6 Daily Photography Exercises

We must exercise everyday to be in peak health and strength. Shouldn’t we do the same with our photography?

1. Diagonal composition

Connect the diagonal line to the corner of one of the edges of the frame, and have the subject (like a tree) at the ending point of the Fibonacci Spiral:

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Keep it super simple:

You can also practice diagonal compositions when photographing your loved ones:

2. Look up!

When you’re walking, occasionally look up! Shoot with your camera pointing directly upwards, to make a more dynamic composition.

3. Photograph the light

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Just practice shooting light which looks beautiful to you! Use -1 or -2 exposure compensation for more drama:

4. Photograph textures

Just look for simple textures, and this is a tip:

Touch the texture before you photograph it! 

This will better help you integrate your memory with the photo. And perhaps there is also some sort of sensory connection between our fingers able to feel textures and our intelligence or creative power?

5. Analyse photos you love

To improve your photography isn’t just shooting photos. It is studying great photography masters from the past, and trying to analyze and dissect their photos. 

For example a arabesque composition I love from Robert Capa:

6. Look at your old photos

Don’t just focus on shooting new photos. Look at your old photos, and keep curating them!

For example, some photos form my ONLY IN AMERICA series:

Conclusion: Embrace the Flux

As photographers we are constantly in a state of becoming. We are constantly changing, evolving, and growing (and atrophying in certain ways).

Embrace this steam of constantly becoming as a photographer! 

Shoot on! 


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