March 2022


I don’t want to just feel great, I desire to feel above great.


I just heard that the new HALO movie, TV show series has just launched. An interesting thought: perhaps what we really desire is to become the master chief. The idea of a superhuman, all contained in one bodily shell.

The idea that you are the sole and solo protagonist. And that your armor, weapons, and personal body suit is all that you desire, own, and desire.

What I’ve Been Shooting

Currently I’m having a lot of fun making photos of Seneca. Him eating, growing up, and also learning how to walk unassisted. Also, photographing design objects, text, and concepts I like with my Ricoh GR 3X, in macro mode. Also, enjoying the 40 mm focal length with Ricoh GR 3X, and extra small JPEG, which has expedited my photographic workflow.

Also, not separating my photography from my personal life. Just photographing whatever I witness in every day life, photographing strangers, etc. …

Ideas for the Next iPhone

The next iPhone should just have a single camera, and the next iPhone Pro should just have two cameras (but all with waaaay bigger sensors?)


Funny enough, I think I *prefer* the iPhone SE over even the iPhone Mini. Why? You can reach more of the screen with one thumb and hand because there is less screen.

Let us remember how Steve Jobs preferred the OG design of the iPhone 4S, because you could actually reach diagonally and reach all parts of the phone screen real-estate with just one thumb.


Better to buy a Tesla Model S Plaid (White) than buy a house or home.

Technically if you take the Silicon Valley hippie approach, you could live out of your Tesla model S plaid. Get it in white, because it is like having an RV. Almost all RVs or white, why? Maximal reflection of heat in the sun, and also longevity.

In theory, if you got a white Tesla model S plaid, with no tint, it should last you the rest of your life. And also might last for the rest of your life of your children.

Why the Tesla model S plaid, and not the Tesla model X Plaid? Because the Tesla model S plaid is faster.

Also, the Tesla model S plaid can be like your mobile gym. Keep a 105 pound kettle bell in your trunk, and you could work out anywhere and everywhere.

If you fold down the rear seats, you could just sleep in the trunk. And because the car is electric, you could just keep on the heater or air conditioner at night time.

From a practical and pragmatic perspective, wait at least three years, and just buy it used from a previous owner on craigslist, maybe you could just pay it in bitcoin — P2P, peer to peer form of payment, especially with large purchases like a house or car.


For cars, our fascination with revving our engines, or 0 to 60 speeds is about power explosion. How much power, force, you could explode and express in a short given moment. Tesla Model S plaid (1.99 seconds) as the current GOAT.

With working out, do not grind out mindless repetitions, and try to gain muscle hypertrophy. Rather, strive towards Maximal power output and expression. Explosion. For example, explosive power when going for a run rep max sumo deadlift. Or, when trying to go for Maximal power explosion when doing to armed kettlebell swings or cleans.


We don’t want to be in the car, or at home — we want the opportunity for physical and creative challenges!


A thought when reviewing my photos on my laptop (vs my phone),

Tapping the left and right arrow button is a more efficient movement than having to ‘swipe’ for next on your phone.

Similarly speaking, kettlebell movement and workout as very efficient because to warmup, all you gotta do is the ‘goblet squat’ hip opener stretch/warmup, then you can just jump into the (two armed) then eventually 1 armed swings.

Gear Optimization Syndrome (GOS)

The difference between GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) and GOS (gear optimization syndrome):

With GAS, you keep acquiring equipment for the sake of it, but with GOS, you’re constantly returning and recycling your equipment to find the perfect 1 thing.

I’m often afflicted by GOS, not GAS. I don’t like having a lot of equipment, but I have a problem with trying to get and discover “perfect”.

My recent optimizations:

  1. RICOH GR IIIX (after my Ricoh GR III died)
  2. iPhone SE (after trying to like the iPhone Pro, but ultimately hating it for the huge weight and bulky/brutal dimensions).


What does it mean to gain more power as a photographer?

Is it more influence, power and reach you desire? Greater impact?


You’ll never be last
Can you last through the pain and struggle?
Can you channel your pain to gain the trouble?
Stay firm, stay staunch
You’re still on top // moon rocket launch!


Never Expect Thanks

Do things because you must, not expecting or desiring praise or “helping” others.

Phones aren’t good enough for me.

For the work I do, phones aren’t good enough. Phones cannot keep up with me, even the most powerful iPhone Pro.

True heavyweights require the most power– laptop.

Phones not powerful enough. Processor in phones are too weak.

Always use the technology which is strong enough and powerful enough for you.

Get rid of your phone, just live on your laptop?

Buy the cheapest iPhone (SE), and just use that additional money for a more powerful MacBook Pro laptop.

Reveal, Conceal.

Photography as a tool to reveal hidden details, through exposure compensation (making your exposure darker, or brighter).

Waist Size

Slimmer waist, in praise of wearing jeans with belt buckles (to track your waist size), or wearing tighter fitting shorts.

The ideal:

Slim waist, great and big muscles.

Technology Philosophy

How to deal with the relentless march of technology:

For example, how is it that my new iPhone SE ($429) is faster than my older MacBook Pro, which had a maxed out processor just a few years ago and cost over $2,000?

The *Feeling* of Growth

This is what brings us the most happiness and pleasure in life?

For example, the feeling that my body, muscles are growing and getting bigger and stronger.

For example the day or two after I have had an intense workout, and ate a bunch of meat the night prior, and had great sleep— the feeling that my back, traps and wings are growing bigger and expanding.

Forcing Yourself

Are you forcing yourself out of your own account, or are you forcing yourself out of some sort of external expectation?


Delay responding, acting, and buying something for as long as humanly possible. 99.9% of time, time will offer you great insight, wisdom, and importance.

The Great Equalizer

iPhone SE is a game changer. Why? Because it is the great equalizer. I like the idea if there was a photography competition in which all the participants were only allowed to use iPhone SE’s.

Now, anybody, regardless of how poor they are, can afford a great phone, computer, camera and video capturing device.

Now, can we do the same thing with cars, homes, and standalone digital cameras?

Character Building

We don’t like to inherit characters, already leveled up and pre-equipped. No, we prefer to start from scratch, and build a character ourselves.

For example an observation: Seneca doesn’t like it when I already pre-arrange all the rocks for him. He throws them back into the pile, and then takes out the rocks that he personally likes himself.

Mature vs Immature

Don’t blame people for who they are — many of them are simply immature (not yet fully mentally or soulfully developed, lack of life experiences, discovering oneself, etc.).

Clever Solution

I don’t desire the best, but perhaps the most innovative and clever solution?

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