Note Kanye West and his YEEZUS album, full of dark Dionysian energy, meets his “JESUS IS KING” Christian spiritual reawakening hybrid.

Back to photography

A radical idea I have is this:

What if you channeled all of your money, and life force energy into photography? What could you become?

A simple thought is just use all of your money to travel, live abroad, or situate yourself in a place or city which is most conducive to your photography. For example, as of late I have been insanely productive in photography here in Phnom Penh Cambodia. I really think that Phnom Penh is a photo paradise.

Life in Phnom Penh is insanely good.

And this is where you could funnel all your money; investing in travel experiences, workshops, anything that will give you fresh new eyes for photography.

It seems to be a truism that travel is very very good for motivating you to make new photos. Why? That which is new, foreign, is a good way to reawaken you. Often “travel photography“ gets a bad critique, but, I think this critique comes more from toxic non-achieving photographers, who try too hard to be Magnum.

Once again, the greatest thing holding us back as creatives is this desire for legitimacy. However, this is bad. Don’t crowd source your self-esteem.

Where should I share my photos?

Not Facebook, not Instagram. Share it on your own blog, or make a slideshow and share it on YouTube.

Register your own domain and website on bluehost.com, and install wordpress.org. Not easy, but it is straightforward and effective.

What if I want feedback on my photos?

If so, upload to arsbeta.com

What if I want more inspiration and motivation?

  1. Learn from the masters
  2. Books by KIM

What will you shoot today?

This is the thought that should drive you!



Become a photographer:

  1. Sept 30-Oct 2: SEOUL — DISCOVER YOUR CREATIVE SOUL WORKSHOP EXPERIENCE (Sept 9th cutoff for early-bird discount)

What’s on my mind?

  1. A fun photo assignment and project idea; just shoot photos of your receipts, with your standalone digital camera in macro mode.
  2. The best squat form is a mini squat, “micro” squat.
  3. My new aesthetic and approach is zen monk, or zen spartan.

More turbo thoughts here >

The best photography equipment


  1. HENRI NECK STRAP MARK IV: The best neck strap in existence
  2. HENRI SHOULDER STRAP: To wear across your chest
  3. ERIC KIM WRIST STRAP MARK II: Become the photo GOAT

Discover all the best HAPTIC PRODUCTS >

Design I am inspired by

I really like the new Bugatti mistral.

Also, the black orange color way of the Chiron super sport.


Bugatti over Lambo.


Also JAY Z:

“He’s 6/2 how does he fit in a new Bugatti? Haha fuck it you got me.”

Have a friend needing photo motivation?

If so, forward this to them!


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