Creative Everyday by HAPTIC

You Are Creative: CREATIVE EVERY DAY Flash Sale

Creative Everyday by HAPTIC
Creative Every day by HAPTIC

Our mission at team HAPTIC is to respark your creative spirit, and for you to reach your artistic potential.

As a special offer for you for the holiday season, every purchase over $50 in the HAPTIC SHOP will receive a FREE copy of CREATIVE EVERY DAY MOBILE EDITION (only for a limited time until supplies last or December 23, 2017).

How to redeem your special limited time offer:

  2. Enter coupon code “creativeeveryday” at checkout. Purchase subtotal must be over $50 (includes price of Creative Every Day Mobile).

Am I creative?

The problem with the term ‘creative’ is that you are told:

You are either born creative, or not.


To be creative is not synonymous with an intrinsic character trait or the possession of some absolute value of talent, imagination, and skill.

Our definition of creativity:

> It is a state of being, of creating, making, building, wondering.

Start small, and think of creativity as little attempts or experiments:

  1. Make a self-portrait.
  2. Write a poem with your photographs.
  3. Print, cut, glue your photographs into a notebook.
  4. Make a photo slide show.

HAPTIC Tools for Creating

HAPTIC PRESS Box Bundle: Street Notes, Film Notes, Photo Journal
HAPTIC PRESS Box Bundle: Street Notes, Film Notes, Photo Journal
  1. FREE Creative Every Day Mobile Edition with your purchase over $50. Only for a limited time until December 23, 2017. Add CREATIVE EVERY DAY MOBILE EDITION to your cart and enter coupon code “creativeeveryday” at checkout.
  2. Write, glue, draw in your HAPTIC ARTBOOK
  3. Push your photography to the next level with photo assignments in STREET NOTES, reflections in PHOTO JOURNAL, try film photography with FILM NOTES.
  4. Follow Eric Kim’s photography assignments and lectures on the Eric Kim Photography Youtube Channel
  5. Essays on Photography and Creativity by Eric Kim

How to Be Creative Every Day

The Beauty of “Creative Constraints” in Photography

How to Have More Creative Confidence in Your Photography

10 Tips How to Unleash Your Creativity in Street Photography

How to Respark Your Passion For Photography


Our Mission: Empowerment through Creativity and Education

We believe that creativity and making things empowers us all. It helps us to think and dream big. To play and wonder. We also believe that education is the key to empowerment for the youth, and for all of us.

If you are an educational institution, after school program, learning club, adult learning center or any other group interested in using HAPTIC books to empower — contact Cindy at for special educational discounts.

Books we recommend:

For example, in 2010 the community helped donate cameras for underprivileged high school students in LA. Photography was a tool of empowerment, and inspired many of these students to stretch their creative wings. We have also worked with other schools to supply special discounted photography books for their art classes and after school programs.

Interview with Cindy Nguyen: On Art and Making Stuff


HAPTIC INDUSTRIES: Creative Tools For Photographers


Learn more about HAPTIC >

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