Dear friend,
I think a lot of us are trying to find more meaning and purpose in our lives– and using photography as a tool for self-knowledge and discovery.
I. Crowd sourcing my self esteem.
My biggest problem was I tried to find fulfillment in my photography by seeking affirmation in my photography from others via social media — via how many favorites I got on Flickr, Likes on Facebook and Instagram, and page views on this blog.
I “quantified” my progress in my photography through these superficial markers of “success”. But no matter how many likes I got, I never felt fulfilled.
II. Do I like my own photos?
I found true fulfillment in my photography when I started to make photos for myself.
For example, before sharing any photo now, I look at it and ask myself:
Do I like my own photo?
My new rule: never share a photo that I personally don’t like.
III. Deleting my Instagram was the best thing I ever did.
One thing that helped me care less about what others thought of me and my photos was stopping to use social media. I deleted my Instagram. Now I follow my own gut whether the photos are good or not, instead of whether I optimized posting my 1 photo a day, precisely at noon pacific time.
No longer being a slave to social media, I feel more freedom and happiness. Photography blogging is the best. I recommend you to start one by paying for it, about $10 a month on and You can be more creative, by customizing your photos with text, videos, and audio. You can post multiple photos, in whatever order you want.
You will be happier as a photographer, because you have more freedom how to display your photos.
In Instagram and Facebook, you are trapped. You have to only display photos however the platform dictates. You cannot change the order of your photos in Instagram; they are shown in reverse chronological order (newest photos at the top).
IV. I don’t like being a slave to social media.
My other gripe about social media is that you cannot disable whether you see likes, or comment, or not. That is less personal freedom.
I’m a fan of VSCO and their mobile sharing platform, at least the interface is more focused on sharing your work, than trying to become a slave to get more likes or comments or followers.
V. Welcome to STREET CLUB.
I found more fulfillment in photography by building communities. For example, Cindy and I made the ERIC KIM FORUM; a new home for photographers, to get honest feedback on photos, and a community of mutual learning– not just getting pointless likes and more followers.
Enroll in STREET CLUB >
I also found more personal fulfillment, shooting photos of Cindy, and those I love. I also started to find more fulfillment by making more self portraits of myself, “artistic selfies”. I like the idea:
VI. Make meaningful photos even in a boring suburb.
Also, I found more fulfillment photographing everyday life, even not street photos, instead of wanting to always shoot in an urban area. I also care less about traveling now for the sake of it. Which means, I can make meaningful photos even in the suburbs, at a Costco, or In and Out burger.
VII. Make more photos.
I also care less about the photography equipment I use. Of course I still care, but I just care less.
Which means, less worries about my camera, and more focus on making photos that are meaningful to me.
VIII. Program mode is great.
Also, caring less about technical settings has helped me. For example, I just shoot all my digital photos on center point autofocus, auto high ISO, program (P) mode. I just point and click. Or, I just:
Set it and forget it!
Also now, I doubt myself less. I just do it like Nike:
Don’t over-think your photography. Follow your gut and intuition. I see street photography as a zen meditative experience, to stop thinking and to channel your inner child.
Of course, these are my personal remedies to finding more personal meaning in my photography.
To find more personal meaning in your photography, I recommend picking up a copy of PHOTO JOURNAL; to journal about why you make photos, and for whom you shoot your photos for. PHOTO JOURNAL won’t make you a better photographer, but it will make you a more self-reflective photographer. And I created PHOTO JOURNAL with Cindy, as a guide that I wish I had five years ago.
XII. Do you like your own photos?
To sum up, always ask yourself whether you like the photo or not before sharing it.
Because if you don’t like the photo, why try to fool others?
Be strong,
Personal Photography
Find more purpose in your photography:
- How to Find Your Purpose in Photography
- 3 Tips I Would Give Myself if I Started Photography All Over Again
- How I Photograph
- Photos Should Represent Life; Life Shouldn’t Represent Photos
- How to Photograph Self-Portraits of Yourself
- What Legacy Do You Want to Leave as a Photographer?
- Love Who You Photograph and Photograph Who You Love
- The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Personal Photography
- The “Personal Photography” Manifesto
- How to Find Your Style in Photography
- On Photographing Your Loved Ones
- Living is More Important than Photographing
- What is Your Personal Photography Philosophy?
- I Photograph Not For the Many, But For You
- Photograph What You Feel, and Feel What You Photograph
- Stay True To Your Own Style
- Do You See Yourself in Your Own Photos?
- Shoot For the Few, Not the Many
- Marvel at Nobody But Yourself
- How to Avoid Mediocrity in Your Personal Photography
- Be Your Own Harshest Critic
- How to Come Up With a Personal Photography Project Idea
- A Photographer’s Search For Meaning
- Nobody Wants to Look at Your Photos
- The Beauty of Being a Beginner Photographer
- Shoot different.
- Shoot What You Like
- What I Learned Photographing My Own Wedding
- How to Find Your Passion in Photography
- Find out What to Photograph, Not How
- Why Do You Take Photos?
- Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself
- Do You Like Your Own Photos?
- Simple Contentment
- The Cindy Project
- The Things That Matter Most
- The Point Isn’t to Be a Good Photographer, But to Enjoy Life
- How to Make More Interesting Photos
- Social Media 4.0
- Express Yourself
- Why Backup Your Photos?
- How to Overcome Disappointment in Your Photography
To learn more, Start Here >