
How and Why I Started a COVID-19 Corona Virus Photography Project

You don’t gotta do as I do, but let me explain why I am doing what I am doing:

1. For history


Thucydides wrote in his history:

I am writing this because I find this a hugely epic moment in history, and I hope this history will benefit future generations of humanity.

Similarly — I am doing the same. I am not just a photographer– I am the future historical photographer. I am literally documenting and making history, as I am living THROUGH history.

2. To lessen fear.

Obviously COVID-19 is a big deal, but I don’t think we should be as afraid as we should. Why? Fear-feeds, and fear-porn propagated by the media to maximize their dollars.

Honestly, we as humans have gone through 100000x worse events in history. Thus I think because most of us haven’t really experienced any sort of war-time situation, we are reacting the only way we can react — with wide-spread fear.

3. To discover the truth for myself.

To make photos and street photos is very sociological. I see myself more like a street sociologist than a ‘street photographer’. Now all these photos I’m shooting — I am more interested in the sociological aspect of things, than making it super ‘artsy-fartsy’.

Chatting with Amazon Delivery Woman

For example: Amazon Prime, workers, delivery services, and people who still gotta work (in the streets).

4. Joy

My message:

Regardless of the pain and suffering in life, being alive (even in fear and turmoil) is 10000x better than never being born!

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