Shot on phone. Mexico City, 2016. Processed with VSCO with a6 preset. Zoomed in.
Shot on phone. Mexico City, 2016. Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Phones are the best cameras for photography.

Some tips:

  1. If you have iPhone, use the “Procamera” app, and shoot with the full screen trigger. Also lock exposure on a white t shirt, or a highlight (thanks to @OGGSIE and Misho for the tip).
  2. Shoot a shit load: Photos on your photos are free. Backup your photos on Google Photos app for free. Shoot 1,000 photos in a day, and choose your 1 favorite photo, and publish it or share it.
  3. Use VSCO: best mobile photography editing app. I’m a big fan of A6 preset. Honestly, a lot of my phone photos processed in VSCO looked better than medium-format film.
  4. If you have a shitty camera phone process your photos in black and white high contrast. The grain and grit will look nice.
  5. Shoot in airplane mode. Don’t let your camera phone you (thanks to Brendan O’ Sea for the tip).
  6. Follow great phone photographers like Aik Beng Chia, OGGSIE, Misho Baranovic, Josh White, Jinhao, Brendan O’Se, Sheldon Serkin, Daniel Arnold. Check out the #wearethestreet collective for more inspiration.
  7. Study the masters of photography, and apply composition rules to your phone photos.
  8. Shoot during golden hour (sunrise, sunset) for more beautiful colors.
  9. Use the phone flash for more saturated colors.
  10. Join STREET CLUB on ERIC KIM FORUM for inspiration, and buy STREET NOTES MOBILE EDITION for inspiration on the go.
Garden Grove, 2015. Shot on a LG G4
Garden Grove, 2015. Shot on a LG G4

The best camera is a phone:

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