We live in a phenomenal time for photography. Photography is essentially free, universal and open to all, and can empower anybody with a phone.

I’m quite interested in the economics of Universal Basic Income. But I have no idea how it would work.
But I thought and realized… we ALREADY have “universal basic photography” for the masses. Anyone with a phone and the VSCO app can make phenomenal photos.

To me, the reason this is incredible is because I see photography as the best form of self-therapy, and self-empowerment in art.

Just think about it… anyone can buy a good phone with a good camera now. If you want an iPhone you can buy an unlocked iPhone for only $399 (iPhone SE). You can process your photos for free with VSCO or Snapseed. If you want a bigger device to look at your photos, you can buy an iPad for $330.

To me, we are all photographers. Of course there are certain photographers who are better than others, but the way I see it… photography has ultimate “open access” to everyone in the world.
You don’t need to “earn your stripes” to become a photographer. If you have a passion for making visual images and documenting your life and the lives of others… you are ALREADY a photographer. Yes, your mom with her phone camera is a photographer too.

What does it mean?

Well, assuming that anyone with a phone is a photographer… consider all the great opportunities.
You have a great future for entrepreneurship and business in photography.
Or it means that you don’t need to be rich to make good photos. The only that differentiating your photos from others is how visually skilled you are, how hungry you are to learn and improve.

You can improve your photography. And access to making photos is open and free. You can read the free articles or books on this site.
You got no more excuses
Of course there will always be a gap and divide between those with the newest iPhone camera and the older models. But to be frank, at this point, all new basic phone cameras are good. So at this point, the playing field is level and fair.
Which means, as individuals, we can no longer make excuses for not being able to make good photos… because our camera is not “good enough”.
You might not have the best and newest iPhone but know that your basic phone camera can make good photos. Perhaps have pride in shooting with a shittier camera.
How to make better photos? Easy:
- Make strong, dynamic compositions.
- Capture hand gestures, eye contact, and emotions in your photos.
- Put your soul into your photos by documenting what is truly important to you.

The best camera is a phone:
- Portfolio: Phone Photography by ERIC KIM
- Why You Should Subscribe to VSCO X Paid Service
- Phone Street Photography Tips
- How to take Better Photos on Your Phone
- Is iPhone a real camera?
- The Holy Grail of Photography
- 10 Reasons Why Your Smartphone is the Best Camera
- The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to iPhone/Smartphone Photography
- 7 Benefits of Shooting Street Photography With a Smartphone
- What if Smartphones Had The Same Image Quality as DSLR’s?
- My Experience Shooting Street Photography With A Smartphone vs Medium-Format
- Why the 4’’ iPhone SE Will Revolutionize Photography
- In Street Photography, The Smaller the Camera, the Better
- 10 New Tips How to Master Shooting Street Photography With the iPhone
- 3 Reasons Why You Should Use the iPhone 5 For Street Photography by Mike Avina