SOCIAL DISTANCING. Very interesting. Why? It is going to change how humans interact with one another for a very long time…
We have always been socially distant
Consider, if you’re physically with friends and everyone is on their phone, you’re socially distant. Metaphorically speaking.
Social distancing happens via technology. Now there is a viral pandemic, social distancing is affecting society in an interesting way. My thought:
In some ways, we are actually becoming kinder to our neighbors, waving hello to them.
We are becoming more PHYSICALLY DISTANT, but more emotionally close to others.
What will the future society look like?
Or how SHOULD future society SHOULD be?
This is our primary interest in sociology. The sociologist thinks:
What is the ideal society? How should we structure society, and what is the final end for society?
My thought:
Society as a MEANS for the individual to become great, and share his/her greatness with the rest of society, to propel the human race forward and upward!
Shouldn’t we only care for our friends, family, and local collective? Maybe nation? But beyond this — what role or duty do we got in terms of being “close” and “caring for” others?
Or in other words:
How far should we extend the notion of a ‘neighbor’?